Differential in school performance by migratory situation in Brazil Jarvis Campos (Cedeplar/UFMG) Raquel Pereira Alvares (Cedeplar/UFMG) This study aims to analyze the recent evolution of education in Brazil and performance differentials between students who migrated from educational institution, through access fees and school performance, extracted and compiled from Brazilian school’s census. The Censo Escolar is a survey of statistical data-educational performed nationwide every year and coordinated by INEP. The defined period (2007-2012) is correlated with methodological innovations proposed by INEP from the Censo Escolar 2007, which allowed monitoring the flow of school for each student. The ability to monitor changing schools in the same municipality or between municipalities of the students enrolled in the school system will enable the analysis of the academic performance of these groups, compared to those students who have not migrated from school in order to see to what extent changing schools and changing county of residence influence on school performance. Therefore, this study intends to analyze differences in access and academic achievement of basic education for all municipalities in Brazil, and according to the change of educational institution, understood as changing schools in the same city or between different municipalities, from the database of Censo Escolar between the years 2007 to 2012. Under a longitudinal perspective we might: Characterize the current Brazilian education in terms of school attendance to age and grade appropriateness and attendance rates; Analyze educational inequalities in access to and academic performance of elementary education in Brazil, during this period; Identify the differences in academic performance among students who changed schools compared to those who stayed in the same institution between 2007 and 2012. The Model School Flow that identifies the movement of students in a particular cohort, between successive series, by calculating the transition rates (promotion, repetition and dropout) (CERQUEIRA and Rigotti, 2004), defines that the number of students registered in a series at the beginning of the school year, is the same that makes this series at the end of the school year (INEP, 2000). Thus, for each series we have the input and the output flow. The students promoted to the k grade (PR {k, t}), plus repeat student of the grade k (RPT {k, t}), and the students who enter the in the grade k that you were not enrolled in mainstream education in year t-1, the IFS {k, t}. The output flow, in turn, is composed by those promoted to the next grade (PR {k +1, t +1}), plus those who will repeat the grade k (RPT {k, t +1}), and the students that will dropout the education system and no longer return (EV {k, t}) [INEP, 2000]. According to INEP (2000), the School Flow Model presents the following hypothesis: the student enters the regular school system only from the 1st grade, the student may attend the next series only if attended all the previous ones, the student only leaves the system through graduation or dropout, and repetition rates, dropout and promotion for the various series are estimated for a given year and are kept constant over time. In addition to the changes mentioned, it is important to consider the hypotheses proposed in 1995 by Ruben Klein (INEP, 2000): there is a proportion of dropouts approved in 1st grade; of dropouts not approved specific for the 1st grade; another for approved to 2nd grade and still a third proportion to the other grades (these proportions are different in different state) existence of repeaters approved in 1st grade, in other words, students who repeat this grades despite having been approved in the year earlier (this condition mainly refers to the states that have the call number "0", arising from the implementation of a system with 9 grades). From 2007, the INEP now assign a unique identification code to each student, allowing the student follow the route in the education system and allowed a deeper analysis of the variables of movement and school performance. Thus, some criteria related to technical note 2010, will be discussed here, in order to assist in the analysis of student flow, developed by INEP. The student's situation can be understood from the following criteria: student is the individual who may have their registration in more than one class, in different stages of education in the same school or in different schools. Enrollment is the link established between the student and a class. The rates calculus of approval, disapproval and desertion do not use data on enrollments in complementary activities and / or specialized educational services. In the case of return rates, only the students informed in the date of reference are considered (MEC/INEP, 2011). The school movement corresponds to the change in school enrollment link on schooling in the period between the date of reference of the Censo Escolar and the closing of the school year this year i. There are three possible situations in school movement: "Transferred - when student enrollment was formally detached from a school; Allowed to attend - when was dropping out of school before the completion of the school year and has not been formally unlinked transfer, so your registration has no record of income; and Deceased - when a student died before the end of the school year "(MEC/INEP, 2011). These criteria are important in the construction of the data concerning the movement of students between schools, thus allowing an unprecedented longitudinal analysis. So rates will be analyzed school performance, school attendance, enrollment, gross and net rates of age-grade distortion, for migrants and non-migrants who did not change schools and for migrants and non-migrants who changed schools. Initially, we present the general indicators of school performance for grades of elementary and high school system of education in Brazil. Secondly, we will analyze the differences in school performance: for students1 who did not change school and town, for the students moved to other city but remained in the same school, for those who migrated from school, but live in the same city (including the move to a school in 1 The students analyzed in this work will be those enrolled in regular education system, most specifically those who where, in 2007, in the 1sth series of basic education; 5sth series of basic education or the 1sth year o high school. another place, without changing the place of residence of the pupil) and for students who migrated from school and city of residence, for the period between 2007 and 2011. Naturally, there are many factors that can influence school performance, when the change of the institution occurs. Censo Escolar give us information about school’s infrastructure and the level of qualification of the teachers, for example, there are indicators on the quality of schools that must be considered too, as the Prova Brasil (Portuguese and Mathematics standardize tests applied every two years) and the IDEB Development Index (for basic education), which measures the quality of each school and each educational system (public and private, for example). One might think that changing schools can be associated with various aspects, restrictive factors, such as cost reduction or own family migration to another municipality, as well as factors related to the wish for a better quality of education. However, this is a delicate issue, as the transition to a new institution, with better indicators (as mentioned above) may result in an improvement in performance given the best structure and level of education, it can also have negative effects if the difference in level of education between schools is large enough for the resulting loss of student achievement; addition to the difficulties inherent in moving (adapting to the destination), as well as daily migration (place of residence different from the school place). In this context, although not addressed the differences in infrastructure and quality of schools, the longitudinal analysis of school performance in the period 20072012 will contribute to the identification of recent advances with regard to coverage, adequacy of age-grade and other educational variables. 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