Now in its 6th year with over 500 participants. This 5-day course gives practical training into exploratory and univariate analysis of ecological and environmental data. Statistics course: Analysing Biological and Environmental Data using Univariate Methods When and where: Highland Statistics Ltd. provides statistics courses at various places in Europe, South-America, Mexico, Africa and Canada. These courses are especially designed for biological and environmental scientists. Monday 3 April until Friday 7 April 2006, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Centro de Informática, Tapada da Ajuda, Lisboa, Portugal. The aim of the course is to give the participants sufficient statistical knowledge to apply the appropriate statistical techniques to their data, and give an interpretation of the results. The course provides: (i) a working knowledge of techniques which are commonly used in biology, (ii) an introduction to recently developed methods, (iii) a discussion of practical problems and solutions which cannot be found in standard statistical textbooks, and (iv) hands-on experience through application of the techniques on biological data sets, using statistical software on a computer. Hosted by: Dr. Maria Teresa Ferreira Dep. Engenharia Florestal, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Univ. Técnica de Lisboa, Tapada da Ajuda, 1349-017 Lisboa ([email protected]) and Dr. Henrique Cabral Instituto de Oceanografia, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa ([email protected]) Highland Statistics LTD. 6 Laverock road, Newburgh, Aberdeenshire, AB41 6FN, Scotland, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1358 788177 Mobile Tel.: +44 (0)7960 053461 URL: E-mail: [email protected] Key techniques: Generalised additive modelling (Poisson, binomial) Generalised linear modelling (Poisson, binomial) Linear regression Transformations (which one and why) Linear mixed modelling techniques Generalised least squares The price for the 5-day statistics course is as follows: Students: 300 Euros. Nonstudents: 400 Euros. The price includes a 1year Brodgar license ( for each participant and course material. The price does not include local accommodation. See for cancellation conditions. Pre-knowledge required: undergraduate level, basic statistics (normal distribution, hypothesis testing) You might well leave this course with a draft paper! This course contains three modules. The first module consists of essential data exploration techniques (keywords are outliers and transformations). The second module is univariate analysis. It includes linear regression (presented as a revision), generalised linear modelling and generalised additive modelling techniques, generalised least squares and mixed modelling. In the third module, course attendants will apply some of the methods on case studies and/or their own data sets. The first two modules also contain various computer exercises. Graphical exploration of the data. This step is often neglected, yet it is the most crucial part of a data analysis. It will assist in answering various questions: Are there outliers? Which data transformation should be applied? Are relationships linear? Are the data normal distributed? Do we need a standardisation? Univariate methods (regression, GLM, GAM, regression trees, mixed modelling). An important tool used in statistics is linear regression. Various basic linear regression topics will be explained from a biological point of view. We will discuss potential problems and show how generalised linear modelling (GLM) can be used to analyse count data or presence-absence data. Sometimes, linear regression and GLM models do not fit the data well enough. In such cases generalised additive modelling (GAM) can be used. Other useful methods are generalised least squares and mixed modelling; they can be used for time-series. All methods are explained in a nonmathematical context. The official language of the course is English. Pre-knowledge required: basic statistics (normal distribution, hypothesis testing, regression). Course material. The course material is based on: Zuur, AF, Ieno, EN and Smith, GM. (Forthcoming). The Analysis of Ecological Data. Springer-Verlag. 700 pages. Relevant chapters will be made available. Instructors. The course instructors are Dr. Alain F. Zuur and Dr. Elena Ieno. Dr. Zuur has worked as a statistician for various research institutes in Europe and has been involved in a wide range of projects related to marine biology, oceanography, chemistry, ecology, fisheries, etc. He specialises in multivariate analysis, time series analysis, GLM, GAM, regression trees, and mixed modelling techniques. Dr. Ieno is a marine biologist, who is interested in statistics. She is coauthor of the book “The Analysis of Ecological Data”. You can bring your own laptop, of you want! Statistics Course: Analysing Biological and Environmental Data using Univariate Methods FILL IN AND RETURN FORM TO: Prof. Maria Teresa Ferreira Dep. Engª Florestal Instituto Superior de Agronomia 1349-017 Lisboa Portugal Name Address Position Student Contacts Phone For more information: Phone: + 351 213653487 Fax: + 351 213645000 Method of Payment CREDIT CARD nº Signature Non-Student e-mail Check Nº bank Exp. date Bill me Payable to Associação para o Desenvolvimento do Instituto Superior de Agronomia