Application of Ion Beam Analysis
Techniques to the Study of
Cultural Heritage Objects
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators
What is IBA?
• The IBA (Ion Beam Analysis)
techniques use a high energetic
beam of accelerated particles to
study the composition/quality of
different samples in a nondestructive way.
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators
What is IBA?
• The accelerated beam induce in the sample the
emission of secondary radiation or particles.
There is a specific IBA technique to study each one:
– PIGE (Proton-Induced Gamma Emission)
Ion Beam
X- Ray
– NRA (Nuclear Reaction Analysis)
– ERDA (Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis)
Gamma Ray
– RBS (Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry)
– PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Emission)
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators
What is IBA?
RBS and specially PIXE, with the possibility of using
an external beam, are ideally suitable for Cultural
Heritage studies.
Principal characteristics:
Non-destructive - low beam currents are used.
Possibility of puntual or scan analysis.
Short time needed for analysis.
The external beam is ideal for:
• big samples,
• fine samples (no vacuum is needed)
• not picking up samples
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators
PIXE, What for?
Restorers, Historians,
– Degradation degree
– Original materials used
or after restaurations
– Surface treatments
– Etc.
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators
PIXE for Coins/Jewellery
• Composition (gold, silver, copper, alloys…)
• Corrosion state
• Surface composition according with the
surrounding environment where they were
• Classification of the objects according the
– provenance (mines, workshops) identification,
– counterfeits selection,
– historical studies (manufacturing technologies,
commercial, etc)
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators
PIXE for Glasses, Stained Glass, etc
• Glass and pigments composition (Na, K, Fe,
Cu, Pb…)
• Surface composition according with the
surrounding environment (i.e. Humidity)
• Classification of the objects according the
– counterfeits selection,
– historical studies
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators
PIXE for Fabrics, Tapestries...
• Identify and evaluate the nature and the
conservation state of the fibres and
employed mordants by the Arraiolos dyers,
• Information on the composition, structure
and degradation processes,
• Fibres evaluation of the fibre,
• Surface, fracture morphology and mordant
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators
PIXE for Sculptures, Ceramics
• Pigments composition,
• Surface composition according with the
manufacture techniques
• Classification of the objects according the
– restoration,
– Conservation processes
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators
PIXE for Paintings
• Surface composition for a better and
adequate rehabilitation/restoration:
– organic / inorganic materials
– varnish composition / thickness
• Actual pigments composition
• Homogeneity
• Study the deterioration according with the
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators
PIXE for Manuscripts
• Ink composition according with the
• Degradation due to external agents
• Ink composition homogeneity
• Ink-parchment detection
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators
The Research Group is working in IBA techniques since
1982, using an 2,5 MV Van de Graaff. For PIXE experiments
an Oxord Microbeams - Ion microprobe with a lateral
resolution of 1,5 µm is used.
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators
External - PIXE at ITN
The external microbeam for PIXE experiments is available
since 2008. Since then, multiple studies in Cultural Heritage
have been performed in collaboration with Universties,
Examples: Arraiolos tapetries, Roman glasses, Monasterio da Batalha stained
glasses, jewelry, ceramics, etc.
Ion beam
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators
External-PIXE at ITN: Case Study
Arraiolos rug - 17th century - Portuguese Ancient Art National
Museum collection (MNAA).
Colour hues can be obtained by using
different mordants with the same dye.
Wool composition: S, Si, Ca and K;
2D elemental mapping by μ-PIXE of historical samples
Presence of Al due to a pre-mordanting
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators
PIXE at ITN: Other works
"Stained glass under the microprobe: a window into history", M. Vilarigues, P. Fernandes, L.C.
Alves e R.C. da Silva, Nuclear Instrum. and Methods, B, 267 (2009) 2260-2264.
"Stained glass from Monastery of Batalha: non-destructive characterization of glass and
paintings", P. Fernandes, M. Vilarigues, L.C. Alves e R.C. da Silva, J. of Cultural Heritage, 9, pp.
e5-e9 (2008).
“Rediscovering the materials of Arraiolos tapestries: fibre and mordant analysis by SEM- EDS
and μ-PIXE”, A. Manhita, C. Costa, T. Ferreira, J. Mirão, H. Vargas, I. Ribeiro, I. Seruya, T.
Pacheco, L. C. Alves, A. Candeias, Micros. Microanal, 14, pp.91-94, 2008
"Feixes de protões na análise de objectos de arte ou arqueológicos: microssonda de feixe
externo", P.A. Rodrigues, L.C. Alves, M. Vilarigues, G. Encarnação, R.C. da Silva
16.ª Conferência Nacional de Física, Caparica, Portugal, 3-6 de Setembro, 2008.
"Probing Roman Glasses with an External Beam", P.A. Rodrigues, L.C. Alves, G. Encarnação,
R.C. da Silva, 11th International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and
Applications, Debrecen, Hungary, 20-25 July, 2008.
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators
PIXE at ITN: Other works
"External beam analysis of Roman glasses", P.A. Rodrigues, L.C. Alves, G. Encarnação,
R.C. da Silva, PIXE 2007 – 11th International Conference on PIXE and its Analytical
Applications, Puebla, Mexico, May 25-29, 2007.
"EDXRF, Micro-PIXE and RBS Study of a "Pre-Columbian" Gold Artefact", P. Valério, L.C.
Alves, P.A. Rodrigues, A.M.M. Soares, M.F. Araújo, Technart 2007 – Microanalytical
Techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage Research, Sociedade Portuguesa de Física,
Lisboa, 25-28 April, 2007.
"External Microbeam end-station at ITN Nuclear Microprobe", L.C. Alves, P.A. Rodrigues,
M. Vilarigues, R.C. da Silva, ICNMTA 2006 – 10th International Conference on Nuclear
Microprobe Technology and Applications, Singapore, 9-14 July, 2006.
"Ion beam and Infrared analysis of medieval stained glass", M. Vilarigues e R.C. da Silva,
Applied Physics A, vol.79, 373-378 (2004).
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators
PIXE around the world
In the latter years PIXE technique is more used to study the
Cultural Heritage objects, alone or as a complementary
Others facitities are, for example:
• National Institute of Nuclear Physics, LABEC, Firenze, Italy
• Museums Research Laboratory of France. AGLAE, Louvre, France
• National Accelerators Centre, University of Sevilla, Spain
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators
PIXE at ITN: Team
The research group members are part of the
Physics and Accelerator Department of ITN.
• Luis C. Alves, Microprobe Responsible Researcher
[email protected]
• Rui M.C. da Silva, Principal Researcher
[email protected]
• Victoria Corregidor, Auxiliary Researcher
[email protected]
• Alexandra Rodrigues, Restorer
[email protected]
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators
Estrada Nacional 10, 2686-953 Sacavém - Portugal
Tel. +351-21-9946000 - Fax: +351-21-9550117
Technological and Nuclear Institute - Unit of Physics and Accelerators

Application of Ion Beam Analysis Techniques to the Study of