PODER JUDICIÁRIO ESTADO DO TOCANTINS CORREGEDORIA-GERAL DA JUSTIÇA COMISSÃO ESTADUAL JUDICIÁRIA DE ADOÇÃO International Adoption Policies and necessary documents to adopters: The international adoption of children and adolescents is the one made by foreigners. In Brazil, the process for international adoption imposes as a condition the approval of the qualification by the State Judiciary Commissions of Adoption, which are the competent organs responsible for keeping a centralized register of data about: foreign candidates and their evaluation concerning to honesty and moral status; children and adolescents available for international adoption; and authorized agencies of adoption. The interested adopters should look for a foreign organism (entity/association), accrediting by the Central Authority in their home country, to intermediate the international adoption, that should be accredited by the countries that have ratified The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption. A report will be drawn up and sent by the Central Authority in the adopter’s country to the State Central Authority in Brazil, with copy to Brazilian Federal Central Authority, and it will necessarily come with the following documents: a) Document issued by the competent authority of the adoptive parents’ residence, proving the ability to adopt according to the rules of their country; b) Biological and psychological study elaborated in the place of residence of the adoptive parents (article 50, § 1º of Brazilian Federal Law 8.069/90 ); c) Copy of the passport; d) Certificate of physical and mental sanity; e) Certificate of honesty and moral status; f) Criminal records; g) Certificate of residence; PODER JUDICIÁRIO ESTADO DO TOCANTINS CORREGEDORIA-GERAL DA JUSTIÇA COMISSÃO ESTADUAL JUDICIÁRIA DE ADOÇÃO h) Declaration of professional activity; i) Declaration of annual income; j) Marriage certificate, or birth certificate for single adoptive parent; k) Text of adoption laws of the adoptive parent’s residence country, with a prove of being in force; l) Handwriting declaration that the adoptive parents are aware of adoption being free (costless) in Brazil, signed by the adopter, with signature recognized (article 141, § 2º of Brazilian Federal Law 8.069/90 ); m) Declaration of being aware that adoption cannot be annulled in Brazil (articles 41 and 48 of Brazilian Federal Law 8.069/90 ); n) Declaration of awareness that the adopter must not establish any contact in Brazil with the child’s birth parents, or anyone else that may have the guard, before the certificate of qualification of CEJA-TO; (the State Judiciary Commission of Adoption in Tocantins) o) Prove of existing children, with the respective birth certificate; p) Photographs of the adopters, their family and house; q) Information about the desired profile related to the child or adolescent that one intends to adopt and about the interest or not in adoption of group of brothers and sisters. In cases of international adoption by foreign adoptive parents who live abroad, the living together stage must be placed in Brazil along no less than 30 days. In cases of international adoption by foreign adoptive parents who live in Brazil, the proceeding is the same as one made by a Brazilian adopter. The qualification by CEJA-TO/CEJAI is not necessary. It is important that the foreigner have prove of residence in national territory. It is relevant to say that all the foreign documents must be followed by a translation into Portuguese, made by a public or under oath translator. FEDERAL CENTRAL ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY (ACAF - Autoridade Central Administrativa Federal) PODER JUDICIÁRIO ESTADO DO TOCANTINS CORREGEDORIA-GERAL DA JUSTIÇA COMISSÃO ESTADUAL JUDICIÁRIA DE ADOÇÃO As Brazil is a country that have ratified the The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, of may 29th, 1993, it was integrated into the national law order by the Legislative Act nº 1, of January 14th, 1999, in attention to the article 6 of the Convention, it is responsible of the Federal Executive Power the destination of a Central Authority, responsible to make fulfill the obligations in the international pact. The Secretary of Human Rights of the Republic Presidency (SDH/PR – Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República) acts as the Federal Central Authority, in terms of the article 6 of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, of may 29th, 1993, approved by the Legislative Act nº 1, of January 14th, 1999, and by the Act 3087, of June 21st, 1999, to which should be directed all communication to be transmitted to the State Central Authorities and Federal District one. Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República Setor Comercial Sul - B, Quadra 9, Lote C, Edifício Parque Cidade Corporate, Torre "A", 8º andar, Sala 805-A Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil CEP: 70308-200 http://www.direitoshumanos.gov.br/aut_centr Contacts: General Coordinator – Patrícia Lamego: [email protected] Coordinator – Jeovan Silva: [email protected] Tecnical Assessor - Eleonora Dutra Carvalho: [email protected] International Adoption – Tecnical Assessor - Carolina Presser: [email protected] Fax: (61) 2025.3261