Colégio da Polícia Militar do Paraná.
“Cel PM Felippe de Sousa Miranda”
Student: ..................................................................................... n .…….........
1o. Ano...........
May ................, 2015.
English Activity – 2º. Trimestre
A. Complete using verbs in Simple Present.
1. You ……………………. English. (study)
8. She ……………………. the dishes. (wash)
2. Jane ……………………. vegetables. (cook)
9. They ……………………. soccer. (play)
3. He ……………………. the piano. (play)
10. We ……………………. to Japan. (move)
4. The girls …………………….all night. (cry)
11. The kids ……………………. a lot. (dance)
5. My family ……………………. in Europe. (live)
12. He ……………………. to music. (listen)
6. My mother ……………………. eggs. (fry)
13.The boy ……………………. the flowers.(destroy)
7. I ……………………. television. (watch)
14. Bella ……………………. the computer. (use)
B. Complete using verbs in Simple Present.
1. My aunt ……………………. bread. (make)
8. He ……………………. his bicycle. (ride)
2. We ……………………. our homework. (do)
9. You ……………………. very fast. (swim)
3. She ……………………. to the park. (go)
10. She ……………………. at six. (get up)
4. They ……………………. Pizza on Fridays. (eat)
11. I ……………………. dinner with my family. (have)
5. You ……………………. juice. (drink)
12.Paul ……………………. a new car every year. (buy)
6. I ……………………. about you. (think)
13. The students ……………………. the book. (read)
7. Peter ……………………. e-mails every day. (write)
14. Clare ……………………. a shower. (take)
C. Write the sentences in English.
1.(Simple Present) Você come queijo todo dia. …………………………………………………..
2.(Present Continuous) Você está comendo presunto agora.  …………………………………………………..
3.(Simple Past) Você comeu pão ontem.  …………………………………………………..
4.(Past Continuous) Você estava comendo sanduiche.  …………………………………………………..
5. Ele bebe água.  …………………………………………………..
6. Ele está bebendo suco.  …………………………………………………..
7. Ele bebeu café.  …………………………………………………..
8. Ele estava bebendo leite.  …………………………………………………..
9. Nós pensamos sobre problemas.  …………………………………………………..
10. Nós estamos pensando muito.  …………………………………………………..
11. Nós pensávamos ontem.  …………………………………………………..
12. Nós estávamos pensando sobre você.  …………………………………………………..
13. Eu jogo xadrez.  …………………………………………………..
14. Eu estou jogando vôlei.  …………………………………………………..
15. Eu joguei basquete.  …………………………………………………..
16. Eu estava jogando cartas.  …………………………………………………..
17. Ela lava as louças.  …………………………………………………..
18. Ela está lavando o carro.  …………………………………………………..
19. Ela lavou o cão (na) última terça-feira.  …………………………………………………..
20. Ela estava lavando as roupas.  …………………………………………………..
D. Circle 10 grammar problems in the text.
A housewife´s life is very stressful – or is it?
Many people think that housewives have a very stressful life. We ask two, Maggie and Eve, about their typical day.
Maggie Macallan is from Quebec, Canada. : “I gets up at 7:30, and I makes breakfast for my children then I get dressed and take the
children to school. Then I gos shopping. I go to the supermarket and buy food and things for the house. When I get home, I make the
beds and clean the house. I take a shower before pick up the children from school at four o´clock. In the evening, we has dinner and
watches television. I go to bed at 10:30 because I are very tired. “
Eve Standish is from Houston, Texas. : “I get up at ten o´clock and I has fruit and orange juice for breakfast. Then I take a bath and get
dressed. At 11:30, I meet my friends downtown. First, we have a coffee and then we goes shopping. We usually have lunch at about
one o´clock in a restaurant in town. In the afternoon, we sometimes go to the gym. When I get home, I has a drink with my husband. In
the evening, we go to the theater or to a nightclub. We does not go to bed early, we go to bed very late.”
(adapted from OXENDEN, Clive. American English File . 1a. edição – Oxford University Press, 1996.)
E. Complete using What, Where, When, Why, How, How much, How many, How often, How old.
1. ……………… are you? I am sixteen.
2. ……………… is your favorite color? It is blue.
3. ……………… do you drink coffee? Every day.
4. ……………… do you live? I live in London.
5. ……………… is your birthday? It is in April.
6. ……………… do you go to school? Because it is important.
7. ……………… students are there in class? There are 35 students.
8. ……………… are you today? I am fine, thank you.
9. ……………… is the computer? It is $1,000 dollars.
10……………... is your favorite food? It is chicken.
F. Complete using Simple Past or Present Perfect.
1. You ………………………… wine last night. (drink)
8. ………… Chris ………….. her mother last month? (help)
2. He ………………………… at CPM since 2010. (study)
9. Bella ………………………… a bath for 20 minutes. (take)
3. Jane ………………………… this book for two weeks. (read)
10. They ………………………… a house last year. (buy)
4. I ………………………… the dishes last night. (wash)
11. You ………………………… on a diet since last week. (be)
5. They ………………………… neighbors for ten years. (be)
12. He ………… already ………..…… his breakfast. (have)
6. …………… you …………….. Mexican food yet? (eat)
13. I ………………………… a cup yesterday. (break)
7. We ………………never ………… to Canada. (go)
14. We ………… not ………… to the park last Saturday.
G. Read the text: Amish Children at School.
Amish children go to one room schools within walking distance of their homes. They are called “Young Scholars” by their
family. The children are expected to concentrate on their work and do the best they can.
Their teachers are young, unmarried women from the community. They learn the basics of reading, writing, arithmetic, as well
as German and English.
School is not all work for the children. Like classes everywhere, they also have drawing, and special projects. Unlike most
public schools, there is no problem involving the parents. They are more than willing to help out. A father might come in early to start
the fire in the stove that heats the building. A mother might donate a special lunch or birthday cupcakes. (…)
(It fits:Edições SM; editor responsável Wilsom Chequi – 1ª. Edição – São Paulo: Edições SM, 2012)
1. Check the correct alternative.
a) Amish children need to walk some distance to go to school.
b) They suffer from bullying when people call them “Young Scholars”.
c) Nobody expect any work from the children.
d) The best from the kids is not important.
2. Check the correct alternative.
a) Women are not married in the community.
b) People learn German because they speak only that.
c) Reading and writing are the grammar topics they study only in English.
d) Children have teachers from the community.
3. Check the INCORRECT alternative.
a) Children have special projects in class.
b) They do not study Mathematics.
c) Parents can help the school.
d) There are problems involving parents in some public schools.
4. Check the INCORRECT alternative.
a) Parents really help the school at the Amish Community.
b) It is necessary to heat the building sometimes.
c) Mothers always make lunch for kids at school.
d) Amish parents are ready to collaborate with the school.
H. Read the text. Answer the questions.
Cristina: “My favorite time of the day is 10 o'clock at night, because it´s when I finish practice and I can start to relax and enjoy
the evening. My favorite day of the week is Thursday because I do not work on Friday, so for me the weekend begins on Thursday
night. My favorite month is July because it is the month when I have my vacation. My favorite season is the spring. One of my hobbies
is gardening and my garden is really beautiful in the spring. My favorite holiday is Christmas. My family lives very far away, and it is the
only time when I can see them. This is a little bit of my life and I am very happy!”
(adapted from OXENDEN, Clive. American English File . 1a. edição – Oxford University Press, 1996.)
1. What is her favorite day of the week? …………………
6. When is her vacation? ……………………………
2. Does she work on Friday? ……………………………………
7. What is her hobby? ………………………………
3. Why does she like 10:00 at night? …………………………
8. What is beautiful? …………………………………
4. What is her favorite month? ………………………………..
9. Is Cristina happy? …………………………………
5. Is Cristina sad? ……………………………..
10. When does she have her vacation? ……………………

Colégio da Polícia Militar do Paraná. “Cel PM Felippe de