CIT2010 - Strategic Analysis of the Portuguese Tourism through Impo...
Strategic Analysis of the Portuguese Tourism through Importance Performance Analysis (IPA)
Dominique Ferreira, Sérgio; Rial, Antonio; Varela Mallou, Jesús
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
The Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) is a good approach for measuring consumer satisfaction, and
identifies in a simple and functional way the strengths and the areas of improvement of a particular service
(Hammer and James, 1977). Starting with the importance that consumers give to the most relevant attributes
of a service and the evaluation performance of each one, it is possible to obtain a (Cartesian) graph with four
quadrants, allowing an intuitive assessment of its operation and the implementation of appropriate
recommendations for better management. Despite the considerable spread that this procedure achieved in
several areas, there are few precedents in the tourism sector.
This work illustrates the enormous potential that the IPA has in tourism management and allows professionals
to identify some of the weaknesses of the Portuguese tourism. The results were obtained from a representative
sample of Spanish tourists (n=700; e=±3.7) - leading source of tourists to Portugal - and were converted into
specific recommendations to improve the management of the brand image of Portugal and adapt more
effectively the communication and promotion of the Portuguese tourism resources.
Keywords: Brand Image, Importance-Performance Analysis, Strategic Marketing, Tourism Management.
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2011-02-22 17:43

CIT2010 - Strategic Analysis of the Portuguese Tourism