Locução do documentário Curitiba: a maior e melhor cidade do mundo. Obs: O roteiro foi originalmente escrito em inglês para o narrador gravar tudo de uma vez só. It’s early in the morning. The birds start to sing, the city finally wakes up. All the good people that live in here must wake up to get on with their lives. But, here in Curitiba, they will wake up with a unique feeling. Something that only the people who live in here can feel: to live in the best city in the world. Perhaps you may have the feeling that it is an exaggeration but you will understand that we have found many clear evidences that proves that indeed this is the best city in the world. Want an example? You like to get out form your home with your clothing looking and smelling great, don’t you? Here in Curitiba, the citizens have the best laundry in the world to help their lives. You might not believe in it, but the work of those women is the best in the world. Their artisanal way of cleaning the clothes and iron then is what guarantee the top quality at that matter. No more headaches with iron at home. Those girls manage that for you. And in the best way in the world. Only at the best city in the world, there’s an organized lined on a Sunday morning to see the local orchestra play. No, this is not Vienna or Berlin. It’s Curitiba. Shall we listen they play for a bit? No, you’re not dreaming. This is the public transportation of the city and yes, the music you hear is playing right inside it. In Curitiba, not only do they have the best public transportation in the world but they manage to put classical music to their citizens here before and after work. Intervenção brusca: “Por questões de manutenção de uma elipse que orgulhou tanto os realizadores do filme, esta cena foi mantida. No entanto, a lei de número 17.334/12 proíbe a reprodução de qualquer tipo de música no interior de qualquer transporte coletivo da cidade de Curitiba e no Estado do Paraná. Isso inclui, obviamente, a deliciosa seleção de músicas clássicas que embalava as viagens dos milhares de usuários da rede.” Since the subject is the public transportation in Curitiba, many people know that here the public transportation does work. But it works especially because of the two biggest buses in the world. The so-­‐called “bi-­‐articulado” that it is this red one. And the brand new one, called simply by “Ligeirão”. Altought theier colors might refer to the winning side in politics, what is behind that is that the huge capacity of transporting people from a place to another. “Ligeirão” is so big that they had to plan strategic stops for it. A lot of people didn’t like the idea, but, as you can see, they are inside of it. All these conversation made me hungry. Aren’t you? Well, you will be happy to get hungry if you are in Curitiba. The best options to solve this problem to you are around here. And I really mean it! This is the Madero Restaurante. As you can see, they proudly announces that here you can eat “The Best Burger in the World.” There are thousands of stores like these around the city, but none is just as cozy and nice as this one. Check this little village inside. Isn’t great to have the opportunity to have the best lunch in the best place? If the best burger in the world was not enough for you, you better get ready. Only the best city in the world could offer to you not only the best burger in the world, but the biggest sandwich in the world! The wordly famous: X-­‐LOMBADA. The “X” before the name is a very sophisticated abbreviation for the English word “cheese”, that sounds like the Brazilian pronunciation for the letter “X”. They save time for eating this gigantic burger! No, really, take a look in what this man, Cariovaldo, can make. It’s just an absurd. Meet Vahid. He’s from Iran and choose Curitiba to live in. Not just to live in, but to make the best shawarma in the world. If you’re not familiar with the Shawarmas they are a very popular form of snack really popular among the travellers in Europe that chooses to save money for shooping and party and have to save it by eating Shawarmas and Kebabs. Little they know that Vahid, choosen Curitiba, the best city in the world, to sell his Shawarma. I think that’is enough for you right? So much food has made you shivers right? After that, only a nice cup of coffee should help us to get with our way. Well, lucly we are in Curitiba, the home of Café Damasco. Simply as their Slogan says: The best of the best coffee. The long living tradition of planting coffee from the brasilians has transformed the Café Damasco in what it is today. A proud for the pople of Curitiba. The “Curitibanos” can enjoy the best coffee in a peace state of mind and warm up their cold days. Brazilians are the best in football, right? In Curitiba, not only the most modern stadium is here, the Arena da Baixada that belongs to Atlético Paranaense Club, but the most winning team on earth are here as well. Can you imagine their name? Coritiba! Yeah, that’s right! This is the home of the most winning team of the world. The Couto Pereira Stadium is not as modern as the other one, but it is the home of the winners of the world. What else can they want? You can see that the trophies are just getting out of the stadium! From way up here you can see the whole city. From here, everything looks calm and in it’s place. At the back you can see the Serra do Mar, their boundaries to the pacific ocean. Lies in this beatifull and unique city in the world the future of this citizens. But, I’m sure that they are very confident about it. Not everybody have this opportunity to live in the best city in the world with so many great things. And, if any doubts were left in you, I suggest you to go and check with your own eyes. You will no regret. Curitiba is indeed the best city in the world. 

Locução do documentário Curitiba: a maior e melhor cidade