Faculdade de Educação Curriculum Vitae Wivian Weller Date and Place of Birth Nationality ADDRESS May 1967 in Jaragua do Sul, SC -­‐ Brazil Brazilian and German Universidade de Brasília / University of Brasilia Faculdade de Educação / Faculty of Education Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro 70.910-­‐900 Brasília, DF -­‐ Brazil Fone: ++55 61 3307-­‐2069 Cel: ++55 61 8102-­‐5588 Mail: [email protected] -­‐ [email protected] Web: http://lattes.cnpq.br/9672130191987782 www.fe.unb.br EDUCATION Ph.D. in Sociology, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1998-­‐2002 Specialization in Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences, 1998-­‐
1999 B.A., M.A. in Science Education, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1990-­‐1997 CURRENT POSITIONS Professor of Education, University of Brasilia – Faculty of Education, 2005-­‐ Researcher from CNPq – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development Editor of Linhas Críticas – Journal of the Faculty of Education, University of Brasilia, Brazil – www.linhascriticas.fe.unb.br Coordinator of Research Group GERAJU – Gerações e Juventude (Generations and Youth) PRIOR POSITIONS Recent-­‐doctoral Fellowship, University of Brasilia – Department of Sociology, August 2003 till January 2005 Recent-­‐doctoral Fellowship, Federal University of Santa Catarina – Department of Sociology, March 2002 till July 2003 Research Assistant by Prof. Dr. Ralf Bohnsack Freie Universität Berlin – Department of Education, Berlin, Germany, 1997-­‐2001 COURSES TAUGHT SINCE 2005 Undergraduate Degree Gender and Education Philosophy of Education Graduate Degree Youth, Education and Culture Qualitative Research Methods and Data Analysis Research in Education CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECT
Comparative Study of Brazilian and Chinese Youth: 2012-­‐2015 Social science research based on surveys can elucidate differences, be they cultural, related to perceptions of changing life chances, or in the perception of the impacts of diverse social processes such as mobility, education, environmental deterioration and, of course, of relations with other countries and peoples. The specific objectives of the study are to conduct the first comparative social science research project between Brazil and China. A mutually agreed upon questionnaire will be applied to a random sample of students in Universities, both elite and non-­‐elite, in the two countries. These universities will be located in both the capital and the principal industrial city of each country, and will be chosen for their representativeness. General project coordinator in Brazil: Tom Dwyer, University of Campinas, Sao Paulo State. Coordinator in Brasília: Wivian Weller, University of Brasilia, Federal District. Funded by The Institute of Applied Economic Research – IPEA (Brazil) and The China Youth and Children Research Center – CYCRC (China). FINISHED RESEARCH PROJECTS
Academic experiences and plans for the future of young women admitted by the University of Brasília through the affirmative action program: 2009-­‐2011 This project focus on the academic experiences of black female students at the University of Brasilia and their attitudes toward affirmative action in public universities of Brazil. A second interest is related to their professional perspectives and plans for the future. The students were interviewed in p. 2
two different moments: At the beginning of their studies between 2006 and 2007 (see project bellow), and by the end of their undergraduate degrees during 2009 and 2010. The empirical data is based on biographic narrative interviews with 22 students from different academic courses. Project coordinator: Wivian Weller Funded by National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development – CNPq (Brazil) School and family life trajectories of young women admitted by the University of Brasilia through the affirmative action program: 2006-­‐2008
The main purpose of this project was to reconstruct the school and family life trajectories of black female students. By interviewing students of different academic courses and school backgrounds the researches of this projects had analyzed the experiences of racism and prejudice the women have had at school and also the strategies they had developed to overcome these situations. An other interest was to find out how they decided which subject to study at university (specially by students with a non-­‐academic background), and which influences from the family or from other contexts they have had by their choices. The empirical research was conducted by members of the GERAJU group from the Faculty of Education and during the fieldwork more than 60 students had participate in group discussions1 or individual interviews. Project coordinator: Wivian Weller Funded by National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development – CNPq (Brazil) Hip hop in Sao Paulo and Berlin: aesthetical expression and experiences of discrimination among blacks and youth of Turkish origin: 1998-­‐2001
This empirical research is related with my Ph.D. studies at the Free University of Berlin in Germany. During the fieldwork from 1998 until 2000 I’ve collected empirical data based on participant observation, group discussion and biographic narrative interviews with young blacks in the periphery of Sao Paulo (Brazil) and with youth of Turkish origin living in neighborhoods with higher concentration of immigrants in the city of Berlin. The empirical fieldwork was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD and from Villigst e.V. (Foundation from the Lutheran Church). PUBLICATIONS Books WELLER, Wivian. Minha voz é tudo o que eu tenho -­‐ Manifestações juvenis em Berlim e São Paulo (My voice is all what I have – youth expressions in Berlin and Sao Paulo). Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2011. WELLER, Wivian. HipHop in São Paulo und in Berlin: ästhetische praxis und ausgrenzungserfahrungen junger Schwarzer und Migraten (Hip hop in Sao Paulo and Berlin: aesthetical expression and experiences of discrimination among blacks and youth of Turkish origin). Opladen: Leske & Budrich, 2003. BOHNSACK, Ralf; PFAFF, Nicolle; WELLER, Wivian (Ed.). Qualitative Analysis and Documentary Method in International Educational Research. Opladen & Farmington Hills, MI: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2010. 1
Group Discussion: research method developed by the german sociologists Werner Mangold and Ralf Bohnsack. p. 3
WELLER, Wivian; PFAFF, Nicolle (Ed.). Metodologias da Pesquisa Qualitativa em Educação: Teoria e Prática (Qualitative Methodology in Education: Theory and Praxis). 2 ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2011. Main Chapters and Articles English WELLER, Wivian; SILVA, Catarina M. (2011). Documentary Method and Participatory Research: Some Interfaces. In: International Journal of Action Research, Vol. 7, Issue 3, 294-­‐318. WELLER, Wivian; TELLA, Marco Aurelio Paz . Hip-­‐Hop in São Paulo: Identity, Community Formation, and Social Action. In: Idelber Avelar; Christopher Dunn (Ed.). Brazilian Popular Music and Citizenship. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011, 188-­‐203. WELLER, Wivian. The Feminin Presence in Youth (Sub)Culture. The Art of Becoming Visible. In: Bohnsack, Ralf; Pfaff, Nicolle; Weller, Wivian. (Ed.). Qualitative Analysis and Documentary Method in International Educational Research. 1 ed. Opladen & Farmington Hills, MI: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2010, 143-­‐163. E-­‐book: http://www.budrich-­‐verlag.de/upload/files/artikel/00000334_010.pdf?SID=06dba596c6f83234e0ad46a19a0eb172 BOHNSACK, Ralf; PFAFF, Nicolle; WELLER, Wivian. Reconstructive Research and Documentary Method in Brazilian and German Educational Science -­‐ An Introduction. Qualitative Analysis and Documentary Method in International Educational Research. Opladen & Farmington Hills, MI: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2010, 7-­‐38. German WELLER, Wivian. HipHop-­‐Gruppen in São Paulo und Berlin. ästhetische Praxis und kollektive Orientierungen junger Schwarzer und Migranten. In: Ralf Bohnsack; Aglaja Przyborski; Burkhard Schäffer (Ed.). Das Gruppendiskussionsverfahren in der Forschungspraxis. 2 ed. Opladen & Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich, 2010, 109-­‐122. WELLER, Wivian. Ethnizität und Gender im brasilianischen Bildungswesen. In: Costa, Sérgio; Kohlhepp, Gerd; Nitschack, Horst; Sangmeister, Hartmut. (Org.). Brasilien heute. Geographischer Raum, Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur.. Frankfurt/M: Vervuert, 2010, 587-­‐600. WELLER, Wivian. Karl Mannheim und die dokumentarische Methode. Zeitschrift für Qualitative Bildungs, Beratungs und Sozialforschung. Magdeburg, 2005, v. 6, n. 2, 295-­‐312. Portuguese WELLER, Wivian; BASSALO, Lucélia de Moraes Braga (2011). Imagens: documentos de visões de mundo. Sociologias, 13(28), 284-­‐314, 2011 [http://www.scielo.br/pdf/soc/v13n28/10.pdf]. WELLER, Wivian. A atualidade do conceito de gerações de Karl Mannheim. Sociedade e Estado, 25(2), 205-­‐224, 2010 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0102-­‐69922010000200004]. WELLER, Wivian. Aportes hermenêuticos no desenvolvimento de metodologias qualitativas. Linhas Críticas, 16(31), 287-­‐304, 2010 [http://educa.fcc.org.br/pdf/lc/v16n31/v16n31a06.pdf]. p. 4
WELLER, Wivian; SILVEIRA, Marly. Ações afirmativas no sistema educacional: trajetórias de jovens negras na Universidade de Brasília. Revista Estudos Feministas, 16(3), 931-­‐947, 2008 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0104-­‐026X2008000300013]. WELLER, Wivian. Diferenças e desigualdades na Universidade de Brasília: experiências de jovens-­‐
negras e suas visões sobre o sistema de cotas. Política & Sociedade, 6(11), p. 133-­‐158, 2007 [http://www.periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/politica/article/view/1264/1205]. WELLER, Wivian. Grupos de discussão na pesquisa com adolescentes e jovens: aportes teórico-­‐
metodológicos e análise de uma experiência com o método. Educação e Pesquisa, 32(2), 241-­‐260, 2006 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1517-­‐97022006000200003]. WELLER, Wivian. A contribuição de Karl Mannheim para a pesquisa qualitativa: aspectos teóricos e metodológicos. Sociologias, 7(13), 260-­‐300, 2005 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1517-­‐
45222005000100011]. Weller, Wivian. A presença feminina nas (sub)culturas juvenis: a arte de se tornar visível. Revista Estudos Feministas, 13(1), 107-­‐126, 2005 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0104-­‐026X2005000100007]. LANGUAGES Portuguese Mother tongue German Second Mother tongue English Good working Knowledge Spanish Excellent working Knowledge September 2012. p. 5

Wivian Weller CV - Stanford Center on Adolescence