X Seminário de História da Cidade e do Urbanismo Recife (Brasil), 08-10 de octubre 2008 13th International Planning History Society Conference Chicago, 10 a 13 de julho de 2008 CIDADE, TERRITÓRIO E URBANISMO: HERANÇAS E INOVAÇÕES PUBLIC VERSUS PRIVATE PLANNING: THEMES, TRENDS, AND TENSIONS Programa de Pós Graduação em Desenvolvimento Urbano – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco College of Design Construction and Planning University of Florida As cidades e os territórios como objeto de observação são resultado de teorias e práticas relativas a diversos campos disciplinares. Intenções e decisões de uma sociedade, de grupos sociais ou de especialistas são tratadas como iniciativas em resposta às dispersas e convergentes exigências em diversos espaços e segundo várias temporalidades. A história da cidade e do território tem se constituído em abordagens que dialogam com a disciplina do urbanismo. No campo do urbanismo estes objetos têm sido delineados por teorias e práticas que procuram não só antecipar como fazer acontecer um possível futuro, requerendo assim um contínuo movimento de crítica das heranças e inovação das suas ordens constitutivas. O presente da cidade, do território e do urbanismo requer a exploração das heranças teóricas e práticas, mas também o estabelecimento de elos comparativos superpondo espacialidades e temporalidades. The 2008 IPHS conference coincides with commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Burnham and Bennett Plan of Chicago, one of the major landmarks in modern planning history. This was a privately produced plan ultimately adopted as public policy. The interplay between the private interests of business, individuals and non-governmental organisations versus the more public interests of the state evident in the Plan of Chicago has been an enduring theme in the history of planning. The relationship has changed dramatically over time. In the pre-modern era, public planning affected only a fraction of the built environment. The 20th century saw a vast expansion in the practice of public planning in almost all democratic societies. There has latterly been a major reaction against purely public planning and a rehabilitation of the idea of more private planning, often in the form of privatization, expanded use of market mechanisms, and publicprivate partnerships. The 2008 IPHS conference will seek to shed light on this creative tension within planning history. http://www.ufpe.br/xshcu/ http://www.dcp.ufl.edu/IPHS2008/ 65 www.etsav.upc.es/urbpersp Noticias Perspectivas urbanas / Urban Perspectives #8 66 News IXth International Conference on Urban History August 27-30, 2008 COMPARATIVE HISTORY OF EUROPEAN CITIES Ecole Normale Supérieure-Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Lyon (ENS-LSH) Université Lumière Lyon 2 The European Association for Urban History was established in 1989 with the support of European Union. Conferences are organized every two years. These biennial conferences provide a multidisciplinary forum for historians, sociologists, geographers, anthropologists, art and architectural historians, economists, ecologists, planners and all others working on different aspects of urban history. The invitation is extended to all scholars who make urban history a distinctive and innovative subject. http://eauh.ish-lyon.cnrs.fr/index.php