V Q SCIENTIFIC REPORTS PUBLISHED FROM THE LAMS STUDY G (CONTRACT # ICA4-CT-2001-10013) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Abstracts in International and National Congresses SYRJÄNEN, K. Global control of cervical cancer. XI Portuguese Congress of Gynecology, Aveiro, Portugal, June 22-26, 2002. SYRJÄNEN, K., NAUD, P., DERCHAIN, SM., ROTELI-MARTINS, C., LONGATTO-FILHO, A., TATTI, S., BRANCA, M., ERZEN, M., SERPA-HAMMES, L., GONTIJO, R., LIMA, TP., MAEDA, M.Y.S., LÖRINCZ, A., DORES, GB AND SYRJÄNEN, S. PAP smear cytology, colposcopy, visual inspection (VIA), cervicography, and HPV testing by HCII as optional screening tools in Latin America. 20th International Papillomavirus Conference, Paris, France, October 4-9, 2002. ALVES, V.A.F., NONOGAKI, S., WAKAMATSU, A., PEREIRA, S.M.M., UTAGAWA, M.L., DI LORETTO, C., MAEDA, M.Y.S., LONGATTO-FILHO, A., LIMA, T.P., ROTELI-MARTINS, C. AND SYRJÄNEN, K. HPV DNA detected by PCR in residual material from DNA Citoloq (DCS), a new liquid-based system. 20th International Papillomavirus Conference, Paris, France, October 4-9, 2002. SYRJÄNEN, K. Colposcopy as a screening tool. Experience from a Latin-American (LAMS) study. Cancer Cervicouterino y Lesiones Premalignas. Genetica Molecular e Immunologia del VPH. Mexico City., Mexico, December 5-8, 2002 SYRJÄNEN, K. Auxiliary screening tools (VIA, cervicography, HPV testing). Experience from a multi-centre (LAMS) study in Latin-America. Cancer Cervicouterino y Lesiones Premalignas. Genetica Molecular e Immunologia del VPH. Mexico City, Mexico, December 5-8, 2002. SYRJÄNEN, K. Cervical cancer screening. Organised screening by PAP smear is the way to success. Cancer Cervicouterino y Lesiones Premalignas. Genetica Molecular e Immunologia del VPH. Mexico City, Mexico, December 5-8, 2002 NAUD P; MATOS JC; HAMMES LS; BARCELOS MC; PEREIRA CG; CAMPOS C; ROSE A; NIEDERAUER CE; DIAS EC; PRATI R; MARRONI R; MAGNO VA; MARQUES PEREIRA CD; PICCOLI ES; COSTA F; FONTANA G; MOREIRA IB; OLIJNYK JG; THOMÉ JG; HOBLIK M; ARTIGALAS AO. Improving health systems towards eqyality-based control of cervical cancer in Latin America. EUROGIN Congress, Porto Alegre, Brazil. August, 2002. NAUD P; MATOS JC; HAMMES LS; BARCELOS MC; PEREIRA CG; CAMPOS C; ROSE A; NIEDERAUER CE; DIAS EC; PRATI R; MARRONI R; MAGNO VA; MARQUES PEREIRA CD; PICCOLI ES; COSTA F; FONTANA G; MOREIRA IB; OLIJNYK JG; THOMÉ JG; HOBLIK M; ARTIGALAS AO. High risk Human papillomavirus prevalence among women from Porto Alegre city region. Semana Científica do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Faculty Medicine Hospital, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. August, 2002. NAUD P; MATOS JC; HAMMES LS; BARCELOS MC; PEREIRA CG; CAMPOS C; ROSE A; NIEDERAUER CE; DIAS EC; PRATI R; MARRONI R; MAGNO VA; MARQUES PEREIRA CD; PICCOLI ES; COSTA F; FONTANA G; MOREIRA IB; OLIJNYK JG; THOMÉ JG; HOBLIK M; ARTIGALAS AO. High risk Human papillomavirus prevalence among women from Porto Alegre city region. Salão de Iniciação Científica, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. September, 2002. 10. Da SILVA, C.G.; ROTELI-MARTINS, C.M.; GALVANE, J.O.; WOLF, C.M.; MARTINS, L.M.; CASON, S.; BRENNA, S,M.F.; FONTES, S.; LIMA, T.P.; CARLOS, L.; ARLINDO, F.C.; LONGATTO FILHO, A.; UTAGAWA, M.L.; NETO, C.M. Resultado do teste de Papanicolaou com base líquida: Prevalência de alterações e implicações práticas. (PapTest with Liquid-base cytology. Prevalence of alterations and Parctical implications). VII Congresso Paulista de Obstetrícia e Ginecologia. São Paulo, SP, 15 a 18 de agosto de 2002. 11. UTAGAWA, M.L.; PEREIRA, S.M.M.; LONGATTO FILHO, A.; ROTELLI, M.C.; AGUIAR, L.S.; PITTOLI, J.E.; Di LORETO, C.; MAEDA, M.Y.S.; MARTINS, L.; SILVA, C.G.S; SYRJÄNEN, K. Citologia de base líquida e captura de híbridos podem otimizar a qualidade diagnóstica do teste de Papanicolaou? (Liquid-based cytology and Hybrid Capture II could optimize the quality of pap test?) XII (Brazilian Congress of Cytopathology). Congresso Brasileiro de Citopatologia, Foz do Iguaçú, PR, 04 a 08 de Setembro de 2002. 12. SHIRATA, N.K.; LONGATTO FILHO, A .; ESPOLADORE, L.M.W.; PITTOLO, J.E.; Di LORETO. C; ROTELI, C.M.; BRENNA, C.; SYRJANEN, S.; SYRJANEN, K.K. Determinação da ploidia por citometria estática em lesões intraepiteliais de amostra citológicas em base líquida pelo sistema Autocyte (Ploidy determined by static cytometry in Autocyte system cytological samples). XII (Brazilian Congress of Cytopathology) Congresso Brasileiro de Citopatologia, Foz do Iguaçú, PR, 04 a 08 de Setembro de 2002. 13. PEREIRA, S.M.M.; UTAGAWA, M.L.; PITTOLI, J .E.; AGUIAR, L.S.; MAEDA, M.Y.S; LONGATTO FILHO, A.; Di LORETO, C.; ROTELI-MARTINS, C.; ARLINDO, C.; MARTINS, F.C.; SYRJÄNEN, K. A citologia de base líquida detecta mais lesões que a convencional e apresenta preparados de melhor qualidade técnica (Liquid-based cytology detect more lesions than the conventional and offers best quality. XII (Brazilian Congress of Cytopathology) Congresso Brasileiro de Citopatologia, Foz do Iguaçú, PR, 04 a 08 de Setembro de 2002. 14. LONGATTO FILHO,A.; UTAGAWA,M.L.; PERREIRA,S.M.M.; PITTOLI,J.E.; AGUIAR,L.S.; MAEDA,M.Y.S.; Di LORETO,C.; ROTELI-MARTINS C.M.; ARLINDO,F.C.; LIMA,T.P.;SYRJANEN,K. (Experience with the new system of liquid-based cytology DNACITOLIQ and Hybriod Capture II) Experiência do uso do novo sistema de citologia de base líquida DNACITOLOQ e captura de hídridos. XII (Brazilian Congress of Cytopathology). Congresso Brasileiro de Citopatologia, Foz do Iguaçú, PR, 04 a 08 de Setembro de 2002. 15. NONOGAKI,S.; WAKAMATSU,A.; LONGATTO FILHO,A.; UTAGAWA,M.L.; PEREIRA,S.M.M.; PITTOLI,J.E.; AGUIAR,L.S.; MAEDA,M.Y.S.; Di LORETO,C.; ROTELIMARTINS C.M.; SILVA, C.G.; BRENNA,S.; SYRJANEN,K. Detecção de papillomavírus humano por PCR no meio DNACITOLIQ: Correlação com captura de hídricos e citologia em base líquida (Detection of HPV by PCR in DNACITOLIQ Sytem. Correlation with Hybrid capture II). XII Congresso Brasileiro de Citopatologia, Foz do Iguaçú, PR, 04 a 08 de Setembro de 2002. 16. FROES JB, MONTEMOR EBL, GUARISI R, GONTIJO RC, ORTIZ RT, ZEFERINO LC, SARIAN LO. - Socio demographic and reproductive factors associated with Pap smear result and HPV-DNA detection by Hybrid Capture II, in women attended a cervical progam. VIII Simpósio Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia do Trato Genital Inferior e Colposcopia”, 9-13 October, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil, 2002. 17. NASCIMENTO R, GONTIJO RC, GUARISI R, MONTEMOR EBL, ZEFERINO LC, NATALIN R. - Routine Visual Inspection with acetic acid in a Basic Health Unit. VIII Simpósio Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia do Trato Genital Inferior e Colposcopia”, 913 October, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil, 2002. 18. GONTIJO RC, SARIAN LO, DERCHAIN SFM, DUFLOTH RM; CAMPOS E, ORTIZ RT. Correlation between the result of Pap smear and high oncogenic HPV-DNA by Hybrid Capture II as screening test for cervical lesion in a Basic Health Unit. VIII Simpósio Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia do Trato Genital Inferior e Colposcopia”, 9-13 October, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil, 2002. 19. QUINTANA D., CARUSO R., TATTI S., PROVENZANO S. Must we treat Low Grade Epithelial Lesions of the Cervix? “Congreso Argentino de Patologia del Tracto Genital Inferior y Colposcopia”, 26-28 October, Buenos Aires, 2002: 20. CHABELSKI C., TATTI S., PROVENZANO S. Prevalence of Risk Factors and Cervical Epithelial Lesions: Our experience during 2002. “Congreso Argentino de Patologia del Tracto Genital Inferior y Colposcopia”, 26-28 October, Buenos Aires, 2002: 21. SYRJÄNEN K. HPV testing as an adjunct screening tool. Papillomaviruses and Cervical Cancer. Seminar. Bologna, Italy. February 27, 2003. 22. SYRJÄNEN K. HPV typing in cervical screening. Experience from Latin America and NIS countries. Training and continuous education in gynecological cytology and cervical cancer screening. Ljubljana, Slovenia. Invited speaker. March 14-15, 2003. 23. SYRJÄNEN, K., NAUD, P., BRANCA, M., DERCHAIN, S.M., ROTELLI-MARTINS, C., LONGATTO-FILHO, A., TATTI, S., SERPA-HAMMES, L., GONTIJO, R., LIMA, TP., MAEDA, M.Y.S., LORINCZ, A., DORES, G.B., SYRJÄNEN, S. Comparing PAP smear cytology, aided visual inspection (VIA), screening colposcopy, cervicography and HPV testing by HCII (normal and self-sampling) as optional screening tools in Latin America. Experience from the LAMS study. 5th International Multidisciplinary Congress EUROGIN 2003. Paris, April 13-16, 2003. 24. BRANCA, M., ERZEN, M., ALDERISIO, M., LONGATTO-FILHO, A., SYRJÄNEN, K. Interlaboratory quality control (QC) of PAP smear cytology as a part of the multidiscentre trial comparing six optional screening tools in Latin America (The LAMS Study). 5th International Multidisciplinary Congress EUROGIN 2003. Paris, April 13-16, 2003. 25. NONOGAKI, S., WAKAMATSU, A., ALVES, V.A.F., PEREIRA, S.M.M., UTAGAWA, M.L., MAEDA, M.Y.S., ROTELI-MARTINS, C., SYRJÄNEN, K., LONGATTO-FILHO, A. Comparison of Hybrid Capture II and PCR to identify HPV infection in the new UCM medium – Study in 263 consecutive samples. 5th International Multidisciplinary Congress EUROGIN 2003. Paris, April 13-16, 2003. 26. DERCHAIN, S.F.M., FERREIRA-SANTOS, A.L., SARIAN, L.O.Z., SYRJÄNEN, K.J. Human Papilloma- virus viral load predicting disease severity in women showing atypical PAP smears. 5th International Multidisciplinary Congress EUROGIN 2003. Paris, April 13-16, 2003. 27. BRAGANÇA J.F., SARIAN, L.O.Z., GONTIJO, R., DA SILVA, S.M., ZEFERINO, L.C., NATALIN, R., DERCHAIN, S.F.M., SYRJÄNEN, K.J. Screening for cervical cancer: Comparing health workers and their relatives with public health service users. 5th International Multidisciplinary Congress EUROGIN 2003. Paris, April 13-16, 2003. 28. TATTI S. Screening tools for cervical cancer in developing countries. EUROGIN, Paris, April 13-16, 2003. 29. GONTIJO, R.C., DERCHAIN, S.F.M., SARIAN, L.O.Z., ZEFERINO, L.C., GUARISI, R., SYRJÄNEN, K.J. Adjunctive screening cervical cancer tests: The role of PAP smear, visual inspection and hybrid capture II. 5th International Multidisciplinary Congress EUROGIN 2003. Paris, April 13-16, 2003. 30. FERREIRA SANTOS, A.L., DERCHAIN, S.F.M., MARTINS, M.R., SARIAN, L.O.Z., MARTINEZ, E.Z., SYRJÄNEN, K.J. HPV viral load in predicting high-grade CIN in women with atypical squamous cells or low grade squamous lesions. 5th International Multidisciplinary Congress EUROGIN 2003. Paris, April 13-16, 2003. 31. GONTIJO, R.C., DERCHAIN, S.F.M., SARIAN, L.O.Z., ZEFERINO, L.C., NASCIMENTO, R., SYRJÄNEN, K.J. Factors associated with altered PAP smear, visual inspection and hybrid capture II results in one basic health unit in Brazil. 5th International Multidisciplinary Congress EUROGIN 2003. Paris, April 13-16, 2003. 32. TORRES, J.C.C., DERCHAIN, S.F.M., GONTIJO, R.C., WESTIN, M.C., MARTINEZ, E.Z., ANDRADE, L.A.L.A., SYRJÄNEN, K.J. Atypical glandular cells: Establishing criteries to identify clinically significant lesions. 5th International Multidisciplinary Congress EUROGIN 2003. Paris, April 13-16, 2003. 33. ROTELI-MARTINS, C.M., GALVANE, J.O., LIMA, T.P., SILVA, C.G., WOLF, C.M., MARTINS, L.M., CASON, S., ARLINDO, F.C., FIGUEREDO, S.F., SANTOS, L.B., LONGATTOFILHO, A., SYRJÄNEN, K.J. HPV testing by Hybrid Capture II in self-collected swab as an optional screening tool for cvical cancer. 5th International Multidisciplinary Congress EUROGIN 2003. Paris, April 13-16, 2003. 34. NAUD , P., SYRJÄNEN, K., HAMMES, S., MATOS, J.C., BARCELOS, M.C., CAMPOS, C., DIAS, E., MANGO, V.A., NIEDERAUER C.E., PEREIRA, C., PRATI, R., STUCZYNSKI, J., ROSE, A., PÜTTEN, A.C., FERREIRA, P., CAMPOS, E., LORINCZ, A., DORES, G., ARTIGALAS, O., COSTA, F., FONTANA, G., HÖBLICK, M., MANO, M.C., MARQUES PEREIRA, C., MOREIRA, I., OLIJNYK, J.G., PICCOLI, E., THOME, J.G. Improving health systems towards equality-based control of cervical cancer in Latin America. Comparing Pap smear Cytology, Aided Visual Inspection, Cervicography and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Testing as Optional Screening Tools in Brazil and Argentina. 5th International Multidisciplinary Congress EUROGIN 2003. Paris, April 13-16, 2003. 35. SYRJÄNEN K. HPV typing in cervical screening. Experience from Latin America and NIS countries. Gynecologic Cytology in Chroatia-50 years after. First International Scientific Symposium “Jasna Iviæ”. Zagreb, Croatia, May 16, 2003. 36. SYRJÄNEN, K.J. Potenziale ruole dell’indagine HCII HPV come strumento di screening. Sperienze dei due progetti in Russia a in America Latina. Le Infezioni Genitali da Virus del Papilloma Umano (HPV). Lo Stato dell’arte nella prevenzione, diagnosi e sviluppo di vaccini. Roma, Italy, June 12-13, 2003. 37. NAUD P, SYRJÄNEN K, HAMMES L , MATOS JC, BARCELOS MC, CAMPOS C, DIAS E, MAGNO VA, NIEDERAUER CE, PEREIRA C, PRATI R, STUCZINSKI J, ROSE A, ARTIGALAS O, COSTA F, FONTANA G, HÖBLICK M, MANO MC, PEREIRA CM, MOREIRA I, OLIJNYK JG, PICCOLI E, THOME JG. Melhoria da Qualidade dos Programas de Controle do Câncer de Colo Uterino na América Latina - Comparação entre Citologia, Inspeção Visual, Cervicografia e Teste para Detecção do Papillomavirus Humano (HPV). Semana Científica do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Faculty Medicine Hospital, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. August, 2003. 38. GONTIJO R, DERCHAIN SFM, SARIAN LOZ, ORTIZ R, NASCIMENTO R, ZEFERINO LC, GUARISI R, SYRJANEN K - Associated factors with abnormalities in Pap smear, visual inspection with acetic acida and Hybrid Capture II at a Basic Health Unit Health Center. Presented as a Pôster at the VIII Paulista Obstetrics and Gynecologic Congress and X Southest Obstetrics and Gynecologic Congress, 14 to 17 August, 2003, São Paulo – Brazil. 39. GONTIJO, RENATA C; GUARISI, RENATA; DERCHAIN, SOPHIE F M; ORTIZ, RODRIGO T; SARIAN, LUÍS OTÁVIO ZANATTA; ZEFERINO, LUIZ CARLOS. Citologia oncológica, inspeção visual com ácido acético eCaptura de Híbridos II no rastreamento de lesões préneoplásicas e neoplásicas cervicais. In: VIII CONGRESSO PAULISTA DE OBSTETRÍCIA E GINECOLOGIA. VIII Paulista Obstetrics and Gynecologic Congress and X Southest Obstetrics and Gynecologic Congress, 14 to 17 August, 2003, São Paulo – Brazil. 40. NAUD P, SYRJÄNEN K, HAMMES L , MATOS JC, BARCELOS MC, CAMPOS C, DIAS E, MAGNO VA, NIEDERAUER CE, PEREIRA C, PRATI R, STUCZINSKI J, ROSE A, ARTIGALAS O, COSTA F, FONTANA G, HÖBLICK M, MANO MC, PEREIRA CM, MOREIRA I, OLIJNYK JG, PICCOLI E, THOME JG. Improving health systems towards equality-based control of cervical cancer in Latin America. EUROGIN Congress, Porto Alegre, Brazil. August, 2003. 41. TATTI S. Course of lower genital tract disease. EUROGIN Brazil, Porto Alegre, August 2003. 42. TATTI S, CHABELSKI C, ZULOAGA N, GONZALEZ M, FLEIDER L, TINNIRELLO M, KERSZBERG F, CARUSO R, PROVENZANO S. Sociodemographic aspects of Cervical Cancer: a mutidisciplinary aproach “Congreso Argentino de Patologia del Tracto Genital Inferior y Colposcopia”, 27-29 September, Buenos Aires, 2003. 43. MALDONADO, CHABELSKI, TATTI, PROVENZANO S. Colposcopic classifications and therminolgy, an update. Colposcopic grades of diagnostic suspicion. Colpo-cyto-hystologic correlation. Semeñenko, Fleider, Chabelski, Tatti, Provenzano. “Congreso Argentino de Patologia del Tracto Genital Inferior y Colposcopia”, 27-29 September, Buenos Aires, 2003. 44. FLEIDER D. Management of low grade intraepithelial lessions. “Congreso Argentino de Patologia del Tracto Genital Inferior y Colposcopia”, 27-29 September, Buenos Aires, 2003. 45. TATTI S. Treatement of high grade intraepithelial lessions. “Congreso Argentino de Patologia del Tracto Genital Inferior y Colposcopia”, 27-29 September, Buenos Aires, 2003. 46. SYRJÄNEN K. HPV testing as a screening tool of cervical cancer. State of Art in Cervical Cancer Screening. 60 Years of Papanicolaou test. Rome, Italy, September 29-30, 2003. 47. SYRJÄNEN, K., NAUD, P., DERCHAIN, S.M., ROTELLI-MARTINS, C., LONGATTOFILHO, A., TATTI, S., BRANCA, M., ERZEN, LORINCZ, A., SYRJÄNEN, S. Pap smear cytology, visual inspection (VIA), cervicography, colposcopy and HPV testing by Hybrid Capture II as optional screening tools in Latin America. 19th European Congress of Pathology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sept. 6-11, 2003. 48. BRANCA, M., ERZEN, M., ALDERISIO, M., LONGATTO-FILHO, A., SYRJÄNEN, K. Interlaboratory quality control (QC) of PAP smear cytology as a part of the multidicentre trial comparing six optional screening tools in Latin America (The LAMS Study). 19th European Congress of Pathology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sept. 6-11, 2003. 49. TATTI S. Conventional Pap smear versus HC type II. Brazilian National Congress, Manaus, October 2003. 50. TERRAZAS, SM; ROTELI-MARTINS, CM.; GALVANE, JO; MARTINEZ, EZ; FIGUEIREDO, SF; SYRJÄNEN, K. Social and Reproductive characteristics in a multicentre study for cervical cancer screening. XVII FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Santiago, Chile, November 02 to 07, 2003. 51. TATTI S. IFCPC Symposium, lower genital tract disease. FIGO, Santiago de Chile, November 2003. 52. ROTELI-MARTINS, CM.; GALVANE, JO; MARTINEZ, EZ; LONGATTO FILHO, A; ARLINDO, F.C; SYRJÄNEN, K - Comparing Papa smear cytology, aided visual inspection (VIA) and DNA-HPV test as screening tool in São Paulo city XVII FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Santiago, Chile, November, 02 to 07, 2003. 53. GONTIJO R, DERCHAIN SFM, ROTELLI-MARTINS, BRAGANÇA J, SERRA M. Sexual behaviour and age as risk factors to intraepithelial and invasive cervical lesions. Presented as poster at the 50th Brazilian Gynecologic and Obstetric Congress, 18 to 22 November 2003, Pernambuco – Brazil. 54. SYRJÄNEN K. Cervical cancer screening. Pap test and adjunct tools. Scuola di formazione per operatori di screening oncologici. Atri, Italy, November 11, 2003. 55. SYRJÄNEN, K. Auxiliary screening tools (VIA, cervicography, HPV testing). Experience from a multi-centre (LAMS) study in Latin-America. Cancer Cervicouterino y Lesiones Premalignas. Genetica Molecular e Immunologia del VPH. Gualahara, Mexico, December 3-6, 2003. 56. BRANCA M, ALDERISIO M, ER•EN M, LONGATTO-FILHO A, DERCHAIN S, TATTI S, SYRJÄNEN K. Inter-Laboratory Quality Control (QC) Of Pap Smear Cytology In Cervical Cancer Screening In Latin America. The QC Approach in the LAMS Study. 21st International Papillomavirus Conference, Mexico City, February 20-27, 2004. 57. SYRJÄNEN, K., P.NAUD, S.M. DERCHAIN, C. ROTELI-MARTINS, A.LONGATTO-FILHO, S.TATTI, M. BRANCA, M.ER•EN, L. SERPA-HAMMES, J. MATOS, R.GONTIJO, L. SARIAN, T.P. LIMA, M.Y.S. MAEDA, A.LÖRINCZ, G.B.DORES, S. COSTA, S. SYRJÄNEN. Comparing PAP smear cytology, aided visual inspection, screening colposcopy, cervicography and HPV testing as optional screening tools in Latin America. Study Design and Baseline Data of the LAMS Study. 21st International Papillomavirus Conference, Mexico City, February 2027, 2004. 58. TATTI, S., C.CHABELSKI, P.NAUD, S.M. DERCHAIN, C. ROTELI-MARTINS, A.LONGATTO-FILHO, M. BRANCA, M.ER•EN, L. SERPA-HAMMES, J. MATOS, R.GONTIJO, L. SARIAN, T.P. LIMA, M.Y.S. MAEDA, A.LÖRINCZ, G.B.DORES, J.F.BRAGANCA, S. COSTA, S. SYRJÄNEN, K.SYRJÄNEN. Colposcopy as an optional screening tool in low-resource settings of Latin America. Tentative Experience from the LAMS Study* 21st International Papillomavirus Conference, Mexico City, February 20-27, 2004. 59. ROTELI-MARTINS, C., A.LONGATTO-FILHO, P.NAUD, S.M. DERCHAIN, M. BRANCA, M.ER•EN, L. SERPA-HAMMES, J. MATOS, R.GONTIJO, L. SARIAN, T.P. LIMA, M.Y.S. MAEDA, S.TATTI, S. SYRJÄNEN, K.SYRJÄNEN. Conventional PAP test and liquid-based cytology (LBC) as optional screening toolls in low-resource settings of Latin America. Experience from the LAMS Study. 21st International Papillomavirus Conference, Mexico City, February 20-27, 2004. 60. NAUD, P., S.M. DERCHAIN, C. ROTELI-MARTINS, A.LONGATTO-FILHO, S.TATTI, M. BRANCA, M.ER•EN, L. SERPA-HAMMES, J. MATOS, R.GONTIJO, L. SARIAN, T.P. LIMA, M.Y.S. MAEDA, J.F.BRAGANCA, S. COSTA, S. SYRJÄNEN, K.SYRJÄNEN. Aided visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) and iodine (VILI) as optional screening tools in Latin America. Data from the LAMS Study. 21st International Papillomavirus Conference, Mexico City, February 20-27, 2004. 61. DERCHAIN, S.M., P.NAUD, C. ROTELI-MARTINS, A.LONGATTO-FILHO, S.TATTI, M. BRANCA, M.ER•EN, L. SERPA-HAMMES, J. MATOS, R.GONTIJO, L. SARIAN, T.P. LIMA, M.Y.S. MAEDA, A.LÖRINCZ, G.B.DORES, S. COSTA, S. SYRJÄNEN, K.SYRJÄNEN. Detection of high-risk HPV by hybrid capture II (HCII) as an optional screening tool in Latin America. Baseline Experience from the LAMS Study. 21 st International Papillomavirus Conference, Mexico City, February 20-27, 2004. 62. RABELO-SANTOS, S.H., JOSÉ EDUARDO LEVI, SOPHIE DERCHAIN, SAMARA MESSIAS, LUIS CARLOS ZEFERINO, ELISABETE A CAMPOS, LUIS SARIAN, RENATA CLEMENTINO GONTIJO, KARI JUHANI SYRJÄNEN. Recovery of HPV DNA for polymerase chain reaction analysis from Hybrid Capture II denaturing reagent. 21st International Papillomavirus Conference, Mexico City, February 20-27, 2004. 63. OLIVEIRA, E., SOPHIE DERCHAIN, SILVIA HELENA RABELO-SANTOS, MARIA CRISTINA WESTIN, LUIZ CARLOS ZEFERINO, RENATA CLEMENTINO GONTIJO, ELISABETE APARECIDA CAMPOS, KARI JUHANI SYRJANEN Detection of high-risk human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA by Hybrid Capture II in women referred due to atypical glandular cells in primary screening. 21st International Papillomavirus Conference, Mexico City, February 20-27, 2004. 64. SANTOS, A.L.F., SOPHIE FM DERCHAIN, LUIS OZ SARIAN, ELISABETE A CAMPOS, SÂMARA MESSIAS DA SILVA, GISLAINE AF CARVASAN, RENATA C GONTIJO, KARI J SYRJANEN. Hybrid Capture II (HCII) and second PAP smear in detecting high-grade histologic lesions in women referred for screening PAP smear suggestive of ASCUS and LSIL. 21st International Papillomavirus Conference, Mexico City, February 20-27, 2004. 65. SANTOS, A.L.F., SOPHIE DERCHAIN, LUIS SARIAN, ELISABETE APARECIDA CAMPOS, SAMARA MESSIAS DA SILVA, GISLAINE APARECIDA FONSECHI CARVASAN, KARI JUHANI SYRJANEN. Hybrid Capture II (HCII) and Pap smear in the follow-up of women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 1 (CIN1), without treatment. 21st International Papillomavirus Conference, Mexico City, February 20-27, 2004. 66. SARIAN, L., SOPHIE DERCHAIN, PRISCILA GARCIA FIGUEIREDO, RENATA CLEMENTINO GONTIJO, SIRLEI SIANI DE MORAIS, KARI JUHANI SYRJÄNEN. Cytology and Hybrid Capture II performances in detecting CIN recurrence during 24 months follow-up of women submitted to LLETZ conization. 21st International Papillomavirus Conference, Mexico City, February 20-27, 2004. 67. SARIAN, L., LUIZ CARLOS ZEFERINO, SOPHIE DERCHAIN, PRISCILA GARCIA FIGUEIREDO, JULIA TAMBASCIA, ELIZABETE APARECIDA CAMPOS, SIRLEI SIANI DE MORAIS. HPV-DNA detection following LLETZ conization: two-years follow-up. 21st International Papillomavirus Conference, Mexico City, February 20-27, 2004. 68. RINTALA, M., SEHR, P., GRENMAN, S., SYRJÄNEN, K., PAWLITA, M., SYRJÄNEN, S. HPV seroconversion and its predictors in infants prospectively followe-up in the Finnish HPV family study. 21st International Papillomavirus Conference, Mexico City, February 20-27, 2004. 69. BRANCA, M., GIORGI, C., BENEDETTO, A., FAVALLI, C., CIOTTI, M., PICCIONE, E., SESTI, F., SBIROLI, C., MARIANI, L., COSTA, S., SANTINI, D., AGAROSSI, A., DI CARLO, A., DI BONITO, L., SYRJÄNEN, K. Assessment of risk factors and HPV-related pathogenetic mechanisms of CIN in HIV-positive and HIV-negative women. Implications in screening and patient management. 21st International Papillomavirus Conference, Mexico City, February 20-27, 2004. 70. SYRJÄNEN, K. Natural history. HPV Clinical Workshop. 15th International Conference on Cervical Cancer and Precursor Lesions, Mexico City, February 20-21, 2004. 71. SYRJÄNEN, K. The LAMS (Latin American Screening) study. HPV Clinical Workshop. 15th International Conference on Cervical Cancer and Precursor Lesions, Mexico City, February 20-21, 2004. 72. SYRJÄNEN, K. Testing optional screening tools in Latin America. Organisation and baseline data of the LAMS (Latin American Screening) study. XV International Congress of Cytology, Santiago Chile, April 11-15, 2004. 73. DOS SANTOS, S.R., DERCHAIN, S.F.M., DE OLIVEIRA, Z.E.R., ZEFERINO, L.C., DO AMARAL WESTIN, M.C., APARECIDA, L., ANDRADE, L.A., SARIAN, L.O.Z. AND SYRJÄNEN, K.J. Atypical glandular cells and adenocarcinoma in situ at Pap smear: human papillomavirus DNA detection and histological correlation. XV International Congress of Cytology, Santiago Chile, April 11-15, 2004. 74. BRANCA, M., MOROSINI, P., SEVERI, P., ER•EN, M., DI BENEDETTO, C. AND SYRJÄNEN, K. A new statistical software for intra- and inter-laboratory quality control in clinical cytology. Validation of the software in a simulation study on clinical samples. XV International Congress of Cytology, Santiago Chile, April 11-15, 2004. 75. MONTEMOR EBL, ROTELI-MARTINS CM, ZEFERINO LC, AMARAL RG, WESTIN MCA, MUNHOZ D. Rapid review using whole turret and step techniques for cervical cancer screening. XV International Congress of Cytology, Santiago de Chile, April 11-15, 2004. 76. BRAGANCA, JOANA F; SANTOS, SÍLVIA HELENA RABELO; SARIAN, LUÍS OTÁVIO ZANATTA; NATALIN, RICARDO; DERCHAIN, SOPHIE FRANCOISE MAURICETTE. Visual inspection with acetic acid: correlation with Pap smear results. XV International Congress of Cytology, Santiago de Chile, April 11-15, 2004. 77. SYRJÄNEN, K. Testing optional screening tools in Latin America. Organisation and baseline data of the LAMS (Latin American Screening) study. 30th European Congress of Cytology, Athens, Greece, October 12-15, 2004. 78. SHIRATA NK, ESPOLADORE LMW, LONGATTO FILHO A, PITTOLI JE, DI LORETO C, PEREIRA SMM, MAEDA MYS, UTAGAWA ML, AGUIAR LS, ROTELI-MARTINS C, MARTINEZ EG, SYRJÄNEN K. The relation between positive high-risk HPV and ploidy evaluation determined by computer-assisted system.XV International Congress of Cytology, San- tiago de Chile, April 11-15, 2004. 79. NAUD P, SYRJÄNEN K, HAMMES LS, MATOS JC, BARCELOS MC, CAMPOS C, D’ÁVILA A, DIAS E, MAGNO VA, NIEDERAUER CE, OSANAI M, PEREIRA C, PRATI R, STUCZYNSKI JV, ROSE A, PÜTTEN AC, FERREIRA PK, CAMPOS EA, LORINCZ A, DORES G, ARTIGALAS O, CASTRO LP, COSTA F, FAERMANN R, FONTANA G, HÖBLICK M, JANN ME, MANO MC, MARQUES PEREIRA CD, MOREIRA I, OLIJNYK JG, PICCOLI E, THOME JG. Improving health systems towards equality-based control of cervical cancer in Latin America. Comparing pap smear cytology, aided visual inspection, cervicography and human papillomavirus (HPV) testing as optional screening tools in Brazil and Argentina. The Latin America Screening Study (LAMS study) – description of screening phase data from Porto Alegre – Brazil. EUROGIN 2004 International Expert Meeting - HPV Infection and Cervical Cancer Prevention, Nice, 2004. 80. NAUD P, DERCHAIN SM, ROTELI-MARTINS C, LONGATTO-FILHO A, TATTI S, BRANCA M, ER•EN M, HAMMES LS, MATOS J, GONTIJO R, SARIAN L, LIMA TP, MAEDA MYS, BRAGANCA JF, COSTA S, SYRJÄNEN S, SYRJÄNEN K. Aided visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) and iodine (VILI) as optional screening tools in Latin America. Data from the Latin America Screening Study (LAMS study). EUROGIN 2004 International Expert Meeting - HPV Infection and Cervical Cancer Prevention, Nice, 2004. 81. NAUD P, SYRJÄNEN K, MATOS JC, HAMMES LS, BARCELOS MC, CAMPOS C, D’ÁVILA A, DIAS E, MAGNO VA, NIEDERAUER CE, OSANAI M, PEREIRA C, PRATI R, STUCZYNSKI JV, ROSE A, PÜTTEN AC, FERREIRA PK, CAMPOS EA, LORINCZ A, DORES G, ARTIGALAS O, CASTRO LP, COSTA F, FAERMANN R, FONTANA G, HÖBLICK M, JANN ME, MANO MC, MARQUES PEREIRA CD, MOREIRA I, OLIJNYK JG, PICCOLI E, THOME JG. Predictive positive value of colposcopic findings according to 2002 International colposcopic terminology. EUROGIN 2004 International Expert Meeting HPV Infection and Cervical Cancer Prevention, Nice, 2004. 82. NAUD P, MATOS J, HAMMES, STUCKZINSKI J, BROUWERS K, MAGNO V, CRUSIUS P, D’AVILA A, CAMPOS C, MARC C, HOBLIK M, MANO M, FAERMANN R, CASTRO, JANN M, OLIVEIRA L. Cervical cancer screening and prevention. Presented at the Proceedings of the 18th Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre Scientific Week, Porto Alegre, 2004. 83. HAMMES LS, PASSOS E, NAUD P, RIVOIRE W, SYRJÄNEN K, MATOS J, BROUWERS K, MANO MC. Correlation between colposcopic findings and histology according to the International Federation for Colposcopy and Cervical pathology Terminology, 2002. Master thesis. School of Medicine - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, 2004. 84. NAUD P, MATOS J, HAMMES, STUCKZINSKI J, BROUWERS K, MAGNO V, CRUSIUS P, D’AVILA A, CAMPOS C, MARC C, HOBLIK M, MANO M, FAERMANN R, CASTRO, JANN M, OLIVEIRA L. Cervical cancer screening and prevention. Presented at the Proceedings of the 18th Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre Scientific Week, Porto Alegre, 2004. 85. GONTIJO, RENATA CLEMENTINO; DERCHAIN, SOPHIE FM; SARIAN, LUÍS OTÁVIO ZANATTA; SERRA, MÁRCIA PIVATTO. Implementação da inspeção visual com ácido acético no rastreamento de lesões cervicais em uma unidade básica de saúde. In: XIII CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE PATOLOGIA DO TRATOGENITAL INFERIOR E COLPOSCOPIA, 2004, Rio de Janeiro. 2004. 86. BRAGANCA, JOANA F; DERCHAIN, SOPHIE FM; ZEFERINO, LUIZ CARLOS; SARIAN, LUÍS OTÁVIO ZANATTA; DUFLOTH, ROSANY M; MONTEMOR, ELIANE B L; MONTIS, DOUGLAS MUNHOZ; CAMPOS, ELISABETE APARECIDA; SYRJÄNEN, KARI JUHANI. Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid, Hybrid Capture II and Pap test performances in detecting biopsy-confirmed squamous cervical lesions. In: INTERNATIONAL GYNECOLOGIC CANCER SOCIETY 10TH BIENNIAL MEETING, 2004, Edimburgo. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. 2004. v. 14, p. 89. 87. NAJUN M, FLEIDER L, TINIRELLO A, TATTI S, Follow up and obstetric outcome of LEEP and conization treated patients with cervical intraepithelial lesions. XI Argentinian Congress of Reproductive Medicine, Mar del Plata 8-11 December 2004. 88. ALVAREZ R., OCHOA J., PEDROZA F., FLEIDER L., TINNIRELLO MA., TATTI S. Evaluation of lower genital tract in HIV patients. Argentinian Congress of Cervical Pathology, November , 2004. 89. OERTLINGER, ELIZABETH; CAPANDEGUI, CLAUDIA; TINNIRELLO, M. DE LOS ANGELES; FLEIDER, LAURA; TATTI SILVIO. Electrofulcuration procedure (PEF) in the treatment of HPV infection of the uterine cervix. Our 10 years experience. Argentinian Congress of Cervical Pathology, November 2004. 90. TATTI, S., PROVENZANO R, SUZUKI, M, ERHARD A. LSIL: treat or follow-up. Hospitaltal de Clinicas Internal Medicine Congress, December 11, 2004. 91. FROES JB, MONTEMOR EBL, GUARISI R, GONTIJO RC, ORTIZ RT, ZEFERINO LC, SARIAN LO. - Socio demographic and reproductive factors associated with Pap smear result and HPV-DNA detection by Hybrid Capture II, in women attended a cervical progam. – 92. NASCIMENTO R, GONTIJO RC, GUARISI R, MONTEMOR EBL, ZEFERINO LC, NATALIN R. - Routine Visual Inspection with acetic acid in a Basic Health Unit. 93. GONTIJO RC, SARIAN LO, DERCHAIN SFM, DUFLOTH RM; CAMPOS E, ORTIZ RT. Correlation between the result of Pap smear and high oncogenic HPV-DNA by Hybrid Capture II as screening test for cervical lesion in a Basic Health Unit. 94. ER•EN M, SMRKOLJ Š, RAKAR S, MO•INA A. Causes of increased incidence of cervical cancer in Slovenia. XV International Congress of Cytology. Santiago de Chile, Chile, April 1115, 2004. Abstract 76-77. Publications in Scientific Journals 1. SONIA MARIA MIRANDA PEREIRA; MARIA LÚCIA UTAGAWA; JANAINA ERIKA PITTOLI; LUCIANA SILVA AGUIAR; MARINA YOSHIÊ SAKAMOTO MAEDA; ADHEMAR LONGATTO FILHO; CELSO DI LORETO; CECÍLIA ROTELI-MARTINS; JANICE OLÍVIA GALVANE; CLÁUDIA MARIA WOLF; SONIA FONTES FIGUEIREDO; KARI SYRJANEN. Avaliacao de cellularidade citologica em preparados de base liquida. Adolfo Lutz Journal. In press. 2003. 2. SHIRATA, N.K., LONGATTO FILHO, A., ROTELI-MARTINS, C., ESPOLADORE, M.W., PITTOLI, J.E. AND SYRJÄNEN, K. The applicability of liquid-based cytology in assessment of DNA content in cervical lesions using static cytometry. Anal. Quant. Cytol. Histol. 2003;25:210-214. 3. GONTIJO RC, DERCHAIN SFM, ORTIZ RT, GUARISI R, SARIAN LO, BRAGANÇA JF, ZEFERINO LC. - Factors associated with Pap smear, visual inspection alterations and oncogenic high-risk DNA-HPV detection in women of one basic health unit from Campinas. J Bras Doença Sex Transm.14(4):4-8, 2002. 4. DERCHAIN, SOPHIE F M; GONTIJO, RENATA C; ORTIZ, RODRIGO T; GUARISI, RENATA; SARIAN, LUÍS OTÁVIO ZANATTA; BRAGANCA, JOANA F; ZEFERINO, LUIZ CARLOS. Fatores associados as alteracoes da colpocitologia oncologica, a inspecao visual com acido acetico e a deteccao de DNA-HPV de alto risco oncologico em mulheres de uma unidade basica de saude de Campinas. Jornal Brasileiro de DoençasSexualmente Transmissíveis, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, v. 14, 4-8, 2002. 5. TATTI S., FLEIDER L., TINNIRELLO M., VIGHY S., GOMEZ RUEDA N. Towards Optimisation on Screening of Intraepithelial Lesions of the Uterine Cervix. Obstet and Gynecol Latinoamericana, 2002, Vol 60(2):65-70. Prize “Award”, School of Medicine, University of Buanos Aires (UBA), 2002. 6. KERSZBERG F., TATTI S. Hereditary Gynaecological Cancers. Obstet and Gynecol Latinoamericana, 2002, Vol 60(1):36-49. 7. NAUD P, SYRJÄNEN K, HAMMES L , MATOS JC, BARCELOS MC, CAMPOS C, DIAS E, MAGNO VA, NIEDERAUER CE, PEREIRA C, PRATI R, STUCZINSKI J, ROSE A, PUTTEN A, FERREIRA P, CAMPOS E, BRANCA M, ERZEN M, LORINCZ A, MANO MC, ARTIGALAS O, COSTA F, FONTANA G, HÖBLICK M, MANO MC, PEREIRA CM, MOREIRA I, OLIJNYK JG, PICCOLI E, THOME JG. Improving Health Systems Towards equality-based Control of Cervical Cancer in Latin America. Comparing Pap Smear Cytology, Aided Visual Inspection, Cervicography and Human Pappilomavirus (HPV) Testing as optional Screening Tools in Brazil and Argentina. M. In Proceedings, 5th International Multidisciplinary Congress EUROGIN 2003. Monduzzi Editore, Milano. 2003; pp. 199202. 8. SYRJÄNEN, K., NAUD, P., DERCHAIN, S.M., ROTELI-MARTINS, C., LONGATTOFILHO, A., TATTI, S., BRANCA, M., ER•EN, M., SERPA-HAMMES, L., GONTIJO, R., LIMA, T.P., MAEDA, M.Y.S., LORINCZ, A., DORES, G.B., COSTA, S. AND SYRJÄNEN, S. Comparing PAP smear cytology, aided visual inspection (VIA), screening colposcopy, cervicography and HPV testing by HCII (normal and self-sampling) as optional screening tools in Latin America. Experience from the LAMS study. In: Monsonego J. (Ed). 5th International Multidisciplinary Congress EUROGIN 2003. Monduzi Editore, Milano 2003; pp. 65-73. 9. SYRJÄNEN, K.J. Role of HPV detection techniques as auxiliary screening tools. In: AudyJurkovic A (Ed.). Gynecologic Cytology in Croatia 50 Years After. Croatian Medical Association, Zagreb, 2003; pp. 81-91. 10. SYRJÄNEN, K.J. Tecnicas auxiliares en el tamizaje del Ca.Cu. (inspeccion visual post acido acetico, cervicografia y pruebas del VPH). Experiencia multicentrica en Latinoamericano. In: Pineda, C.S. (ed). XIII Reunion International de Cancer Cervico-Uterino y Lesiones Precursoras. Clinica de Diagnóstico Y Prevención del Cancer de la Mujer, Mexico City, 2003: pp. 186-194. 11. CECILIA M. ROTELI-MARTINS; ADHEMAR LONGATTO FILHO, JANICE O. GALVANE, EDSON Z. MARTINEZ, CELSO DI LORETO, MARIA LÚCIA UTAGAWA, FERNANDA C. ARLINDO, SONIA MARIA MIRANDA PEREIRA, LAURA MOTTA MARTINS, JANAÍNA E. PITTOLI, SONIA FONTES FIGUEIREDO, LUCIANA SILVA AGUIAR, MARINA YOSHIÊ SAKAMOTO MAEDA, KARI J. SYRJÄNEN. Cervical Cancer Screening In São Paulo: Preliminary Results For 3000 Women – DST J bras Doenças Sex Transm 15: 1216, 2003. 12. CECiLIA M ROTELI-MARTINS; SONIA MARIA MIRANDA PEREIRA; MARIA LÚCIA UTAGAWA; JANAINA ERIKA PITTOLI; LUCIANA SILVA AGUIAR; MARINA YOSHIÊ SAKAMOTO MAEDA; ADHEMAR LONGATTO FILHO; CELSO DI LORETO; JANICE OLÍVIA GALVANE; CLÁUDIA MARIA WOLF; SONIA FONTES FIGUEIREDO; KARI SYRJANEN. Cervical cancer screening in SÃO Paulo: Preliminary results for 3.000 women. Submitted to Brazilian Journal of STD. 13. SILVA SMM, SARIAN, LOZ, DERCHAIN SFM, CAMPOS EA, MONTEMOR E, DUFLOTH R, ZEFERINO LC - Detection of HPV-DNA and viral load associated to colposcopy as predictive factors of histological cervical lesion in women with atypical squamous cells (ASC) in Pap smear - Jornal Brasileiro de Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis, 2002;14(6):18-21. 14. GONTIJO RCC, DERCHAIN SFM, MONTEMOR E, SARIAN LOZ, SERRA MMP, ZEFERINO LC, SYRJÄNEN KJ. Sexual behaviour as a risk factor for intraepithelial and invasive squamous cervical lesions - to Cadernos Saúde Pública - São Paulo, Brazil. Submitted. 15. GONTIJO RCC, DERCHAIN SFM, GUARISI R, SARIAN LOZ, ORTIZ R, SYRJÄNEN KJ - Pap smear, Hybrid Capture II and visual inspection with acetic acid in the screening of pre- neoplastic and neoplastic cervical lesions in a basic health unit from Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. - to Revista Saúde Pública, São Paulo, Brazil. Submitted. 16. LONGATTO FILHO, A., UTAGAWA, M.L., MIRANDA PEREIRA, S.M., PITTOLI, J.E., AGUIARI, L.S., MAEDA, M.Y.S., DI LORETO, C., ROTELI-MARTINS, C., LIMA, T.P., GALVANE, J.O., AND SYRJÄNEN, K.J. Low- and high-risk HPV types detected with Hybrid Capture II in liquid-based cytology (DNA CITOLIQ®) system: Experience from the LAMS (Latin American Screening) study. J. Bras. Doencas Sex Transm. 16, 17-20, 2004. 17. NONOGAKI S, WAKAMATSU A, LONGATTO FILHO A, PEREIRA SMM, UTAGAWA ML, ALVES VAF, DI LORETO C, MAEDA MYS, LIMA TP. ROTELI-MARTINS C, SYRJÄNEN K Hybrid Capture II And Polymerase Chain Reaction For Identifying HPV Infections In Samples Collected In A New Collection Medium. A Comparison. Acta Cytol 48: 514520, 2004. 18. SHIRATA NK, ESPOLADORE LMW, LONGATTO FILHO A, PITTOLI JE, DI LORETO C, PEREIRA SMM, MAEDA MYS, UTAGAWA ML, AGUIAR LS, ROTELI-MARTINS C, MARTINEZ EG, SYRJÄNEN K High-Risk HPV Detection by Hybrid Capture and Ploidy Determination by a Computer-Assisted System in Cervical Biopsies. Anal Quant Cytol Histol 26: 295- 300, 2004. 19. LONGATTO FILHO A, MAEDA MYS, ERZEN M, BRANCA M, ROTELI-MARTINS C, NAUD P, DERCHAIN SM, MATOS J, GONTIJO R, SARIAN L, LIMA TP, TATTI S, SYRJANEN S, SYRJANEN K. Conventional Pap Smear and Liquid-Based Cytology (LBC) as Optional Screening Tools in Low-Resource Settings of Latin America. Experience from the LAMS Study. Acta Cytol (in press). 20. LONGATTO FILHO A, UTAGAWA ML, SHIRATA NK, PEREIRA SMM, NAMIYAMA G, KANAMURA CT, SANTOS GC, OLIVEIRA MA, WAKAMATSU A, NONOGAKI S, ROTELI-MARTINS C, DI LORETO C, FERRAZ MGMC, MAEDA MYS, ALVES VAF, SYRJANEN K. Immunocytochemical Expression of P16 and Ki-67 in Cytologically Negative and Equivocal Pap Smears Positive For Oncogenic Human Papillomavirus. Int. J. Gynec. Pathol. (in press). 2005 21. WAKAMATSU A, NONOGAKI S, LONGATTO FILHO A, ROTELI-MARTINS C, DI LORETO C, MAEDA MYS, UTAGAWA ML, PEREIRA SMM, POLLI S, ALVES VAF, SYRJÄNEN K. Molecular Strategies for Identifying HPV Infections in Routinely Processed Samples: Focus on Paraffin Sections. Submitted. 22. MONTEMOR EBL, ROTELI-MARTINS CM, LONGATTO FILHO A, ZEFERINO LC, AMARAL RG, FONSECHI-CARVASAN GA, SHIRATA NK, UTAGAWA ML, SYRJANEN K. Whole, Turret and Step Cytological Techniques in the Cervical Cancer Screening. Cytopathology. Submitted. 23. GONTIJO, RENATA CLEMENTINO; DERCHAIN, SOPHIE FRANCOISE MAURICETTE; SARIAN, LUÍS OTÁVIO ZANATTA; MARTINS, CECÍLIA ROTELI; BRAGANCA, JOANA F; SILVA, SAMARA MESSIAS DA. Avaliação de métodos alternativos à citologia no rastreamento de lesões cervicais: detecção de DNA-HPV e inspeção visual. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, v. 26; 269-275, 2004. 24. GONTIJO, Renata Clementino; MARTINS, Cecília Roteli; DERCHAIN, Sophie Francoise Mauricette; BRAGANCA, Joana F; ZEFERINO, Luiz Carlos; SARIAN, Luís Otávio Zanatta; SERRA, Marcia Pivatto. Comportamento sexual e idade como fatores de risco para lesões intra-epiteliais e invasoras do colo do útero. RCM. Revista de ciências médicas, 13, 13-21, 2004. 25. GONTIJO, Renata Clementino; DERCHAIN, Sophie Fm; MONTEMOR, Eliane B L; SARIAN, Luís Otávio Zanatta; SERRA, Marcia Pivatto; ZEFERINO, Luiz Carlos; SYRJÄNEN, Kari Juhani. Citologia oncológica captura híbrida II e inspeção visual no rastreamento de lesões cervicais. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, n. in press, 2005. 26. SYRJÄNEN, K, NAUD, P., DERCHAIN, S.M., ROTELI-MARTINS, C., LONGATTOFILHO, A., TATTI, S., BRANCA, M., ER•EN, M., SERPA-HAMMES, L., MATOS, J., GONTIJO, R., SARIAN, L., LIMA, T.P., MAEDA, M.Y.S., LÖRINCZ, A., DORES, G.B., COSTA, S. AND SYRJÄNEN, S. Comparing PAP smear cytology, aided visual inspection, screening colposcopy, cervicography and HPV testing as optional screening tools in Latin America. Study Design and Baseline Data of the LAMS Study. Gynecol Oncol. Submitted. 2005. 27. SARIAN, L, DERCHAIN, S.M., NAUD, P., ROTELI-MARTINS, C., LONGATTO-FILHO, A., TATTI, S., BRANCA, M., ER•EN, M., SERPA-HAMMES, L., MATOS, J., GONTIJO, R., LIMA, T.P., MAEDA, M.Y.S., LÖRINCZ, A., DORES, G.B., COSTA, S., SYRJÄNEN, S. AND SYRJÄNEN, K. Aided visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) and Lugol’s iodine (VILI) ad optional screening tools in Latin America. Experience from the LAMS Study. J. Med. Screening. Submitted. 2005. 28. SMRKOLJ Š, RAKAR S, MO•INA A, ER•EN M. Evaluation of causes of increased incidence of cervical cancer in Slovenia. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2004;117:213-221. 29. BRANCA, M., MOROSINI, P., SEVERI, P., ER•EN, M., DI BENEDETTO, C., SYRJÄNEN, K. A New Statistical Software For Intra- And Inter-Laboratory Quality Control In Clinical Cytology. Validation Of The Software In A Simulation Study On Clinical Samples. Acta Cytol. 2005; In press. Other publications (Book Chapters etc.) 1. KOVAÈIÈ J, HVALEC Š, LEVIÈNIK A, DEBEVEC M, ER•EN M. Fifty years of gynecologic cytology at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Ljubljana. In: Er•en M, editor. Book of proceedings, Training of cytotechnologists and cytopathologists in cervical cancer screening in 21st century: new approaches to vocational training and continuous professional education. Ljubljana 14 March 2003. Ljubljana: The Slovenian society of gynecological oncology, colposcopy and cervical cytopathology, 2003; 22-30. 2. KOVAÈIÈ J, HVALEC Š, LEVIÈNIK A, DEBEVEC M, ER•EN M. Petdeset let ginekološke citologije na ginekološki kliniki v Ljubljani.In: Er•en M, editor. Book of proceedings, Training of cytotechnologists and cytopathologists in cervical cancer screening in 21st century: new approaches to vocational training and continuous professional education. Ljubljana 14 March 2003. Ljubljana: The slovenian society of gynecological oncology, colposcopy and cervical cytopathology, 2003; pp. 31-39. 3. ER•EN M, BRANCA M, SYRJÄNEN K, COLEMAN DV. The PAP test procedure, quality assurance and continuous quality improvement in laboratories participating in cervical cancer screening. Presentation of the items produced by Leonardo da Vinci, Cytotrain 2000 project of European Union. In Audy-Jurkoviæ S, editor. First International Scientific Symposium of Clinical Cytology “Jasna Iviæ”. Gynecological Cytology in Croatia – 50 Years After, Zagreb, May 16, 2003: pp.94-103. 4. ER•EN M, BRANCA M, SYRJÄNEN K, COLEMAN DV. The PAP test procedure, quality assurance and continuous quality improvement in laboratories participating in cervical cancer screening. Presentation of the items produced by Leonardo da Vinci, Cytotrain 2000 project of European Union. In: Er•en M, editor. Book of proceedings, Ljubljana 14 March 2003, Training of cytotechnologists and cytopathologists in cervical cancer screening in 21st century: new approaches to vocational training and continuous professional education. 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