_ Monetary Authority of Macao – Press Release Credit card statistics – 2nd quarter 2015 The Monetary Authority of Macao released today the credit card statistics for the second quarter of 2015. The total number of personal credit cards in circulation was 870,062 at the end of June 2015, equivalent to an increase of 2.7% over a quarter earlier. The numbers of Pataca (MOP) cards, Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) cards and Renminbi (RMB) cards were 628,756, 79,035 and 162,271 respectively. MOP cards, HKD cards and RMB cards witnessed respective growth of 2.9%, 1.1% and 2.9% quarter-to-quarter. Compared with a year ago, MOP cards and RMB cards (the majority of which were MOP/RMB dual-currency cards) rose 10.9% and 9.1% respectively whereas HKD cards dropped 2.6%. As at end-June 2015, credit card credit limit granted by banks in Macao reached MOP19.5 billion, up 6.7% from end-March 2015. Credit card receivables amounted to MOP2.1 billion while the rollover amount totalled MOP616.7 million, accounting for 28.9% of credit card receivables. The delinquency ratio, i.e. the ratio of delinquent amount overdue for more than three months to credit card receivables, edged down from 1.07% at endMarch 2015 to 1.06% at end-June 2015, but was higher than the level of 0.87% a year ago. For the second quarter of 2015, the credit card turnover remained virtually unchanged at MOP4.3 billion. The cash advance turnover was MOP218.2 million, accounting for 5.0% of total credit card turnover. Credit card repayments, in which payments for interest and fees are included, went down 8.9% from the previous quarter to MOP4.2 billion. 7 August 2015 Annex Table Detailed figures on Credit Card Statistics are available on: http://www.amcm.gov.mo/economic_statistics/economic.htm. 澳門金融管理局 - 新聞稿 Autoridade Monetária de Macau - Boletim Informativo Monetary Authority of Macao - Press Release 年第二季澳門特別行政區信用卡統計數據 2015 Estatísticas Relativas ao Uso de Cartões de Crédito na RAEM - 2015 2º Trimestre Credit Card Statistics for Macao SAR - 2nd Quarter 2015 第一季 信用卡總數* (期末數字) 澳門元卡 港元卡 人民幣卡 其中: 澳門元/人民幣雙幣卡 信用卡信用總額 (期末數字) 期末應收帳款總額 轉期帳款 拖欠帳款 1 拖欠帳款 2 期內簽帳總額 其中:透支現金總額 期內還款總額 Cartões de Crédito (Total)* (Fim do período) Total Number of Credit Cards* (End-of-period figure) 與上年同期 比較 2º Trimestre Variação relativamente ao trimestre anterior Variação homóloga Q1 Q2 Quarter-to-quarter change (%) Year-on-year change (%) 846,825 870,062 2.7 9.2 MOP Cards 611,010 628,756 2.9 10.9 Cartões em dólares de Hong Kong HKD Cards 78,138 157,677 79,035 162,271 1.1 2.9 -2.6 9.1 162,247 2.9 9.1 Cartões em Renminbis No Qual: Cartões de Crédito de Duas Moedas MOP/RMB RMB Cards Of Which: MOP/RMB Dual Currency Credit Cards 157,653 ( 千澳門元,10 3 MOP) Limite de Crédito dos Cartões de Créditos (Fim do período) Credit Limit Granted (End-of-period figure) 18,254,106 19,486,046 6.7 24.1 Saldo Devido Credit Card Receivables 1,960,032 2,136,518 9.0 12.3 548,959 10,539 21,043 616,698 10,706 22,650 12.3 1.6 7.6 12.8 7.8 37.7 Credit Card Turnover Of Which: Cash Advance Turnover 4,334,778 217,311 4,333,412 218,243 0# 0.4 12.0 8.2 Repayments 4,606,736 4,194,471 -8.9 12.5 Saldo “Rollover” Débito não Pago 1 Débito não Pago 2 Crédito Usado no Período No Qual: Adiantamento de Numerário Débito Pago no Período Rollover Amount Delinquent Amount 1 Delinquent Amount 2 #REF! Total number of personal credit cards issued directly or indirectly by Macao banks. 拖欠帳款 1 是指逾期 3 個月至 6 個月的拖欠款項。拖欠帳款 2 是指逾期超過 3 個月的拖欠款項。 Débito não Pago 1 refere-se aos valores a receber atrasados entre 3 e 6 meses. Débito não Pago 2 refere-se a todos os valores a receber atrasados para mais de 3 meses. Delinquent amount 1 refers to the receivables overdue between 3 and 6 months. Delinquent amount 2 refers to all receivables overdue for more than 3 months. 澳門銀行在2009 年第三季推出澳門元/人民幣雙幣卡。該類信用卡同時被視作澳門元卡及人民幣卡。 Desde 3T de 2009, bancos locais introduziram cartões de crédito de duas moedas MOP/RMB, os quais são considerados simultâneamente cartões em MOP e cartões em RMB. Starting from 2009Q3, Macao banks have offered MOP/RMB dual currency credit cards, which are simultanously regarded as MOP cards and RMB cards. 粗斜體" 為更新或修訂數字。 4) " Dados atualizados e revistos serão em “bold italic”. Data updates and revisions are in "bold italic". 5) 0 # 與上季比較 Cartões em Patacas O número total de cartões de crédito pessoal emitidos, directo ou indirectamente, pelos bancos de locais. 3) 第二季 1º Trimestre 附註/ Notas/Notes: 1) * 透過本地銀行直接或間接發行的個人信用卡總數。 2) 2015 數字少於採用單位半數。 Resultado inferior a metade da unidade adoptada. Magnitude less than half of the unit employed.