Congresso na Argentina destaca avanços tecnológicos em Smart Grid
O Congresso Internacional de Distribuição de
Electricidade (Cidel Argentina 2010) aconteceu
em Buenos Aires, entre 27 e 29 de setembro.
Além do Congresso, foi realizada a Feira de
Equipamentos e Serviços Relacionados à
Distribuição Elétrica, dedicada a Inovações
O congresso regional, que é organizado pela
Associação Argentina de Distribuidores de
Energia Elétrica (ADEERA) e pelo Comitê
Argentino da Comissão de Integração
Energética Regional (CACIER), discutiu as
novas tecnologias e padrões da indústria e as
relações da empresa com a sociedade em que
exerce suas atividades.
Em sua apresentaçao durante o evento, o presidente da consultoria ECOee e do Fórum Latino Americano
de Smart Grid, Cyro Vicente Boccuzzi, detalhou os esforços que o fórum vem desenvolvendo nos últimos
três anos para encorajar os países da região a desenvolverem políticas e regulação que favoreçam a
implantação das novas tecnologias. Também apresentou recentes estudos e projetos desenvolvidos por
concessionárias de energia do Brasil.
CIDEL Argentina 2010 is the International Congress on Electricity Distribution that was held at the Hilton
Hotel in the City of Buenos Aires from September 27th through 29th, 2010. In addition to the Congress,
there was also an Exhibition of Equipment and Services related to Electrical Distribution, especially devoted
to Technological Innovations.
The regional congress, which is organized by the Argentine Association of Electric Energy Distributors
(ADEERA) and the Argentine Committee of the Commission for Regional Energy Integration (CACIER),
discussed both new technologies and standards in the industry, as well as the relationships of companies
with the society where they perform their activities. The Cidel 2010 Congress is part of CIRED regional
Six sessions covered the relevant subjects to electrical distribution as regards technological advances
in the design of infrastructure, operation and maintenance, management and regulatory aspects. One of
the sessions discussed sustainability in electrical distribution on its three pillars: economic, social and
environmental. This is the fourth time this congress is held in Argentina, with more than thirty countries
having taken part in other opportunities.
A round table on “Technology and Trends in Intelligent Lines”, a topic of great interest at the moment, was
held in a round table conducted just before the Congress Opening Session. The participants were Guillermo
Amann - Grupo Ormazabal from Spain, Cyro Boccuzzi. - Smart Grids Latin American Forum, Jacir Paris
– Copel Distribuidora and Daniel Moreno - EDENOR (Buenos Aires), under the coordination of Ester
Fandiño - CACIER Executive Secretary.
In his presentation Cyro covered the efforts that the Smart Grid Latin American Forum has been carrying
out to promote and encourage the Countries in the region to set up proper Policies and Regulations
regarding the subject, and also the implementations and deployment that have been carried out by the

ECOee participa do CIDEL 2010 em Buenos Aires