Thyego Roberto da Silva ([email protected])
R. Thyego in front of the Colón Theatre, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Master of Science thesis (2014): Geoquímica, geocronologia e caracterização
geotectônica de plútons neoproterozóicos, na porção sudeste do Domínio PernambucoAlagoas, Província Borborema, NE do Brasil (Advisor: Prof. V. P. Ferreira)
Thyego works in the SIGMA Company (Serviços Integrados de Geologia Mineração e
Meio Ambiente). He has experience on Mineral Economics working in consonance with
the National Department for Mineral Production (DNPM). He has experience on
geological mapping (use of the ArcGIS software) Desktop. Currently, he works in the
Agencia Pernambucana de Águas e Clima (APAC) leading with management,
monitoring and approval of underground water.

Thyego Roberto da Silva - ®