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In addition to being technically more achievable, it practically recreates the actual swallowing mechanism, but there are no reports in the literature of the risk of aspiration potentiating the occurrence of aspiration pneumonia during the exam (MELLOFILHO, et al, 2009). Objective: therefore, the objective of this study was to verify the occurrence of aspiration pneumonia after completion of a videofluoroscopy swallow study in high-risk children. Method: 16 children, between the ages of 6 months and 10 years, participated in the study. They were referred by the paediatrics sector, with complaints of dysphagia, for the completion of a videofluoroscopy swallow study. Before carrying out the exams the children were submitted to chest x-rays to rule out the possibility of previous pneumonia. Follow up exams were completed after one week for medical evaluations and speech and language clinical evaluations and the patients were referred for a chest x-ray to confirm any suspicions of pneumonia. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee for Research, under number 000025/2009, of the Tuiuti University of Paraná. For a classification of the degree of dysphagia, the Classification of Severity of Dysphagia by Videofluoroscopy of OTT et al., (1996) was used, in which the classes were: Normal, Light Dysphagia, Moderate Dysphagia and Serious Dysphagia. Results: of the respiratory symptoms before the exam, 2 patients displayed coughing with catarrh and breathing difficulties, 1 displayed fever and dry coughing and 1 displayed coughing with catarrh only. And regarding the patients who only displayed respiratory symptoms after completion of the exam, only 1 patient had aspirated material from the exam but with no positive diagnosis for pneumonia. Regarding the degree of dysphagia, there were 5 Normal children, 4 displayed Light Dysphagia, 2 presented Moderate Dysphagia and 5 presented Serious Dysphagia. While carrying out the exam, 7 patients displayed aspiration of a liquid consistency, and of these, 2 patients also displayed aspiration of a solid consistency, 4 displayed aspiration of both a pasty and a fine consistency and the remaining 5 displayed no aspiration. Conclusion: in the present study it can be concluded that among the population studied there was no occurrence of aspiration pneumonia after completion of the exams. Keywords: Swallowing affliction; Fluoroscopy; Aspiration pneumonia