Revista da Receita Federal Submission Rules 2014 1st Edition Estudos Tributários e Aduaneiros The Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil 1 (RFB) makes public, national and internationally, the call for papers for publication in the Revista da Receita Federal, directed to all interested researchers, scholars, professionals and its staff members. The admission and publication of contributions follow the terms and conditions established herein. 1 REVIEW PRESENTATION The Revista da Receita Federal has an interdisciplinary profile and welcomes the diversity of the theoretical analysis of issues related to Tax and Customs Administration activities. The Revista da Receita Federal intends to become a reference point in the areas of knowledge related to the main activities carried out by Tax and Customs Administrations. Moreover, it aims to make a contribution to the debate of topics concerning these areas. The Revista da Receita Federal focuses on stimulating the production of highlevel contributions from the RFB staff members and external community. The Revista da Receita Federal has five main sessions, as follows: 1 institutional, studies and publications; articles; case law studies; legislative reviews; book reviews. The Secretariat of the Federal Revenue of Brazil. 1 The “Revista da Receita Federal” will be published in a biannual basis, in both printed and digital format. Digital version will be made available on the Receita Federal website: . 2 2.1 GENERAL SUBMISSION RULES Submitting Contributions All contributions shall be submitted through the following electronic address: [email protected] 2.2 File Extension The Revista da Receita Federal accepts all documents with file extension .DOC, .DOCX or .ODT, which attend to the publication rules and the editorial guidelines as established herein. 2.3 Language Contributions shall be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish. If the prevailing language of the contribution is Portuguese or Spanish, an English version of the Title, Abstract and Keywords shall be provided. If the prevailing language of the contribution is English or Spanish, then a Portuguese version of the Title, Abstract and Keywords shall be also provided 2.4 Contributions Structure The structure of the contributions shall contain: 2.4.1 Title: The title shall be concise and sufficiently specific and descriptive. 2.4.2 Abstract: The abstract shall highlight the purpose of the research, methodology applied and major conclusions. The abstract shall not contain any topics, enumeration, tables, graphics, illustrations, equations, formulae, abbreviations, acronyms and/or quotations. The abstract shall be displayed in a single paragraph, with a minimum of 250 and a maximum of 300 words. 2.4.3 Keywords: Keywords shall contain up to five main descriptors, disposed separately by a dot. Example: Keywords: Ethics. Ethics Code. Management; 2.4.4 Introduction, along with the major goals; 2.4.5 Methodology applied; 2.4.6 Results and discussions; 2.4.7 Conclusions; 2.4.8 References. 2.5 Criteria for refusing the evaluation of a contribution Contributions containing one of the following elements will be not accepted: I. Strictly personal or subjective nature; II. Personal or institutional attacks; III. Discriminatory contents; IV. Inappropriate use of the language; V. Which contents diverge from the editorial guideline of the Revista da Receita Federal. 2.6 Ethical Conduct The Revista da Receita Federal adopts the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Besides other unethical actions, the following misbehaviours will be not accepted: I. Plagiarism; II. Publishing in more than one Brazilian Journal; III. Fraudulent misuse of data; IV. Omitting the co-authorship or its improper attribution. The contributions under exam and evaluation that characterise practice of misconduct will be returned to the authors. 3 FORMATTING REQUIREMENTS Contributions shall have the following general formatting: 3.1 Number of pages: Contributions shall have from 10 up to 35 pages, including references. 3.2 Font size: Times New Roman 12pt (main body) and 10pt (tables, figures and footnotes); 3.3 Line spacing: Double-space (main body and formulae), single-space (table and figure); 3.4 Paragraph Alignment: Justified for paragraphs, a first line indent of 1,0 cm; 3.5 Pagination: In the upper right corner; 3.6 Borders: 2,5 cm (four sides: top, bottom, right and left); 3.7 Paper format: A4 (21,0 x 29,7 cm); 3.8 Table: It refers to a demonstrative element of synthesis, which constitutes an autonomous unity. This term shall be used in the title, for quantitative and/or qualitative data presented in the format of rows and columns. Tables must be enumerated subsequently, with an explanatory header: what is being shown, when and where it occurred. The header shall be placed above the table. Example: Table 1 Descriptive statistics for sample with data based in December. 3.9 Figure: It refers to drawings, printmaking, pictures along with texts. This term shall be used in the title of pictures (please, do not use the terms “graphic”, “organogram”, “chart” etc.) The title shall be placed at the bottom (below the image), preceded by the word “Figure”, along with a number, in Arabic numerals, which follows a sequential order. Example: Figure 1 Institutionalised Processes. 3.10 Acronyms: It refers to the initial letters of the Key words, which compounds a name or a title. Whenever it first appears in the text, it shall be placed into brackets after the name or the title it refers to. 3.11 Quotations and References: Quotations and references shall follow the rules issued by the Associaçao Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT): 4 EVALUATION CRITERIA The contributions shall be original in Brazilian publications and shall not be, simultaneously, under consideration for publication in by any other Journal. Upon the act of submission of the contributions, all authors are requested to disclose to the Editorial Board any eventual conflict of interest as well as to report any previous publication of the contribution in an international Journal. If this is the case, authors are also requested to inform the name of the Journal, the number and year of publication, the number of pages and the institution responsible for it. The contents of the contributions must be relevant to the editorial guidelines and should foster empirical and/or abstract analysis, in order to contribute to the development of the Tax and Customs Administration. Contributions not complying with these rules will be sent back to their authors to be reviewed. The resubmission of these contributions will be allowed only if the necessary changes have been made. The authors shall classify their contributions into a specific knowledge area. Whenever contributions have interdisciplinary subjects, the authors shall inform both primary and secondary knowledge areas. If the contributions are considered formally appropriated to the editorial guidelines of the Revista da Receita Federal, they will be peer-reviewed by two members of the Evaluation Board or by external reviewers appointed ad hoc, who will analyse its contents and evaluate its publication. If there is a difference of opinion between the two reviewers, a third reviewer will be appointed in order to examine the contribution and solve the dispute. A contribution will be published only if it obtains the approval of two reviewers, members of the Evaluation Board or external reviewer(s) appointed ad hoc. The evaluation reports as well as the decision of the Editor in chief regarding the publication timetable will be forwarded to the authors without the identification of the reviewers and will contain the motivation of the results. 5 AUTHORS RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The opinions and concepts contained in the contributions are exclusively attributable to the authors. The authors integrally assume the originality of the contribution. Author's opinions do not necessarily represent the view of the Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil about the subject. Published contributions become property of the Review and its total and partial reproductions are allowed, provided that the contents are not changed and the source of the material is clearly stated. The Review is authorised to adapt the contributions into its publishing formats and to edit the text in order to guarantee the application of the standard Portuguese language. The authors shall present the following declarations: I. Declaration of Copyright Transfer; II. Declaration of Absence of Interest Conflict; III. Declaration of Acceptance of the Publishing Rules of the Review; IV. Declaration of Originality concerning Brazilian Publications; V. Declaration of Publication in International Journals; VI. If applicable, a Declaration of Authorisation for the use of images or materials. 6 DEADLINES Deadline for submission of contributions: August 15, 2014. 7 FINAL CONSIDERATIONS For inquiries relating to the submission rules, please send us a message through the following electronic address: [email protected]. Editor in Chief Editorial Board Carlos Alberto Freitas Barreto André Felipe Canuto Coelho Átila Gomes Carmine Rullo Gilson Wessler Michels Giovana Camila Portolese Guilherme Adolfo dos Santos Mendes Liziane Angelotti Meira