Is the Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner
Clibanornis rectirostris (Wied, 1831)
(Passeriformes: Furnariidae) a typical gallery
forest species endemic to the Cerrado region?
ISSN 1981-8874
9 771981 88 700 3
Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos1,2,
Luiz Gabriel Mazzoni2, Alyne
Perillo2, Thiago Oliveira e Almeida3,
Filipe Cristovão Ribeiro da Cunha 4,
Christian Regis da Silva 5,
Eduardo José Gazzinelli6
& Santos D’Angelo Neto 7
The Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner
(Clibanornis rectirostris) is considered
an endemic species of the Cerrado region, having a strong association with
gallery forests occurring in this morphoclimatic domain (Silva 1995, Betini
et al. 1998, Silva & Vielliard 2000, Faria et al. 2012).
Despite the finding of Marini (2001)
that the Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner is not sensitive to forest fragmentation and probably has the capacity to
cross unfavorable landscape matrices,
recent studies have suggested the species’ vulnerability based on its dependence on the highly impacted gallery
forests (Faria et al. 2012). Furthermore,
future range loss and shifts are expected due climate change (Marini et al.
Here, we present records of C. rectirostris in habitats not represented by
gallery forests of the Cerrado, including
the first observations in the Atlantic
Forest region. We also comment on the
species’ conservation based on these
new records.
Our records were made opportunistically while conducting several avifaunal surveys in the states of Minas Gerais and São Paulo, between the years
of 2001 and 2015. Whenever possible,
records were documented by photographs, recordings of vocalizations
and specimen collecting. Vocalizations
were deposited in the Arquivo Sonoro
Elias Coelho (ASEC), Rio de Janeiro,
and in the online database Xeno-canto
Figure 1. General aspect of two areas of arboreal caatinga where the Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner
was recorded at Riacho dos Machados, Minas Gerais. Photos: Thiago Oliveira e Almeida.
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02015.000518/2011-71; and SISBio permanent permit number 28301-1).
Records in other habitats not represented by gallery forests in the Cerrado
Figure 2. Specimens of Clibanornis rectirostris deposited in the Museu de Ciências Naturais,
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, from the following municipalities, from left
to right: Riacho dos Machados (MCNA-2753, 3583, 3584, 3587); Rifaina (MCNA-4230);
Belo Horizonte (MCNA-2441); Almenara (MCNA-1550, 1551). Photo: Letícia Ferreira Pedroso.
Figure 3. Specimen of Clibanornis rectirostris (DZUFMG-4101) from Felixlândia, deposited in the
Departamento de Zoologia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Photo: Letícia Ferreira Pedroso.
( Specimens were deposited in
the ornithological collection of Departamento de Zoologia
da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (DZUFMG, under
IBAMA permit number 228/2003, process 02015.020098/02)
and of the Museu de Ciências Naturais, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (MCNA, under IBAMA permits 126/2014, process 02001.002573/1999-42; 518/2012,
process 02015.004288/2011-19; and 089/2011, process
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Arboreal caatinga
In January and July 2013, during an
avifaunal survey conducted at Riacho
dos Machados municipality, northern Minas Gerais, in a transitional zone between
the Caatinga and the Cerrado, MFV, TOA
and CRS found C. rectirostris in typical
dry arboreal caatinga, without any watercourse or gallery forests (Figure 1). Four
specimens, two males and two females
(MCNA-2753, 3583, 3584, 3587 - Figure 2), were collected in two fragments
of arboreal caatinga (16o03’S, 43o08’W
and 16o04’S, 43 o07’W). The closest watercourse in the region is dry during the
major part of the year (usually between March and November), with running
water only in the rainy season, and it is
located c. 1.5 km from our record sites.
Nevertheless, both areas were represented by ravines, locally named barrancos.
Cerradão woodland
On 19 January 2004, MFV collected a
female specimen (DZUFMG-4101 - Figure 3) in a cerradão woodland at Fazenda Jacaré-Riachão (18o38’S, 45o05’W),
Felixlândia municipality, Minas Gerais
state. This area was represented by tall
typical cerradão trees of c. 8 m with
dense tangles of vines. Despite not being
close to any gallery forest, a small vereda palm grove occurred 500 m from the
collecting site.
On 10 January 2015, another female
(MCNA-4230 - Figure 2) was obtained
by MFV in a cerradão habitat in Rifaina municipality (20°00’S, 47°25’W), São
Paulo state. This site is physiognomically
very similar to that in Felixlândia and lacks any watercourse in its interior (Figure 4), despite being located near second-growth gallery forests of Rio Grande, c.
350 m from the collecting site.
Urban areas
On 17 December 2003, MFV observed and heard an individual of the Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner in an urbanized
site of Montes Claros municipality (16°44’S, 43°52’W). The
bird was recorded in the margin of a polluted river along
one of the most important avenues of the city. Vegetation is
represented by sparse trees, and the matrix is represented by
urban areas with asphalt roads and buildings.
The species was also recorded during
several months between 2010 and 2012
in an avifaunal inventory conducted at
the campus of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (19°55’S,
43°59’W), isolated in an urban matrix of
the large city of Belo Horizonte, in the
state of Minas Gerais (Vasconcelos et al.
2013). We estimated three individuals living in a small forest fragment of less
than 7 ha inside the campus. Vegetation
cover of this urban forest fragment is represented by semideciduous forest and
lacks riverine habitats. Nevertheless,
there are some natural barrancos in its
interior and a small artificial lake (Figure 5). In the MCNA there is a specimen
obtained from this area (MCNA-2441 Figure 2). Despite the majority of records having come from the forest fragment,
in a single occasion one individual was
observed when singing in the canopy of a
“castanheira” tree (Terminalia catappa)
in the urbanized area of the campus, 250
m away from the forest fragment. This
bird was chasing a Rufous Hornero (Furnarius rufus) that was perched in the
same tree.
Figure 4. General aspect of the cerradão where the Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner
was recorded at Rifaina, São Paulo. Photo: Luiz Gabriel Mazzoni.
Atlantic Forest fragments
Vocalizations of one individual of the
Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner were
heard by MFV and I. R. Lamas on 14
January 2001 in second-growth forest
on the left bank of Rio Suaçuí Grande
(18°21’S, 42°31’W), São Pedro do Suaçuí municipality, Minas Gerais. The
area was very degraded by selective logging and the presence of cattle, with a
very open understory. Nevertheless, there
were several ravines on the river margin.
The bird was vocalizing from a dense
clump of exotic bamboo (Bambusa sp.).
Between 22 and 30 December 2003,
SDN and MFV observed and heard an
individual of C. rectirostris in the property of Mr. Onofre Sandinha (17°08’S,
42°44’W), Leme do Prado municipality,
near the limits of the Acauã Ecological
Station. The area is represented by typical semideciduous Atlantic Forest (KaFigure 5. General aspect of the semideciduous forest fragment where the Chestnut-capped Foliagegleaner was recorded at Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Photo: Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos.
mino et al. 2008) holding several bird
species endemic to this domain (Vasconcelos & D’Angelo
On 10 July 2008, LGM and AP observed and heard an
Neto 2007, Carrara et al. 2013). The bird was seen foraindividual on the left bank of the Rio Piracicaba (19°58’S,
ging in the mid-stratum of the forest and on the ground. An
43°13’W), Rio Piracicaba municipality. The bird was foraadditional specimen (complete skeleton) of C. rectirostris
ging in the understory of a narrow strip of riparian vegeta(MCNA-1673) was collected close to this area by B. Garzon
tion. The surroundings of the area were composed by semideon 15 January 2006 in a nearby area at José Gonçalves de
ciduous forests on slopes and pastures (Figure 6). Barrancos
Minas municipality, although there is no indication of geowere present in the banks of the Rio Piracicaba, and also
graphic coordinates on its label.
along trails located within forested slopes.
Atualidades Ornitológicas, 185, maio e junho de 2015 -
Figure 6. General aspect of the riparian degraded vegetation where the Chestnut-capped Foliagegleaner was recorded at Rio Piracicaba, Minas Gerais. Photo: Luiz Gabriel Mazzoni.
42°57’W). The region possesses typical
semideciduous Atlantic Forest fragments
(Figure 7) interspersed with pastures and
second growth habitats. Barrancos were
very common in this area, either within
the forests or in forest edges and pastures.
On 17 March 2011 the species was recorded in a fragment of Atlantic Forest in
the municipality of Carlos Chagas, eastern Minas Gerais. EJG heard the vocalizations of four individuals in a riverine
forest on the right bank of the Rio Mucuri
(17°36’S, 41°02’W). The forest area was
very narrow, with open understory and a
small flooded area that was soaked with
the accumulated rain of the past days.
The surroundings of this forest were
composed of a dirt road and deforested
slopes with isolated shrubs.
On 13 April 2011, FCRC collected two
females, an adult and a juvenile (MCNA
1550, 1551 - Figure 2), in a fragment of
semideciduous forest in the municipality of Almenara, Minas Gerais (16°00’S,
40°36’W). This fragment is bordered by
pastures except on its southern portion,
where the area adjoins a dense formation
of Atlantic Forest with a small stream.
The site where the birds were collected is
approximately 800 m from a watercourse.
On 18 and 19 March 2014, CRS observed and heard the vocalizations of two
individuals in an Atlantic Forest fragment on the left bank of Rio Preto, municipality of Morro do Pilar, Minas Gerais (19°16’S, 43°33’W). This fragment
is characterized as semideciduous forest
surrounded by second growth and pastures (Figure 8).
Concluding remarks
Our records show that the Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner is not a specialist of the gallery forests of the Cerrado
region. Records from Carlos Chagas and
Almenara extend the species’ range eastward, almost to the boundaries of southern Bahia and northern Espírito Santo
states (Figure 9).
Records conducted in areas of arboreal
caatinga, far away from any watercourFigure 7. General aspect of the Atlantic Forest fragment where the Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner
was recorded at Dores de Guanhães, Minas Gerais. Photo: Luiz Gabriel Mazzoni.
se, but represented by barrancos, suggest
On 20 July 2010, LGM and AP observed and audio-recorthat this should be the most important resource for habitat
ded (ASEC 17036 and 17037, XC215506) two individuals in
selection by this species, since it depends on barrancos for
a clump of exotic bamboo (Bambusa sp.) in the left bank of
nesting (Faria et al. 2008). Another observation made in denthe Rio Guanhães (19°03’S, 42°52’W), in the municipality
se caatinga scrub (carrasco) was presented by Vasconcelos
of Dores de Guanhães, Minas Gerais. The species was also
et al. (2012) in the state of Bahia. It is also important to menregularly recorded in this region between 12 and 16 Januation that the four specimens collected at Riacho dos Machary 2011 and between 29 July and 3 August 2011, including
dos represent topotypes of Opetiorynchus rectirostris (baanother locality on the right bank of the same river (18°59’S,
sonym of Clibanornis rectirostris), since the area is located
Atualidades Ornitológicas, 185, maio e junho de 2015 -
in the northern Minas Gerais state, close
to the Bahia border, named “Campos Geraës” by Wied (1831). The holotype, a female housed in the American Museum of
Natural History (AMNH 5223), was collected in the nearby Serra Geral (15 o25’S,
42 o48’W) (LeCroy & Sloss 2000).
The species’ records in cerradão woodland, but close to gallery forests or vereda palm groves, two habitat types known to be used by this species (Silva &
Vielliard 2000, Tubelis 2009), show that
the Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner can
also use this kind of woodland typical of
the Cerrado region. Other typical forest
birds, including one which is also considered restricted to the gallery forests
from the Cerrado region, the Helmeted
Manakin (Antilophia galeata), were recorded in a cerradão woodland in the state of São Paulo (Cavarzere et al. 2011).
Detailed studies should be conducted in
this habitat type to check if these forest
Figure 8. General aspect of the Atlantic Forest fragment where the Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleaner
dependent species can use it sporadically
was recorded at Morro do Pilar, Minas Gerais. Photo: Thiago Oliveira e Almeida.
or if they are resident.
The species’ records in urbanized sites,
including a small fragment of semideciduous (not gallery) forest isolated for at
least 40 years, reinforces Marini’s (2001)
observations that it has low sensitivity to
forest fragmentation and/or a reasonable
capacity for dispersion. Other records of
this species in urban parks were previously reported by Franchin & Marçal (2004)
and Valadão et al. (2006a, b). In this context, some observations in urbanized sites
are probably related to dispersing individuals.
On the other hand, the species’ presence
in degraded areas or second-growth in the
Atlantic Forest region probably represents
a recent range expansion related to habitat
modification or climate change. Marini et
al. (2009), using the Maxent algorithm,
modeled future distribution ranges for 26
bird species endemic to the Cerrado (including C. rectirostris), predicting a general trend for range shift toward southeastern Brazil. The same research group also
presented another model, using GARP
algorithm, which predicted a present-day
potential distribution of C. rectirostris
Figure 9. Map showing the records of Clibanornis rectirostris in the present study (red dots).
in the same region of the Atlantic Forest
Municipalities are numbered as follows: 1 and 2 - Riacho dos Machados; 3 - Felixlândia; 4 - Rifaina;
where we made our records, but the au- 5 - Montes Claros; 6 - Belo Horizonte; 7 - São Pedro do Suaçuí; 8 - Leme do Prado; 9 - Rio Piracicaba;
10 and 11 - Dores de Guanhães; 12 - Carlos Chagas; 13 – Almenara; 14 – Morro do Pilar.
thors interpreted these results as a possible
error of their model, based on its unknown occurrence in this
tant to point out that a previous record of the Chestnut-capped
area (Corrêa et al. 2010). Thus, the present records in eastern
Foliage-gleaner from Serra dos Órgãos, in the Atlantic Forest
Minas Gerais can be related or not to climate change or defoof Rio de Janeiro state (Sick 1985: 515) was rectified as based
restation, but it is noteworthy that all records in the Atlantic
on a mislabeled specimen probably collected in western São
Forest were also represented by barrancos. It is also imporPaulo by Heinrich Reinisch (Pacheco 1992).
Atualidades Ornitológicas, 185, maio e junho de 2015 -
Finally, based on the present records and on the evident
recent range expansion of C. rectirostris eastward, we show
that the species is not a specialist of gallery forests. The species’ vulnerability, estimated by population size occurring
only in gallery forests of the Cerrado region (Faria et al.
2012), is erroneous and can lead to misdirected conservation
efforts that should be directed to species that really deserve
threatened status.
FCRC thanks CAPES for a research grant (“Ciência sem
Fronteiras”) during his Ph.D. work. Mr. Onofre Sandinha
allowed us to conduct surveys in his lands. Ivana Reis Lamas
accompanied MFV in São Pedro do Suaçuí. Letícia Ferreira
Pedroso took photographs of specimens deposited in DZUFMG and MCNA. Fernando Augusto Valério prepared the
map that illustrates Figure 9.
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Wied, M. Prinz zu (1831) Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte von Brasilien,
v. 3. Weimar: Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs.
Museu de Ciências Naturais, Pontifícia
Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais. Avenida
Dom José Gaspar, 290, Coração Eucarístico,
30535-901. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.
E-mail: [email protected]
Cacicus Consultoria Ambiental Ltda.
Avenida Prudente de Morais, 287, sala 506, Cidade
Jardim, 30380-000. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.
E-mail: [email protected]
Meu Animal Pet Shop Ltda. Rua dos Jatobás, 825,
Eldorado, 32315-110. Contagem, MG, Brasil.
E-mail: [email protected]
Anthropological Institute & Museum, University
of Zürich - Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190,
8057. Zürich, Switzerland.
E-mail: [email protected]
Rua Cleusa Maria da Silva, 125, Novo Santa
Cecília, 30626-505. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.
E-mail: [email protected]
Rua Iraí, 153, apartamento 2035, Cidade
Jardim, 30380-640. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.
E-mail: [email protected]
Departamento de Biologia Geral, Universidade
Estadual de Montes Claros. Avenida Rui Braga s/n o,
39401-089. Montes Claros, MG, Brasil.
E-mail: [email protected]

(Wied, 1831) (Passeriformes: Furnariidae)