UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO CEARÁ CENTRO DE HUMANIDADES CASA DE CULTURA BRITÂNICA ExAME DE PROFICIÊNCIA EM LÍNGUA INGLESA HOW CHOLESTEROL AFFECTS YOUR HEART'S HEALTH 5 When most people hear "cholesterol" they think cholesterol can be very bad and very good. On its make the white, waxy substance (about 75% of elsewhere in your body). Cholesterol insulates membranes. "evil." Like most things in life, the reality is more complex; own, cholesterol is a crucial body component. That's why you the cholesterol in your blood is made by the liver and cells nerve cells in your brain and provides structure for cell "If you want to see what it looks like in a solidified form, go get yourself a can of Crisco at the grocery store," says Gregory Dehmer, MD, director of the division of cardiology at the Texas A&M College of Medicine. "If you open up a can of Crisco, it’s this white, lard-like substance." 10 When it comes to heart disease, though, some types of cholesterol are too much of a good thing. Not all cholesterol is created equal. It's a fatty substance, so cholesterol can't dissolve in the blood to be carried to where it's needed in the body. "Your body is mostly water, and fat and water don't mix," says Dr. Dehmer. How cholesterol can clog arteries 15 So cholesterol is packaged into proteins that can shuttle the fatty stuff around your body. One is high-density lipoprotein (HDL, or good cholesterol) and another is low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or bad cholesterol). What's the difference? LDL can stick to the smooth lining of the blood vessels, where it is absorbed. HDL appears to do the opposite — it actually mops up excess cholesterol and removes it from the blood vessels. The amount and type of cholesterol in your blood are determined by genetics, age, diet, and exercise. When you eat a diet that is rich in saturated and trans fats, or dietary cholesterol (which is found in animal products such as eggs, milk, and meat), LDL cholesterol levels go up. 20 "The problem is that many individuals — and probably including myself — eat a diet that is very excessive in all the wrong kind of fats, of which we are talking about animal fats and dairy fats, and therefore we get our cholesterol up too high," says Dr. Dehmer. How cholesterol affects the heart 25 If LDL cholesterol is too high, some is absorbed into the artery walls, where it acts like an irritant that triggers inflammation in the body. White blood cells crawl into the artery wall and start "gobbling up fatty particles" in a fruitless effort to heal the damage, says Dr. Dehmer. The end result is big, fatty deposits in the blood vessels. This causes the vessels to become stiff, narrow, and less responsive to triggers to expand and constrict, a process that ensures a steady flow of life-giving oxygen to the body's tissues. 30 35 This process can happen all over your body. If the fatty buildup is in the blood vessels in the legs (a condition known as peripheral arterial disease), you may experience cramping and have difficulty walking; if it is in the penis, you can develop erectile dysfunction; and if it is in the neck arteries, it can cut off the blood supply to the brain and cause a stroke. The biggest danger, however, is to the heart. The arteries that cover the surface of the heart are particularly prone to clogging. Once fatty plaques clog these blood vessels, blood flow to the heart tissue is reduced. This can cause chest pain, or angina. If plaque ruptures, a clot can form and cause a heart attack — a dramatic decline in the blood supply that causes heart tissue to die. (Disponível em: http://www.health.com/health/condition-article/0,,20207896,00.html) IMPORTANTE: APÓS A LEITURA DO TEXTO, RESPONDA O QUE SE PEDE EM PORTUGUÊS. LEMBRE-SE DE QUE SUAS RESPOSTAS DEVEM ESTAR BASEADAS NAS IDÉIAS DO TEXTO; NÃO EM CONHECIMENTOS PRÉVIOS QUE NÃO TENHAM SIDO MENCIONADOS. HOW CHOLESTEROL AFFECTS YOUR HEART’S HEALTH_EXAME DE PROFICIÊNCIA_CCB/UFC 1 PARTE 1 – Responda as perguntas abaixo de acordo com o texto. 1.1. De acordo com o primeiro parágrafo, qual é a importância do colesterol para o nosso corpo? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.2. Por que o colesterol não se dissolve no sangue? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.3. Quais são os dois tipos de colesterol e qual a diferença entre eles? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.4. O que acontece quando o nível de LDL se encontra muito elevado? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.5. O que acontece com os vasos sanguíneos que possuem grandes depósitos de gordura? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.6. Por que o coração é o órgão mais suscetível aos malefícios causados pelo acúmulo de placas de gordura nas artérias? _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ (60 pontos – 10 pontos cada item) HOW CHOLESTEROL AFFECTS YOUR HEART’S HEALTH_EXAME DE PROFICIÊNCIA_CCB/UFC 2 PARTE 2 – Marque (V) para VERDADEIRO ou (F) para FALSO de acordo com o texto. Indique a(s) linha(s) do texto onde se encontra a informação que justifique sua resposta. 2.1. A maioria das pessoas não conhece os benefícios do colesterol. ( ) Linha(s): ______________________ 2.2. A maior parte do colesterol presente em nosso corpo é sintetizada por nosso próprio organismo. ( ) Linha(s): ______________________ 2.3. O colesterol é essencial para a formação de membranas celulares. ( ) Linha(s): ______________________ 2.4. O colesterol é envolto em pequenas estruturas denominadas lipoproteínas. ( ) Linha(s): ______________________ 2.5. Nossa idade não tem nenhuma influência na quantidade de colesterol presente em nosso organismo. ( ) Linha(s): ______________________ (20 pontos – 4 pontos cada item) PARTE 3 – Faça a tradução do trecho abaixo de acordo com as idéias do texto. This process can happen all over your body. If the fatty buildup is in the blood vessels in the legs (a condition known as peripheral arterial disease), you may experience cramping and have difficulty walking; if it is in the penis, you can develop erectile dysfunction; and if it is in the neck arteries, it can cut off the blood supply to the brain and cause a stroke. (linhas 30-33) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (20 pontos) BOA PROVA! HOW CHOLESTEROL AFFECTS YOUR HEART’S HEALTH_EXAME DE PROFICIÊNCIA_CCB/UFC 3