GRUPO 4 – TIPO A L.I.– 1 LÍNGUA INGLESA Questões de 01 a 06 Read the text carefully. Then answer the questions about it. 01. Complete the text with the following missing words: BEFORE – BUT – FOR – THAT – WHERE 1 ______________________________ 2 ______________________________ 3 ______________________________ 4 ______________________________ 5 ______________________________ Can Rio's Crime Problem Be Solved Before the Olympics? By Andrew Downie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Just two weeks ago, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said between delirious sobs in Copenhagen that the International Olympic Committee's decision to award the 2016 Olympic Games to Rio de Janeiro was a vindication of Brazil's social and economic advances. 1 the elephant in the room was the precarious security situation in the once great city, now fallen into decay, and that elephant made its presence felt on Oct. 17. At least 14 people were killed and eight more were injured after violent shoot-outs between rival drug gangs careened out of the favela slums and into neighboring communities. In the most spectacular incident, three officers were killed after gangsters shot down a police helicopter. 10 The day of violence — a school got hit in the cross fire and more than 10 buses 11 were torched — has underscored the challenge of creating a secure environment for 12 hundreds of thousands of foreign tourists in a state 2 close to 6,000 people are 13 killed each year, more than 1,000 of them by police. The homicide rate in Rio had been 14 falling in recent years, but it is on the rise again. And authorities, acutely aware that last 15 weekend's violence occurred in the Olympic spotlight, didn't sound exactly reassuring. 16 1º Vestibular UFOP 2010 GRUPO 4 – TIPO A L.I. – 2 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 "We told the International Olympic Committee that this is not easy, and they know that," Rio Governor Sergio Cabral said. "We don't want just to be ready for special days — for that we can put 40,000 police on the streets. I told them we want to get to 2016 and have a peaceful Rio de Janeiro before, during and after the Games." Recent attempts at community policing in at least two favelas, including one in the heart of the touristy South Side, have given Cabral some grounds for optimism. By stationing officers inside the community rather than just storming it at the first signs of trouble, police have gained a measure of confidence and credibility among residents. But the program has been limited, and the task ahead remains enormous. Out of Rio's more than 1,000 favelas, the so-called Pacifier Police Divisions have been introduced in just four — authorities lack either the resources or the manpower to implement them all across the city, and they have resisted root-and-branch reforms of police forces 3 are unprofessional, corrupt, poorly paid and poorly armed in comparison to the drug gangs they face. The final IOC report made little mention of the security situation other than to euphemistically note that the city "faces public security challenges." FIFA, 4 its part, declared that Brazil's "authorities have the know-how and resources to improve the situation before 2014, and would have the determination to manage it during the 2014 FIFA World Cup." 5 the Games and the World Cup were awarded, Rio officials played down the security angle, and they were delighted at the willingness of the IOC and FIFA to turn a blind eye to the problem. Now, though, they are the ones who are left to deal with the problem. Last weekend was a reminder that, tough as it may be to meet the tight schedule for building the stadiums and the public-transportation infrastructure that is required to host these events, that may turn out to be the easy part. (Disponível em: <,8599,1931162,00.html>. Acesso em: 24 Out. 2009. Texto adaptado.) 02. Find the reference for the following words in the text: a) its (line 6) _______________________________________ b) it (line 14) _______________________________________ c) them (line 19) _______________________________________ d) them (line 29) _______________________________________ e) they (line 39) _______________________________________ 1º Vestibular UFOP 2010 GRUPO 4 – TIPO A L.I.– 3 03. Find the following information in the text: a) Two characteristics of the police forces in Rio: ____________________________________________________________________ b) Cabral’s security purpose: ____________________________________________________________________ c) Number of slums in Rio: ____________________________________________________________________ d) The number of people injured in Rio on October 17: ____________________________________________________________________ e) The ones who shot down a police helicopter: ____________________________________________________________________ 04. Match the phrases with the appropriate explanation below. a) the elephant in the room (line 4) b) Olympic spotlight (line 15) c) root-and-branch reforms (line 29) d) the know-how (line 34) e) tight schedule (line 41) ( ) The appropriate knowledge to accomplish a task. ( ) A problem that was hidden or had not been mentioned earlier. ( ) Very short time to execute many constructions. ( ) Great attention paid to Olympic Games recently. ( ) Radical, complete transformations in an organization. 1º Vestibular UFOP 2010 GRUPO 4 – TIPO A L.I. – 4 05. Write T for true or F for false: a) ______ Hundreds of thousands of foreign tourists are expected for the Olympics in Rio. b) ______ FIFA is positive about security solutions for Rio before 2014. c) ______ Cabral’s program in Rio has been a complete success. d) ______ Police forces in Rio have been good enough to resist drug gangs. e) ______ Providing the required infrastructure for both events does not seem to be the hardest challenge. 06. Answer the following question in Portuguese: What is the author’s point of view in terms of security in Rio by 2016? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 1º Vestibular UFOP 2010 GRUPO 4 – TIPO A L.P.L.B.– 5 LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA E LITERATURA BRASILEIRA Questões de 07 a 12 Leia as charges a seguir para resolver as questões propostas. I. (Jornal O Povo (CE). Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 22 Set. 2009.) II) (Jornal A Cidade (Rio Preto). Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 22 Set. 2009.) 1º Vestibular UFOP 2010 GRUPO 4 – TIPO A L.P.L.B. – 6 07. As duas charges, apesar de abordarem o mesmo tema, satirizam fatos distintos. Explicite a sátira apresentada pela charge número I e aquela apresentada pela charge número II. 1º Vestibular UFOP 2010 GRUPO 4 – TIPO A L.P.L.B.– 7 08. O autor da charge número I, no intuito de satirizar o fato e provocar o humor, explora a intertextualidade e estabelece semelhanças entre Collor e Sarney. A) Como a intertextualidade foi explorada pelo chargista na construção do texto? B) O uso do grau comparativo aplicado ao termo “imortal”, presente na fala de Collor, somente pode ser admitido atribuindo-se ao termo o sentido de “difícil de ser derrotado”. Comente a incompatibilidade entre o intensificador “mais” e o adjetivo “imortal” e o papel do deslocamento de sentido proposto pelo autor na construção do sentido da charge. 1º Vestibular UFOP 2010 GRUPO 4 – TIPO A L.P.L.B. – 8 09. Na charge número II, notam-se os comentários silenciosos acerca da eleição de Collor para integrar a Academia Alagoana de Letras. A) Que elemento da linguagem não-verbal comprova que os comentários eram feitos à revelia de Collor? B) Qual a reação dos interlocutores acerca da eleição de Collor para integrar a Academia Alagoana de Letras? Que elementos da charge lhe permitiram chegar a essa resposta? 1º Vestibular UFOP 2010 GRUPO 4 – TIPO A L.P.L.B.– 9 10. Leia o trecho abaixo, extraído de Os Ratos, de Dyonélio Machado. “Naziazeno vai como que “a reboque”. Todo o seu corpo tem uma fadiga, um cansaço, um desânimo... Quando se lembra da sua revolta em “transigir”... Ele agora já visa uma coisa qualquer que o salve do vexame de chegar em casa com as mãos abanando [...]” (p. 88). Nessa passagem, grande parte da ação é descrita no presente do indicativo, tempo que é também o predominante na narrativa do livro como um todo. Explique qual a função desse recurso na organização do romance, articulando-o com a atitude do narrador em relação à busca desesperada do protagonista. 1º Vestibular UFOP 2010 GRUPO 4 – TIPO A L.P.L.B. – 10 11. Leia o trecho abaixo, transcrito de Os dous ou o inglês maquinista. “Alberto: Oh, minha ausência, minha ausência! Negreiro: A mim não me matarás! Safa, em suma. Alberto: A que cenas vim assistir eu em minha casa!” Explique quem é Alberto no contexto da ação da peça e qual o papel que ele irá desempenhar em seu desfecho. 1º Vestibular UFOP 2010 GRUPO 4 – TIPO A L.P.L.B.– 11 12. “Esses adeuses que caíam pelos mares, declamatórios, a pregar sua amargura, emudeceram; já não há tempos nem ecos. Perdeu-se a forma dos abraços. De ar é a lousa dos cemitérios: um suspiro momentâneo. De ar esses mortos – que eram de ar enquanto vivos. De ar, este mundo, esta presença, este momento, estes caminhos sem firmeza. Dos adeuses que vamos sendo – ó ramos de ossos, flor de cinzas! – é que morremos – e num lúcido segredo – sabemos, ouvindo – atravessados de evidências – que somos de ar, de adeuses de ar...E tão de adeuses que já nem temos mais despedidas.” Este último poema de Solombra começa com a evocação da dor da separação pela morte para fixar-se, em seguida, no caráter transitório de toda vida humana. Duas imagens distintas marcadas pelo mesmo traço simbólico repetem-se ao longo das estrofes e são, afinal, reunidas numa só. Identifique essas imagens e seu caráter simbólico, acrescentando um comentário sobre o desenvolvimento que recebem ao longo do poema. 1º Vestibular UFOP 2010