Public Notice nº. 999/2015, de 05/11/2015 António Manuel Bensabat Rendas, Rector of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, declares open the international competition, for a period of 30 business days, from the day this notice is published in Diário da República, for the position of 1 (one) Assistant Professor in the Area of Anthropology at the Faculty of Sciences and Humanities/Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Public Notice nº. 999/2015– Diário da República, 2nd series, nº. 217, de 05/11/2015); This is an international application procedure and follows the guidelines stated in article 37 and following of the University Teacher Career Statutes (ECDU) approved by Decree-Law 448/79 of 13th November with the amendment introduced by Decree-Law 205/2009, 31st of August, amended by Law 8/2010 of the 13th May , and the UNL University Teacher Career Application Regulations, nº. 3012/2015, published in Diário da República, 2nd series, nº. 58, 24/03/2015. I – Requirement for admission: In accordance with the above mentioned Statutes, the application procedure has the following requirements according to article 41-A of E.C.D.U.: a) Doctoral degree (Ph. D.). Candidates must hold a doctoral in the area of Anthropology, with a relevant CV in Anthropology of Space, Migration and Ethnicity (preference is given to candidates with relevant curriculum in the area of Migrations and master written and spoken Portuguese. II – Submission of applications: Candidates must present the requirements, preferably in digital form, in person at the Rectory of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, located at Campolide Campus, 1099 - 085 Lisbon, or by post. The form is available at the Academic Division and online at The application dossier must contain the following documents: a) Documents proving the fulfillment of the requirements demanded in nr. I. b) 8 copies of the candidate’s curriculum containing each of the pieces mentioned in the CV in print or digital support (Pen); c) 8 copies of career development plan, attesting the candidate’s potential for the teaching of several courses in his (her) research, and capacity for recruiting competitive funding with an explicitation of five year goals for the evaluation of the plan. III – The criteria and indicators for the evaluation and ranking of the candidates, approved by the jury, are the following: 1. Scientific component of the curriculum vitae of each candidate (55%) 1.1 –Publication of peer-reviewed books and scientific articles in journals (0-25) 1.2- Participation in research projects, evaluated by competent national and international agencies, with relevant impact in the area of the job application (0- 10) 1.3 – Co supervision of theses (2nd cycles and 3rd cycles) and other non-curricular components of 2nd cycle programs (Internship and project reports) (0-10); 1.4 Talks presented in conferences and other relevant scientific activities (Prizes; Fellowships, Integration in Scientific Bodies, Research Units, Editorial Boards, Advanced Training (0 -10). 2. Teaching component 20% 2.1 – Teaching experience in the area of the application (0-5) 2.2 – Quality of teaching material presented (e.g. syllabus, class materials or bibliographies for up to three courses) and other relevant teaching activities (0-15). 3 - Other relevant activities (5%) 4- Career development plan (20%) Demonstration of potencial for teaching several courses in the scientific area, including international dimension (0-7) Research development plan, including international dimension (0-7) Plan for recruitment national and international competitive funding for research (0-6). IV - Committee: President: Doutor João de Deus Santos Sàágua, Vice-Rector of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, by delegation of Rector; Doutora Susana Salvaterra Trovão, Full Professor of Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Doutor João Aires de Freitas Leal, Full Professor of Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Doutor Paulo Alexandre Nascimento Castro Seixas, Associate Professor com agregação of Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade de Lisboa; Doutor Miguel de Matos Castanheira Vale de Almeida, Associate Professor com agregação da Escola de Ciências Socias e Humanas do Instituto Universitário de Lisboa/ISCTE/IUL; Doutor José Manuel Sobral, Researcher of Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa. V-Selection Process 1.After the deadline for applications, the Committe meets for assessing and ranking the candidates. 2. After the answers of the candidates excluded and respective decision, or if the admission of all candidates, the Committe will evaluate and ordering the same, according to the criteria mentioned in III, and following of article. 16 of University Teacher Career Application Regulations. The jury will admission of candidates with final ranking in absolute merit equal to or greater than 50, or to exclusion when they have final grade below 50. 3. In the case of exclusion of some candidates, will be conduct the preliminary hearing, in accordance with Article 122 of the Code of Administrative Procedure. 4. On the basis of marks obtained in accordance with paragraph. III, each jury member presents a written document, which will be annexed to the minutes, with her proposal for the ranking of the candidates; 5. The ranking of candidates is made by vote of the members, respecting the order presented in this document in the preceding paragraph, in accordance with paragraph. 11 al. a) to f) of article 16 of University Teacher Career Application Regulations. VI – Pursuant to subparagraph h) of the article 9 of the Constitution, the Portuguese State, as employer, actively promotes a policy of equal opportunities among men and women in the access to employment and career development, and takes scrupulous measures to avoid every form of discrimination. Rectory of New University of Lisbon, Prof. António Manuel Bensabat Rendas, Rector.