BRAZILIAN FOOD SCHOOL’S FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 1 Oliveira, Sabrina Leite; Camara, Fabiane Mendes ; Spoto, Marta 1,2 Helena Fillet; Gutierrez, Anita de Souza Dias ; Almeida, Gabriel 1 2 Vicente Bittencourt ; Costa, Aline Silvério CEAGESP- Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo. ESALQ/USP – Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”/ Universidade de São Paulo. Introduction: The Brazilian School Food Service (Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar – PNAE) provides meals for 47 million children every school day, 200 days a year, that must meet the children’s nutritional needs. The fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients, fibers, aromas, flavours, textures and shapes and are very important school food components. Every day, each student receives a minimum of 200 grams of fruits and vegetables. The states and municipalities authorities are responsible for its acquisition, preparation and serving. Fruits and vegetables have a very big value differentiation at the same day for the same product, variety, given their size and quality. The size and quality denominations are not clear. Objective: The public policy project, financed by FAPESP – Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (PROCESSO FAPESP 2010/52337-0), a partnership between São Paulo Terminal Market of CEAGESP and ESALQ – USP, is developing a tool to choose fresh fruits and vegetables best options in each time of the year: product, variety, size and minimal quality standard. Glaucinha Pior compra Compra regular Melhor compra Sazonalidade Janeiro Fevereiro Março Abril Maio Junho Julho Agosto Setembro Outubro Novembro Dezembro Berinjela Comum Berinjela Japonesa BBORGES2012 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Methodology: Featuring twenty fruits and vegetables used in school meals with all the information needed to decide which product to use, the minimum standard of quality and the most favorable period of use. Results and conclusions: They permit, with the same monetary value to double the amount of fruits and vegetables at the school meals and a much better usage of public resources. BBORGES2012 Políticas Públicas Processo 2010/52337-0