1st International Congress of the History of Portuguese-Brazilian Construction CALL: The Federal University of Espírito Santo, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; the Fluminense Federal University, the Technical University of Lisbon and Coimbra University, through its research group participants the HCLB, would like to invite architects, engineers, archaeologists, historians, sociologists, economists and other interested researchers to participate and submit proposals for communication to the '1st International Congress of the History of Portuguese-Brazilian construction' taking place in the city of Vitoria - Espirito Santo Brazil, 4th to 6th of September 2013. For some time researchers in the field of 'The History of Construction' who come from the most disparate areas of knowledge of the social and hard sciences have been organizing efforts to collect and exchange information in order to update research. Results of these efforts have been realised in the recent congresses and meetings on 'The History of Construction' which have occurred both nationally and internationally. Brazilian and Portuguese researchers recently saw the 'First Conference of the History of Construction in Portugal: Alignments and Foundations', which took place in Lisbon in 2010 and also the 'Seminar on the History of Portuguese-Brazilian Construction' which was held in Victoria in 2011. It is true that both events had a limited scope, but were important nonetheless in starting a discussion on this interdisciplinary subject. The Congress aims to be the first international meeting and open forum that is able to bring together researchers from all parts of the world interested in the history of Portuguese-Brazilian construction in its finest aspects: THEMATIC AREAS OF CONGRESS: A. Materials and technology. Historical studies, archaeological and laboratory building materials, construction processes and related historical techniques. Technical limitation imposed by materials. The emergence of new materials and subsequent technological development. B. The diffusion of technical knowledge. The importance of implementation: the quality of the work force and academic vernacular. The formation of military engineering, of architects and mechanical officers. The role of the builder. The transmission of knowledge; guilds, academic and technical literature. C. Art, culture and society. The historiographical approach, the history of architecture and engineering and construction technique. The Technical influence of the style and vice versa. Technological and social development. D. The 'History of Construction' and 'Conservation Science' (and other disciplines). The contribution of the 'History of Construction' to the related disciplines. Knowledge of techniques in historic preservation and restoration of monuments. The History of Construction and its contribution to Archaeology, Social History, Economics etc. Grupo História da Construção Luso-brasileira Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo – Centro de Artes – CEMUNI 1 - Sala 25 Av. Fernando Ferrari n° 514, Vitória – ES - 29.075-910. Tel: (005527) 4009-7796. http://historiadaconstrucao.ufes.br/ Event Dead-line for submission of extended abstracts * Results of selection Dead-line for sending the full congress article Congress Data 22/04, 2013 29/05, 2013 15/07, 2013 04/09 to 06/09, 2013 * Further information as well as standards for the formatting of papers will be available at: http://historiadaconstrucao.ufes.br/congresso2013/ BODY AND SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZATION OF THE CONGRESS Chair of honor: Dr. José Aguiar (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa) Dr. Mario Mendonça de Oliveira (Universidade Federal da Bahia) General Coordination: Dr. Nelson Pôrto Ribeiro (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo) Scientific Committee: Coordination: Dr. João Mascarenhas Mateus (Universidade de Coimbra) Dr. José Simões de Belmont Pessôa (Universidade Federal Fluminense) Dra. Rosina Trevisan M. Ribeiro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) Members: Dra. Beatriz Mugayar Kühl (Universidade de São Paulo) Dra. Cybele Celestino Santiago (Universidade Federal da Bahia) Dra. Fernanda Rollo ( IHC-FCSH – Universidade Nova de Lisboa) Dr. Günter Weimer (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul) Dr. Helder Carita (ESAD - Fundação Ricardo Espírito Santo – Lisboa) Dr. Jaelson Bitran Trindade (IPHAN – SP) Dr. José Aguiar (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa) Dr. José de Monterroso Teixeira (ESAD – Fundação Ricardo Espírito Santo – Lisboa) Dra. Luciene Pessotti (pesquisadora independente) Dr. Marco Antônio Penido de Rezende (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) Dr. Marcos Tognon (Universidade de Campinas) Dra. Margareth da Silva Pereira (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) Dra. Maria Isabel Kanan (pesquisadora independente) Dra. Maria Ramalho (IGESPAR - Portugal) Dr. Mario Mendonça de Oliveira (Universidade Federal da Bahia) Dr. Nelson Pôrto Ribeiro (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo) Dr. Paulo Pereira (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa) Dra. Rosana Najjar (IPHAN - RJ). Dra. Silvia Puccione (IPHAN - RJ) Dra. Sylvia Ficher (Universidade de Brasília) Dr. Vicente Moreira (Universidade Federal Fluminense) Organizing Committee: Coordination: Dr. José Simões de Belmont Pessôa (Universidade Federal Fluminense) Dr. Nelson Pôrto Ribeiro (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo) Dra. Rosina Trevisan M. Ribeiro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) Support: Arch. Aline Vargas da Silveira (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo) Arch. Bruno de Oliveira Lima (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo) SPONSORSHIP: Grupo História da Construção Luso-brasileira Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo – Centro de Artes – CEMUNI 1 - Sala 25 Av. Fernando Ferrari n° 514, Vitória – ES - 29.075-910. Tel: (005527) 4009-7796. http://historiadaconstrucao.ufes.br/