September 12, 2012
Luciano Santos Tavares de Almeida
Investe Sao Paulo
Luciano Santos Tavares de Almeida was born on October 4th, 1965. He graduated with a degree in Business
Administration from Unimep - Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (Piracicaba Metodista University), and
obtained his post-graduate degree in International Business Management and Administration from Berkeley
University (USA). He also attended a specialization course on Land Parceling and Urban Development, at
Secovi University.
In addition to being a shareholder of the Tavares de Almeida Group, parent company of corporations such as
Tatuzinho, 3 Fazendas, Motocana, Usina Vista Alegre, Casa Grande Hotel and other organizations belonging
to the stockbreeding and agro industrial sector, Luciano Almeida is also a Counselor of Banco Luso Brasileiro.
Furthermore, he is the Director of Ciesp - Centro das Indústrias de São Paulo (Industry Union of the State of
São Paulo), Counselor of Unica - União da Agroindústria Canavieira (Sugarcane Agro Industry Union) and
former President of Apla - Arranjo Produtivo Local do Álcool (Ethanol Cluster) for the region of Piracicaba.
Among many other attributes, Almeida has extensive experience in administration both in the public and
private sectors, as well as knowledge of the international arena and investment attraction.
From 2005 to 2007, he was Secretary of Industry and Commerce for Piracicaba. He had an important role as
head of the Secretariat of Industry and Commerce (Semic), where he executed the Economic Development
Plan of the county and region with projects that resulted in the decrease of the unemployment rate and the
title of 9th biggest exporting city in Brazil and the 5th biggest in the state of São Paulo.
From 2008 to 2009, he worked as an Assistant Secretary for Alberto Goldman and Geraldo Alckmin on the
Secretariat of Development of the State of São Paulo. On May 1st, 2010, he was named secretary, a position he
held until December of the same year. During this period, he took the position of president of the Deliberative
Board of IPT - Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (Technological Researches Institute) and of Investe São
Paulo, as well as taking part as a Counselor of Nossa Caixa Desenvolvimento and of Sebrae - Serviço
Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas (Support Service for Micro and Small Brazilian
Luciano Almeida took the position of president of Investe São Paulo in 2011 aiming to attract new companies
and promote the State of São Paulo throughout the Brazilian territory and abroad.
Spring 2008 General Conference - Sonesta Bayfront Hotel, Coconut Grove, FL - May 2—4, 2008

Luciano Santos Tavares de Almeida President Investe