Paulo Canelas de Castro
Associate Professor
Coordinator of the Master’s in European Union Law, International Law and Comparative Law
Jean Monnet Chairholder, Chair : European Union Law:
Facing the Constitutional and Governance Challenges in the Era of Globalisation
University of Macau. Faculty of Law
Av. Padre Tomás Pereira, S.J.,
Taipa, Macau
Tel.: +853.83974091
Fax: +853.8397409
[email protected]
2004 – present
2003 – present
2000 – 2003
1997 – 2003
1988 – present
1998 - present
1988 – present
Coordinator of the Master’s in European Union Law, International Law
and Comparative Law , Faculty of Law, University of Macau
Area Coordinator of the European Union Law Area of Studies, Master’s
in European Union Law, International Law and Comparative Law, Macau
Judge of Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot Court, Hong
Kong, SAR, China
Academy of International Trade Law, Course on Freshwaters and
International Economic Law
Guest Lecturer at the East China University of Politics and Law, Shanghai
Member of the Luso-Spanish Commission for Implementation and
Development of the 1998 Convention
Legal Advisor and Counsel for Portugal and Mozambique on different
European Community Law and International Water Law issues.
Assistant of Public International Law and European Community Law,
Faculty of Law, University of Coimbra, Portugal (on leave since Sept.
Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg, Germany
Supervisor of more than 30 Master’s theses in Portugal, Brazil and Macau,
Guest conference speaker in different Universities spanning four Continents,
on topics of European Union Law and International Law.
Academic awards:
International Council for Canadian Studies Scholarship, research on water management
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Scholarship
Thyssen Foundation (Germany) Scholarship for Visiting Professorship in International
Law at the University of Hamburg, Germany
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Scholarship for research on the International
Law of Neutrality at the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und öffentliches Recht
und Völkerrecht, Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany
Finnish Academy of Science Scholarship, for writing opinion on compatibility of
Finland’s neutrality status and membership in the European Communities
First Master’s prize of the Cercle Universités Méditerranénnes, Nice, France
LLM in Law, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Higher Studies in National Defence and Security
LLM in Law, Université de Nice, France
Post-Graduation in European Community Law, Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes
Internationales, Nice, France
Post-graduation in International Relations, Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes
Internationales, Nice, France
Degree in law, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Editorial boards:
Revista do Centro de Estudos de Direito do Ordenamento, do Urbanismo e Ambiente
Revista Jurídica do Urbanismo e do Ambiente
Nação e Defesa
Recent research projects
Visions of Governance-European and Global
European and Global Governance of Freshwater Resources
The Reform of the European Court of Justice
The Developments of International Water Law
International Law Association
Association for European Law and Economics, Coimbra, Portugal
Deutsch Lusitanischen Juristenvereinigung, Heidelberg, Germany
Association of Auditors of National Defence, Portugal
1997 - 2003: legal consultant to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Environment,
Portugal on water issues. In this capacity, negotiated several treaties and other legal documents in the
United Nations, in the European and Southern African settings and in the bilateral relations with Spain.
2001-2003: legal consultant to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of the Planning, Portugal on
transboundary cooperation. In this capacity, negotiated the agreement between Portugal and Spain
1998 - 1999: consultant to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Portugal on the Case C-36/98 (Spain v.
Council) before the Court of Justice of the European Communities.
1991-1992: counsel for the Republic of Guinea-Bissau in the Validity of the Arbitral Award (GuineaBissau v. Senegal) Case in the International Court of Justice
1988 – 1992: consultant to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Portugal on the viability of legal
proceedings against Australia on East Timor and counsel for the Portugal in the East Timor (Portugal
v. Australia) Case in the International Court of Justice
Recent publications
“Climate Change and Adaptive Water Management – How Much Adaptation does EU Water Law
Need?”, Working Paper, The World Jurist Association, November 2007;
“Transição de paradigmas no direito internacional da água”, in Luís Veiga da Cunha et al. (eds.),
Reflexos da Água, Lisboa, 2007, pp. 104-105;
“Globalisation and its Impact on International Law: Towards an International Rule of Law?”, Boletim
da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, vol. 20, 2006, pp. 223-282 (came out in 2007);
Recent Developments in Water Law. Principles and Comparative Cases, published by Luso-American
Foundation in 2006;
“Cambiamento dei paradigmi nella legislazione internazionale e europea a tutela delle acque”, Rivista
Giuridica dell’Ambiente, 2006, n°6, pp. 829-853;
“Do efeito directo do artigo 33° do Acordo TRIPS”, in FDULx., (ed.), Homenagem ao Professor
Doutor André Gonçalves Pereira, Coimbra, 2006, Coimbra Editora, pp. 747-801 (with Gomes
“A nova geração dos tratados internacionais sobre águas no contexto da África Austral: Rumo à
sustentabilidade”, in Carlos Alberto de Bragança (Coord.), 5° Congresso Ibérico, Gestão e
Planeamento da Água – Bacias Partilhadas, Bases para a Gestão Sustentável da Água e do Território,
FCT, 2006, Lisboa, pp. 115-116 ;
“Mudança de Paradigmas no Direito Internacional da Água? As “ Regras de Berlim” da Associação de
Direito Internacional”, in Carlos Alberto de Bragança (Coord.), 5° Congresso Ibérico, Gestão e
Planeamento da Água – Bacias Partilhadas, Bases para a Gestão Sustentável da Água e do Território,
FCT, 2006, Lisboa, pp.125-126;
“Nova Era nas Relações Luso-Espanholas na Gestão das Bacias Partilhadas? Em busca da
Sustentabilidade”, in J.J. Gomes Canotilho (org.), O regime jurídico internacional dos rios
transfronteiriços, Coimbra, 2006, Coimbra Editora, pp. 75-144.
“Locus Standi of Private Applicants to the European Court of Justice – Sisyphus’s works?”, Boletim
da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, vol. 17, 2004, pp. 15-44 (came out in 2006);
“Freshwaters-Sea Interface: Emerging Legal Field?”, Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da
Universidade de Macau, 2004, n°16, pp. 179-220 (2006);
“Evolução do regime jurídico da relação rio-mar: rumo a um Direito (integrado) das águas?”, in
Revista Jurídica do Urbanismo e do Ambiente, N°s. 21/22, Junho-Dezembro 2004, pp. 159-232 (2005);
“Water Law: the View Projected by the Epistemic Community”, in The Permanent Court of
Arbitration/Peace Palace Papers, Resolution of International Water Disputes, The Hague, February
2003, Kluwer Law International, pp. 371-416, (2004).
For a more detailed CV, kindly see
For a more complete list of publications, kindly see

Paulo Canelas de Castro