This is a free translation of the original document in Portuguese, and the sales of shares can only be made according to the terms of the document in Portuguese at Itaú branches BHG S.A. – BRAZIL HOSPITALITY GROUP CNPJ/MF No. 08.723.106/0001-25 NIRE 35.300.340.540 Publicly-held company PROCEDURES FOR THE SALE OF THE REMAINING SHARES OF BHG S.A. – BRAZIL HOSPITALITY GROUP Due to the successful conclusion of the public tender offer auction for the purposes of delisting BHG S.A. – BRAZIL HOSPITALITY GROUP (“Company”) as publicly-held company, with the consequent delisting from the Novo Mercado (“TO”) on April 30, 2015, and in compliance with item 5.11 of the TO announcement published on March 30, 2015 (“TO Announcement”), the offeror, Razuya Empreendimentos e Participações S.A. (“Offeror”), communicates that any remaining shareholder who wishes to sell their shares until July 31, 2015 (inclusive) (“Put Period”), or until the possible redemption of the outstanding shares which had not been acquired by the Offeror on the day of the Auction or during the Put Period (pursuant to the terms of Article 4, 5th Paragraph of Law No. 6.404/76), whichever occurs first, shall, for registration purposes and to celebrate the sale agreement of the shares, fill the form “REPURCHASE FORM” (“Itaú Form”), which will be made available in the Company’s website and in the seven specialized Itaú Unibanco S.A. (“Itaú”) branches. The shareholder shall present the Itaú Form duly filled and signed and the documentation listed in “Itaú Form” to be delivered it in one of seven specialized Itaú branches listed below. The price to be paid to the shareholder will be the TO Price (as defined in item 3.4 of the TO Announcement), adjusted in accordance with the variation of the SELIC Rate, as from the Settlement Date of the TO (May 06, 2015) until the date on which the payment is effectively made. The procedures for acquisition of shares by the Offeror will be made privately, outside the environment of the stock exchange. Therefore, while the shares issued by Company continue to be traded on the BM&FBOVESPA, it is necessary that, before going to the Itaú branch, the shareholder provides, if necessary, the transfer of custody of their shares from the environment of the CBLC to the book-entry environment. Shareholder services - specialized Itaú Agencies AGÊNCIA ESPECIALIZADA VALORES MOBILIÁRIOS - BRASÍLIA SCS Quadra 3 - Edif. D'Angela, 30 - Bloco A, Sobreloja - Centro AGÊNCIA ESPECIALIZADA VALORES MOBILIÁRIOS - BELO HORIZONTE Av. João Pinheiro, 195 - Subsolo - Centro AGÊNCIA ESPECIALIZADA VALORES MOBILIÁRIOS - CURITIBA R. João Negrão, 65 - Sobreloja - Centro AGÊNCIA ESPECIALIZADA VALORES MOBILIÁRIOS - PORTO ALEGRE R. Sete de Setembro, 1069 - 3º andar - Centro AGÊNCIA ESPECIALIZADA VALORES MOBILIÁRIOS - RIO DE JANEIRO Av. Almirante Barroso, 52 - 2º andar AGÊNCIA ESPECIALIZADA VALORES MOBILIÁRIOS - SÃO PAULO R. Boa Vista, 176 - 1 Subsolo - Centro AGÊNCIA ESPECIALIZADA VALORES MOBILIÁRIOS - SALVADOR Av. Estados Unidos, 50 - 2º andar - Comércio