POOLSIDE OEMONSTRATIONS A KINEMATICAL. IMAGIOlOGICAl. ANO ACOUSTICAl BIOFEEDBACK SYSTEM FOR THE TECHNICAl TRAINING IN BREASTSTROKE SWIMMING. Lima AB1.2, Semblano P3, Fernandes D3, Gonçalves PI, Morouço PI, Sousa FI, Fernandes RI, Barbosa T\ Correia MV\ Tani G5, Vilas-Boas ]PI IUniversity of Porto, Faculty of Sport, Porto, Portugal . 2University of Ceará and University of Fortaleza. Fortaleza, Brazll JUniversity of Porto, Faculty of Engineering, Porto, Portugal 4Department of Sports Sciences, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal sUniversity of São Pau/o, São Paulo, Brazil. INTRODUCTION A system for real time velocimetric feedback, and for ~mmed.i ate disposal of kinematica[ dara, and model, synchromzed wlth dual-media video images, will be presented. DESCRIPTION The system is composed by rhree different unities: (i) a dua[media image setup (Vilas-Boas et aI., 1997), upgraded for images in follow up; (ii) a cable speedometer (Lima ec aI., 2006), and (iH) a FM transmitter/receiver system, adapeed for swimming use, and able to deliver real time velocimetric information to the swimmer and coach. The dual-media follow up images setup uses a special charioe to move, along the lateral wall of the pool, a set of two video cameras: one underwater camera (Submergib[e AC230V), and one over-water aVC GRSX1, SVHS). The images ofboth cameras are mixed (Panasonic Digital AV Mixer W}AVES), edited (Sony Color Triniton TV monitor) and recorded (Panasonic AG-73S0). Differences in refraction are corrected using the zoom optics of the overwater camera, and a calibration device. The dual-media images are mixed with the display of a PC with kinematical information provided by the speedometer. This is a device for measuring the rotarional velocity of a cylin~er over which a ~ne nylon cable is passing through. This cable IS fixed to the SWlmmer at hip's leveI. The movement of the cylinder is :nonitored by a rotaring incrementai coder connected to a mlcrocontroller (PIC1SLF1320, Microchip). A electrical brake motor allow lhe reduction of the inertia of the all system, keeping the cable straight, and also allows the cable recoil action. The speedometer was also equipped with a audio outPUt, that allow a sound of variable frequency to be sent to the swimmer and coach through AM/FM receivers (Roadstar TRA-2221D) placed bellow the swimmers cap. RESULTS Results are v(t) real time curves, s)'nchronized with images, and with corresponding auricular sounds. The software also <illows the immediate modelling of a t}'pical stroke cycle, both bimodal or trimodal, displaying mean velocities in noticeable points, mean phase durarions and accelerations. REFERENCES Vilas-Boas ).P., Cunha, P., Figueiras, T., Ferreira, M., Duarte, ).A. (1996). Movement analysis in simultaneous swimming techniques. In: K. Wilke, K. Daniel, U. Hoffmann,). K[auck (eds.) Symposiumsbericht Kolner Schwimmsponage. 22 li"!', Por! Clen Desp 6ISupl.I·, 21-23 Bockenem: Sport Fahnemann Verlag, 95-103. Lima A. B., Semblano P., Fernandes O., Gonçalves P-, Morouço P., Sousa E, Fernandes R., Barbosa T., Correia M.V Tani G., Vilas-Boas]. P. (2006). A kinemarical, imagio[ogical, and acousticaI biofeedback system for lhe rechnical training in breaststroke swimming. rhis Symposium. DYNAMOMETRIC SYSTEM FOR THE EVALUATIDN DF SWIMMING TURNS. Pereira 5 1.2, Roesler H2, Esteves CI, Gonçalves PI, Sousa FI, Conceição FI, Machado LI, Lima A1.3, Vilar SI, Fernandes RI, Vilas-8oasJPl lUniversity of Porto, Faculty of Sport, Porto, Portugal 2State University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis. Brazil . 3University of Ceará and University of Fortaleza. Fortaleza, Brazd. INTRODUCTION A system for che dynamometric evaluation of swimming turns will be presented. DESCRIPTION The system is composed by one underwater force piare, specifically developed for [his purpose, and based on rhe general characteristics described b}' Roesler et aI. (2003). The force pIare is fixed to the ending wall of the pool through a specific structure conceived for this purpose. The force plate is connecred to a PC using a Biopac (Biopac Systems HLC100) ND converter, operating under control of the Acknowledge software. . Landmarks in the bonom of the pool needed to be changed ll1 order to keep the official distance from lhe "T" mark 10 the ending wall. RESULTS The system displayed allow the assessment of variables such as, (i) comact time; (ii) impulse time; (iii) horizontal componem of the platform reaction force; (iv) horizontal impulse. Results a[so allow perceiving the effect of different turning techniques on rhe measured parameters, as well as the effects of different variants of one same technique. CONCLUSION Results provided for such a dynamometrical setup allow swimmers [O test their best solurions for turning actioos, as wcll as to train rheir technique, disposing of immediate feedback abom criticai variables for the performance in this particular actlon. DEVElOPMENT DF A MULTI-MEDIA SYSTEM FDR KINESIOlOGICAl EVAlUATiON DF SWIMMING BY EXPERTS IN ANY PODl. Soons B, Colman V, Persyn U Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences, K.U.Leuvert (Leuven). BeIgium.