O Arqueólogo Português (The Portuguese Archaeologist)
Guidelines for submission
1. The text
The original cop y must be supp lied both on p aper and as digital file, observin g the following
1.1. Text should be supp lied as a Word document.
1.2. Text typed double-sp aced.
1.3. Indented p aragrap hs.
1.4. Abstracts, bibliograp hy and illustrations’ captions in sep arate sheets.
1.5. Abstract in the author’s mother tongue. The editor will hav e it translated into Portuguese.
1.5.1. At the end of the abstract, a maximum of 5 key words, that summarize the article, should
be includ ed.
1.6. The journal uses footnotes and the bibliography at the end of the article.
1.6.1. Footnotes may contain short comments and discussion on the origin al text, bein g
consecutively numbered with sup erscript numerals.
1.6.2. The biblio grap hy at the end of the article is p rinted in two columns and it is an
alphabetical list of all the authors referred to in the text. The Sp anish authors should be
referred to by the p enultimate surname.
1.7. Each original should be formatted, accord in g to the guidelines giv en below:
1.7.1. Headin g. Example:
A propósito do reaproveitamento de algumas placas de xisto
gravadas da região de Évora (About the further use of some
engraved schist plaques from the Évora area)
1.7.2. The Subheadin g (1). Example:
1.7.3. The Subsubheadin g (1.1). Examp le:
1.1 Antas da Mitra (The Mitra Dolmens)
1.7.4. The Subsubsubheadin g (1.1.1). Examp le:
1.1.1. A placa M EV 5230 (The plaque MEV 5230)
1.8. The entry to each illustration should be marked in the text, in order to p reserve the author’s
idea, as far as possible, (considerin g that the illustration should enter below the text it refers
2. Bibliographical references
The Portuguese Standards of 1994 (NP 405-1) are to be followed. Newsletters and electronic
sources should follow The Portuguese Standards of 2000 (NP 405-3) and The Portuguese
Standards of 2002 (NP 405-5). As far as cartograp hy is concerned, some examp les accordin g to
the ISBD (CM ) guidelines are provided, considerin g that the Portuguese Standards to the
biblio grap hical descrip tion of maps have not been p ublished y et.
2.1. Abbre viations
2.1.1. The authors’ first names must be abbreviated.
2.1.2. When there are 2 or more authors with equal surnames in the b iblio grap hy , the first names
will be written in full.
2.1.3. The titles of periodicals must not be abbreviated.
2.2. Authorship
2.2.1. When the work is shared by a maximum of 3 authors, all of them must be referred to.
2.2.2. When more than three authors share the work, only the name of the first one is
referred to, followed by the exp ression [et. al.].
2.2.3. The literary editors and comp ilers can b e considered as authors, as lon g as they are
mentioned on the front page. In this case, the abbreviations ed. lit. or co mp il. should be
added to the name.
2.3. Publication information
2.3.1. If the place of edition and/or ed itor is missing in the publication, the followin g
expressions should be used:
Ex: [S.l.: s.n.], 1980
Paris: [s.n.], 1990
[S.l.]: Hachette, 1986
2.3.2. If the year of publication is not mentioned, the date of p rinting, copyright or legal
deposit should be indicated:
imp . 1987
cop . 1990
D. L. 1980
2.4. Series or collection
2.4.1. The series or collection, which the work b elon gs to, is referred as mentioned in the
document, at the end of the reference:
Ex: (Documents d'
Archéologie Française; 33).
2.5. Examp les:
M onograp hs:
ALARCÃO, J. de (1988) − O domínio romano em Portugal. Lisboa: Europ a-América. p . 139.
LISBOA Subterrânea (1994). Lisboa: Soc. Lisboa 94, Museu Nacional de Arqueo lo gia; M ilão:
Electa. 278 p . Catálogo.
Collaboration in mono graphs:
HEINZ, C.; THIÉBAULT, S.; VERNET, J.-L. (1993) − Gestion et dégradation de la forêt
p réhistorique méditerranéenn e. In Le Néolithique au Quotidien. Paris: M aison des Sciences de
Homme. p. 12-18. (Documents d'
Archéolo gie Fran çaise; 39).
DAVEAU, S. (1994) - A foz do Tejo, p alco da história de Lisboa. In Lisboa Subterrânea.
Lisboa: Soc. Lisboa 94, MNA; M ilão: Electa. p . 24-30. Catálogo.
DELIBES DE CASTRO, G.; SANTONJA, M. (1987) – Sobre la sup uesta dualidad
M egalitismo/Campaniforme en la M eseta Sup erior esp añola. In WALDREN, W. H.;
KENNARD, R. C., eds. lits.- Bell Beakers of the western Mediterranean. Definition,
interpretation, theory and new site data. The Oxford International Con ference (1986). O xford:
B. A. R., p . 173-206. (BAR International Series; 331 i).
Articles in serial p ublications:
ALVES, F. J. S. [et. al.] (1988-1989) − A armadilh a de p esca da Ép oca Roman a descoberta na
Praia de Silvalde (Esp inho). O Arqueólogo Português. Lisboa. S. 4, 6/7, p . 187-226.
CARDOSO, J. L. (1995) - O p ovoado p ré-histórico de Leceia (Oeiras). Resultados das
escavaçõ es efectuadas (1983-1993). Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnolog ia. Porto. 35: 1, p . 115
- 129. Actas do I Congresso de Arqueolo gia Pen insular.
In case of a journ al with mentioned volu me and nu mber, the reference will be:
CARDOSO, M ário (1965) − A p erda frequente de esp écimes p reciosos da nossa joalharia
arcaica. Revista de Guimarães. Guimarães. 75:1-4, p . 153- 168.
Newsletters and manuscripts:
HELENO, M. – Caderno de campo n.º 8 [M anuscrito]. 1952. Acessível n a Biblioteca do M useu
Nacional d e Arqueolo gia, Lisboa, Portugal. Arquivo M anuel Heleno.
SARM ENTO, F. M. - [Carta] 1881 Maio 20, Guimarães [a] José Leite de Vasconcelos
[M anuscrito]. 1881. Acessível na Biblioteca do M useu Nacional de Arqueo lo gia, Lisboa,
Portugal. cor J LV 3124/20708.
Cartograp hical material:
CARTA MILITAR DE PORTUGAL: FOLHA 339 [Material cartográfico]
Cartográficos do Exército. – Escala 1 : 25000. – Lisboa: S. C. E., 1970.
Electronic do cuments:
THACKER, P. T.; BROOKS, B. E.; PEREIRA, C. M. C. (2002) – Detecting Paleo lithic
Activity Areas Through Electrical Resistivity Survey : An Assessment from Vale de Óbidos,
Portugal. Journal of Archaeological Science [On lin e]. London. 29:6, p . 563-570. [Consult. 30
Jun. 2003]. Disp onível em WWW: URL:http ://www.sciencedirect.com
Fronteiras [CD-ROM ]. Vila Real: UTAD.
3. Quotations
A quotation allows the reader to locate origin al docu ments or sources of information. Between
the quotation and the biblio graphical referen ce of the document there should b e an exact
corresp ondence.
3.1. The journal’s policy is to refer in the text, between brackets, the author’s name, the date of
p ublication and, if necessary, the number or numbers of the quoted p ages. If the author’s
name is within the text, the y ear and the p age numbers are to be in cluded, between brackets.
Examp les: (Encarnação, 1984, p . 132-137)
3.2. Where there are two or more documents by the same author, in the same y ear, these are
design ated (a, b, c...) in the quotation and in the biblio grap hical referen ce.
Examp le: «Já em 1963 tinha sido achado p or J. Fragoso de Lima (1963a)...»
3.3. Whenever a work is rep eatedly cited along the text, an abbreviation can be used ob. cit. or
op . cit.
Examp le: «ap esar da op inião contrária de F. Pop lin (ob. cit., p . 15)...»
(Bouchud, op . cit., p . 25)
3.4. Every time the author has not consulted a document and the quotation is referred to through
another author, the abbreviation Cit. p or (quoted by ) or Apud (according, after) should
p recede the citations.
4. Dates
4.1. The journal adop ts the rules contained in the p rop osal about reference of radiocarbon datin g
app roved in the 1º Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular – 1st Congress of Peninsular
Archaeolo gy (Porto: Anthropology and Ethnolo gy Society, 1995. v. 6. (Anthropology and
Ethnology Essay s; 35: 2)).
4.2. In citing dates, which result from other methods, the same p rocedure of radiocarbon datin g
should be ap p lied (laboratory, number of datin g, d ate obtained and trial and error), followed
by the acrony ms of the respective method (TL, U/Th, etc.). In these cases, in which the
equivalence convention BP = 1950 is not followed and the difference b etween “conventional
dates” and “real dates” is not used or does not make sense, they should refer to calendar
y ears, according to the traditional Portuguese standard: AC. (antes de Cristo), D.C. (depois
de Cristo) – BC and AD.
4.3. On mentioning chronolo gical magnitudes (ex: III milénio, século IV, terceiro quartel do
século II, etc. – 3rd millenn ium, 4th century, third quarter of the 2nd century , etc.), that do
not expressly refer to any sp ecific radio carbon dating, or the sy nthesis of dates obtained by
different methods should follow the traditional Portuguese standard: A.C. (antes de Cristo)
and D.C. (dep ois de Cristo) (Before Christ -BC) and (After Christ-AD)
4.4. Generally , we strongly advise that, when technically p ossible, the traditional Portuguese
standard should be used (A.C. / D.C.), supposing that the same system corresponds to real
calendar dates and thus, in the case of radiocarbon dating, it demands the p revious
calibration of the conventional dates obtained.
5. Illustrations
5.1. The originals must allow a reduction to the formatted page, excep t when it should be
considered absolutely indisp ensable to resort to a leaflet. The formatted p age is 19 cm x 12,4
cm, includin g the composed cap tion.
5.2. The journal is printed in a single colour, therefore the p rinting of drawin gs and photograp hs
will be made in a sin gle colour, too. We accep t coloured or b lack and white slid es or p rinted
cop ies, in any format.
5.3. Regardin g drawin gs, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the lines and the
size of the numbers or letters, so that they should be legible in the reductions.
5.4. The digital images (drawin gs or p hotograp hs) require a minimum resolution of 300 dp i for a
minimum size equal to the page width (12,4 cm). They must be supp lied in CD, DVD, or
comp uter diskette, in the formats PSD, JPG, TIFF, RAW, EPS or vector-based EPS files. A
p rinted copy of each figure must be supp lied.
5.5. Drawings or p hotographs, tables and grap hs should be numbered consecutively , accord in g to
the following instructions:
5.5.1. Drawings or p hotograp hs
Fig. 1, 2...
The figures should have a scale.
5.5.2. Tables
Table 1, 2...
5.5.3. Grap hs
Graph 1, 2...
5.6. The authors should avoid drawing their own map s; they should use cop ies of map s that are
already available.
5.7. If the article informs about definite sites, the first figure (not numbered) should locate them
on a map of the Iberian Peninsula or on another ap p rop riate one.
6. Tables and frameworks
The titles of tables and frameworks should be centred; the remaining data should be justified to
the left with no up right line drawings.
Examp le:
Table 1
7. Submitting originals
The originals must follow the journal’s submission guidelines, in order to be published. We only
start comp osing comp lete originals:
a) Abstract in Portuguese, French or En glish, with 3 to 5 keywords for indexation;
b) Origin al text;
c) Biblio grap hy ;
d) Cap tions of the illustrations;
e) Illustrations.
8. Proof correction
The sy mbols established by the Portuguese Standards of 1987 (NP-61) should be followed.
8.1. Alterations to the original text should be avoided. They will be the resp onsibility of the
8.2. The p roof reviewer uses red. The author is requested to use a different colour.
9. Offprints
A samp le of the journ al and 30 offp rints for each article, will be p rovided free of charge. By the
time of p roof reviewin g, the author may ask for additional offp rints, but he will hav e to p urchase

Guidelines for submission