Survey results 11 participants from Brasil What is your gender? Male 40% How old are you? under 21 21-30 31-40 Female 60% 9% 41-50 9% 51-60 61 and older 9% 18% 9% * scale between 1 (no interest) and 5 (very interested) ** scale between 1 (scared something goes wrong) and 5 (very comfortable) from Urban Alphabets WORKSHOP in Sao Paulo - 3rd, 4th, 5th November 2014 How would you rate your interest in the following topics? * After this workshop, do you think that you will look at letters differently during the next weeks? * Graphic design/fonts 18% 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point 18% 64% 46% What is your primary profession/ occupation? student designer psychologist systems analyst tour guide technical electronic advertising marketing journalist visual artist 9% 27% 36% 46% 18% 46% How likely it is that you will use the Urban Alphabets app in future? * 18% Do you own a smartphone yourself? Cities 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point Modes of Transportation 9% Which operating system does it run? Android iOS 60% 55% 11% 78% 64% 91% 45% Advertising Urban Alphabets is a tool 8% to/for ... . Smartphone Apps 18% 37% How would you describe yousrelf in using technology? ** 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point 11% 36% 40% Which version of the app did you use during the workshop? Android iOS 100% Shopping Writing Systems 10% Yes 100% 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point 36% 46% 18% 20% 27% 40% 18% educate change space communicate advertizing entertain feature a place 17% 17% 33% 17% 20% 20% 8% Survey results from Urban Alphabets WORKSHOP in Sao Paulo - 3rd, 4th, 5th November 2014 Is there anything that would make it more likely that you will use the App in future? “no errors in the android version” “peder aemazenae alfabetos alternativos (+de uma imagem of cada letra…)” / ”can store alternative alphabets (+ an image of each letter ...)” “possibilidade de armazenar mais fotos de uma mesmo letra” / “ability to store more pictures of a same letter” “yes, for my future work as a phtographer and be streetart characters” “estabiladodo do add” / “functioning on Android” “similar experience as the website (browse letters, cities, etc.); ability to create works and sentences and export” “the app need to function on Androoid (Galaxy S4)” “write postcards from travels” “I think is ok” Urban Alphabets is a tool to/for... “increase the perception of the means’” “poetry” “caractecizar una comunidade//cidade” / “feature a town/community” “abrir os olhos para os detalhes que nos cercam e muitas vezes passam despercebidos, ver a cidade de outra forma” / “open your eyes to the details around us and often go unnoticed, see the city otherwise” “know the city and art in general” “are diventiv e percebar ar redor” / “something and realize surroundings” “create alphabets in an easy way, very easy” “see and feel the city with another time, a time to think” “to know other cultures” “find letters, create a city font specific” “explore”