Exercícios adicionais
Marque a alternativa correta:
1. The Olympic Committee prohibits the use of…
a. Popcorn
b. Caffeine
c. French fries
2. In 1674 a group of women in London signed a
petition against coffee because…
a. It was too expensive.
b. It was unhealthy.
c. Their men spent too much time in coffee
3. The world's biggest coffee producer is…
a. Colombia
b. Brazil
c. Turkey
4. The most expensive coffee in the world is…
a. Robusta, made with poppy seed.
b. Black Ivory, taken from elephant's waste.
c. Arabica, made with jasmine oil.
5. Irish Coffee is made with a bit of…
a. Whiskey
b. Gin
c. Wine
6. A Barista is a professional who…
a. Works behind bars.
b. Makes cocktails in a bar.
c. Makes coffee.
7. Bach was the musician and a coffee lover who
a. The opera "Coffee Cantata"
b. The "Coffee Waltz"
c. The "Empty Cup Blues"
8. Agatha Christie, the famous British mystery
writer, wrote a novel called…
a. The Coffee Code
b. Black Coffee
c. Fifty Shades of Brown
9. The coffee filter was invented in Dresden
(Germany), in 1908, by the housewife…
a. Mercedes Benz
b. Melitta Bentz
c. Melitta Schmidt
10. "Cappuccino" gets its name from…
a. A religious order of coffee-making nuns.
b. The color of Capuchin friar's habits.
c. An Italian espresso machine.
Escreva Y (Yes) ou N (no) ao final das afirmativas:
11. The Turks introduced coffee to Italy. The Italian
word "caffe" comes from the Turkish word "kahve".
12. If Turkish husbands didn't provide their wives
with enough coffee, they (the wives) could file for
13. Caffeine makes you sleep.
14. Fortune-telling over the remains of a cup of
Turkish coffee is a very old practice.
15. Decaffeinated coffee is sold mostly during
Traduza as seguintes frases para o Português:
16. I drink a cup of black coffee every morning.
17. Coffee is a fruit! A coffee bean is the pit from inside the red fruit of the coffee plant.
18. Latte, Espresso, Cappuccino and Macchiato are all types of drinks made with coffee.
19. Are you having a latte or an espresso?
20. We are tasting a new brand of filtered coffee.
Resolva estas cruzadinhas em inglês:
Resolva este caça-palavras:
1. b; 2.c; 3.b; 4.b; 5.a; 6.c; 7.a; 8.b; 9.b; 10.b.
11.Y; 12.Y; 13.N; 14.Y, 15.N.
16. Eu bebo uma xícara de café preto todas as manhãs.
17. Café é uma fruta! Um grão de café é o caroço dentro da fruta vermelha do cafeeiro.
18. Latte, Espresso, Cappuccino e Macchiato tão todos tipos de bebidas feitas com café.
19. Vocês estão tomando um latte ou um espresso?
20. Estamos provando uma nova marca de café filtrado.

Coffee - Kantoo