The Portuguese
Society for
Microscopy, in
collaboration with
the Cooperativa de
Ensino Superior
Egas Moniz invites
you to participate in
the Congress
“Microscopy in
Research 2013” that
will be held
December 9 and 10
at the Cooperativa
de Ensino Superior
Egas Moniz, in
Monte da Caparica.
Extended abstracts
will be published in
a special number of
SPMicros official
journal 'Microscopy
and Microanalysis'
(M&M), a Cambridge
Journal with an
impact factor of
This meeting aims at providing Portuguese microscopists with
an opportunity to present and discuss their work with
interested colleagues.A post congress course intitled
“Innovation in Microscopy” will take place in December 11.
Invited speakers will present subjects with broad interest for
the microscopy community. Stay tuned for upcoming
information. http://congress.spmicros2013.org
Egas Moniz - Cooperativa de Ensino Superior, CRL
Campus Universitário - Quinta da Granja - Monte de Caparica
December 9 and 10
Organizing Committee
A.P. Alves de Matos
Patricia Almeida Carvalho
Lia Ascensão
Filipa Vale
José Rino
Pedro Nolasco
Pedro Henriques
Gonçalo Borrecho
António Pedro Alves de Matos
Department of Pathologic Anatomy
Curry Cabral Hospital
Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central
1069-166 Lisboa
[email protected]
