1. Personal data
Maria Teresa Esteves Costa Pinto
Name under which publishes
Pinto, Teresa Costa
Institutional Address
Av. das Forças Armadas, Edifício ISCTE
1649-026 Lisboa
Institutional Contacts:
Telephone: + 351 217903462
Email: [email protected]
2. Academic qualifications
2006, PhD in Sociology (Territorial and Environmental Sociology), ISCTE-IUL, University
Institute of Lisbon
1987, Degree in Sociology, ISCTE-IUL, University Institute of Lisbon
3. Earlier activities and current situation
1987 to , Assistant Professor at Department of Sociology, ISCTE-IUL, University Institute of
2010 to , Research member at DINAMIA’CET/ISCTE-IUL
2011 to , Director of Master on Urban Studies, ISCTE-IUL/FCSH-UNL
2011 to , Member of Editorial Board "Cidades. Comunidades e Territórios" ( Cities.
Communities and Territories), DINAMIA’CET/ISCTE-IUL
2011 to , Associated Member of CRH (Centre Recherche Sur l'Habitat/ Housing Research
Centre), LAVUE, CNRS, France
2010 to, Member of Scientific Committee of DINAMIA’CET/ISCTE-IUL
1994 to , Member of European Network of Housing Research (ENHR)
02-5-2011 a 02-6-2012, Invited professor at Paris 8 University, Paris
02-5-2011 a 02-6-2012, Invited researcher at CRH (Centre Recherche sur l'Habitat/Housing
Research Centre), LAVUE/CNRS, Paris
1991 to 2010 Research Member at CET/ISCTE-IUL (Centre of Territorial Studies)
4. Scientific Domain
5. Domain of specialization
Territorial and environment Sociology
6. Current research interests
Urban Studies; Quality of Life; Urban Quality of Life; Social Housing; Housing Policies; Ways of
life and ways of Living; Residential Mobility; Social and Spatial Exclusion; Periurban Areas
7. Experience in Thesis Guidance
PhD Thesis, Sonia Cristina Nunes Alves," The social, spatial and political in Poverty and
Exclusion. Evaluation of policies for the regeneration of urban areas at risk in the city of Porto",
PhD in Sociology, Department of Sociology of ISCTE-IUL, completed July 2010.
Master's Thesis, Carolina Henriques, Towards a Hybrid City: Rethinking the city through an
Institute for (X), MA in Urban Studies, ISCTE-IUL, completed Setember 2014
Master's Thesis, Joana Casaca, Urban Requalification and Quality of Life
Downtown, completed Setember 2014
Master's Thesis, Mafalda Chambino, "Children and Young People in Resettlement: Social
Diagnosis", MA in Sociology, Planning and Environment, Department of Sociology of ISCTE-IUL,
completed December 2011
Master's Thesis, Lina Soares, "Relocation of residents from Casal Ventososo neighborhood to
Quinta do Loureiro: Real life change?, MA in Family and Society, Department of Sociology,
ISCTE-IUL, completed September 2010 .
Master's Thesis, Troncana Ana Jorge Aguilar, "Daily Life and individual settings of 'spacetime' in
the city: Multiplicity and unity in building a collective way of acting on the problem of
coordination of day-to-day in the city", MA in Urban Studies, Department of
Sociology,inscribed, not completed
Master's Thesis Guidance Ilaria Bagnato, The "governance" in the projects for urban renewal
of major events: comparison between two cases d'study, Erasmus student, Portuguese part
completed in 2009.
7. Research projects
2013-2015, REV, Rester en Ville, International Project, CRH coordination, PUCA funding
(coordination portuguese team)
2012-2015, PERIURBAN - Peri-urban areas facing sustainability challenges: scenario
development in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon, FCT project PTDC/AUR-AQI/117305/2010
(team member)
2010-2013, Residential trajectories and metropolization: continuities and changes in Lisbon
Metropolitan Area, FCT project, PTDC/CS-SOC/102032/2008 (team member)
2009/2010, Reprogramming of equipment in Alta de Lisboa: Survey on Housing Demand,
CET/ISCTE-IUL, SGAL funding (coordination)
2009-2010, Reprogramming of equipment in Alta de Lisboa: equipments, social coexistence
and ways of living, CET/ISCTE-IUL, SGAL funding (coordination)
2008-2010, Needs in Portugal: tradition and emergent trends, DINAMIA’CET/ISCTEIUL,QREN/POAT funding (co-coordination)
2006, Perception and Evaluation of Quality of Life in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon:
Resources, aspirations and Needs in the Quality of Life Notion Construction, PHD Thesis, ISCTEIUL.
2006, Intervention in Problematic Neighborhoods: Vale da Amoreira, Pilot Study, CET-ISCTEIUL, INH (National Housing Institute) funding (consultant).
2005, Quality of Life and Expectations of the Urban and Rural Dwellers in the Municipality of
Palmela, Municipality of Palmela, CET/ISCTE-IUL, CMP funding (consultant).
2002-2004, New Housing Needs: Socio-demographic Changes and Housing Supply, FCT project
(team member).
2001-2002, Identity Construction, Images and Expectations of Youth in Public Housing
Contexts, CET/ISCTE-IUL, CML funding (consultant).
2000, Housing Policy in Portugal: Two decades in question, FCT project (coordination)
1998-2000, Public Images Constitution Processes: conflituality dynamics and insecurity",
Housing Observatory Project, 6th Phase, CET/ISCTE-IUL, Municipality of Lisbon funding
1998- 2000, Actors and the Production of Public Images, Conflituality Dynamics and Identity
Strategies", Housing Observatory Project, 6th Phase, CET/ISCTE-IUL, Municipality of Lisbon
funding, (coordination).
1997-2000, Quality of Life in Suburbs: Habitat, Family Life and Fecundity in Metropolitan Area
of Lisbon, FCT project (coordination of research line: Quality of Life in the Suburbs of
Metropolitan Area of Lisbon).
1993-1994, Prospective analysis of Lisbon Downtown, CET/ISCTE-IUL, Municipality of Lisbon,
(team member).
1987-1997, Coordinator and member of team in several research projects, namely in the
Housing Observatory Project, CET/ISCTE-IUL/Municipality of Lisbon
8. Publications
2006, Perception and evaluation of quality of life in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon:
Resources, Aspirations and Needs in the Construction of Quality of Life's Notion, PHD Thesis,
1992, Models of Habitat, Ways of Living: Individual Dynamic and Social Imagery on the Illegal
Housing Construction, PAPCC, ISCTE-IUL
Books (author)
2010, À Tona de Água. Necessidades em Portugal, Tradição e Tendências Emergentes, Vol I,
Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e Tinta-da-China Ed. Co-author with Isabel Guerra,
Marta Martins; Sara Almeida (title in english: Needs in Portugal, Tradition and Emerging
2010, À Tona de Água. Retratos de um Portugal em Mudança, Vol II, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste
Gulbenkian e Tinta-da-China Ed. Co-author with Isabel Guerra, Marta Martins, Sara Almeida,
Alda Gonçalves. (title in english: Portraits of a Change in Portugal)
1999, Baixa Pombalina: Diagnóstico, Prospectiva e Estratégia de Actores, Celta Editora, Oeiras.
Co-author (title in english: Baixa Pombalina: Diagnostic, Prospective and Actors Strategy)
Book Chapters
2011, "Qualidade de Vida e desenvolvimento: trajectória de um conceito" in Fátima Grácio
(org.), Cuidar a Democracia, Cuidar o Futuro, Lisboa, Fundação Cuidar o Futuro (English title:
"Quality of Life and Development: a concept trajectory")
2010, “Enquadramento Temático Conceptual” in À Tona de Água. Necessidades em Portugal,
Tradição e Tendências Emergentes, Vol I, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e Tinta-daChina Ed. (co-author with Isabel Guerra, Marta Martins, Sara Almeida).
2010, “Necessidades em Portugal no Caleidoscópio da Mudança. Os Resultados do Inquérito
às Necessidades em Portugal “ in À Tona de Água. Necessidades em Portugal, Tradição e
Tendências Emergentes, Vol I, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e Tinta-da-China Ed. (coauthor with Isabel Guerra, Marta Martins, Sara Almeida).
2010, “Quotidianos Invisíveis: Retratos de Um Portugal em Mudança” in À Tona de Água.
Necessidades em Portugal, Tradição e Tendências Emergentes, Vol I, Lisboa, Fundação
Calouste Gulbenkian e Tinta-da-China Ed. (co-author with Isabel Guerra, Marta Martins, Sara
Almeida, Alda Gonçalves).
2010, ”Famílias Sanduíche em Portugal” in À Tona de Água. Retratos de um Portugal em
Mudança, Vol II, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e Tinta-da-China Ed. (co-author with
Alda Gonçalves, Marta Martins, Sara Almeida).
- 2002, "Qualidade de vida urbana: um conceito de difícil gestão sociológica" in: A Qualidade
de Vida Urbana, Persppectivas e Práticas de Intervenção, Câmara Municipal do Porto,
Departamento de Qualidade de Vida Urbana. (English title: “Urban quality of life, a concept of
difficult sociological management” inT he Urban Quality of Life, Perspectives and Intervention
Papers in International Journals with Peer review
- 2013, “Some structural and emergent trends in Social Housing in Portugal. Rethinking housing
policies in times of crisis”, Cidades. Comunidades e Territórios, nº 27, DINAMIA'CET/IUL (coauthor with Isabel Guerra)
- 2012, "Patterns of housing demand under uncertainty: a case study in Lisbon", Cidades.
Comunidades e Territórios, nº 25, DINAMIA'CET/IUL
- 2011, "Near and far: a case of social mix in Lisbon", Cidades, Comunidades e Territórios, nº
- 2009, “Notions and perceptions of quality of life: what clues to intervene in the city”, ITU
Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, Vol. 6, Spring 2009, Istanbul Technical University.
- 1995, “L’appropriation du lojement et des modes de vie: ‘clandestins’ et ‘legaux’”, Espaces et
Sociétés, nº 79, Modes de Vie et Société Portugaise
Papers in National Journals with Peer review
2009, “Centro, periferia e qualidade de vida: reflexões e contributos para a operacionalização
do conceito de Qualidade de Vida”, Sociedade e Território, nº 49, Porto, Afrontamento.
("Centre, periphery and quality of life: reflections and contributions to the operationalization
of the concept of Quality of Life")
2009, “Do Território aos Sujeitos. A construção da noção de qualidade de vida”, Cidades,
Comunidades e Territórios, nº19, CET/ISCTE-IUL ("From territory to subjects: the social
construction of quality of life notion")
2007, “Noções e percepções de qualidade de vida: que pistas para uma intervenção na
cidade?”, Cidades. Comunidades e Territórios, Lisboa, CET/ISCTE, nº15 (Notions and
perceptions of quality of life: what leads to an intervention in the city?")
2006, Editorial, Cidades. Comunidades e Territórios, Lisboa, CET/ISCTE, nº 12/13 (co-autoria).
2004, “Qualidade de vida, reflexões e debates em torno de um conceito”, Cidades,
Comunidades e Territórios, nº 9, CET/ISCTE. ("Quality of Life - reflections and debates about a
2001, “Housing Policy – In the search of new problematics”, Cidades, Comunidades e
Territórios, nº3, CET/ISCTE, (Co-author)
2001, “Políticas de habitação, à procura de novas problemáticas”, Cidades, Comunidades e
Territórios, nº3, Lisboa, CET/ISCTE, (co-autoria) (Housing policies, looking for new
2001, “Os Bairros Sociais vistos por si mesmos: Actores, Imagens Públicas e Identidades”,
Cidades, Comunidades e Territórios, nº3, CET/ISCTE, (Co-author) (“Social neighbourhoods as
seen by themselves: actors, public images and identities”)
2000, “Os Bairros Sociais vistos por si mesmos: Imagens, Conflitualidades e Insegurança”,
Cidades, Comunidades e Territórios, nº1, Lisboa, CET/ISCTE (Co-author).("Social
neighbourhoods as seen by themselves: images, conflicts and insecurity”)
1998, “Modelos de habitat, modos de habitar: O caso da produção clandestina do habitat”,
Sociedade e Território, nº 25 ("Habitat models, ways of living: The case of illegal production of
9. Presentations in Conferences
Oral presentations by invitation
December 2013, “News trends in housing dynamics, new ways to rethink housing policies in
times of changing”, The Housing Markets of Southern Europe in face of the crisis, ENHR
Workshop, Gorlitz, 1-5 December (co-author with Isabel Guerra)
July 2013, “Repensar as politicas de habitação em tempo de crise”, O Futuro da Habitação
Pública no Estado Social Pós- Crise, IHRU, ((co-author with Isabel Guerra)
April 2013, "Ways of life and geographies of everyday life in LMA", Conferência
Metropolização, Teajectórias Residenciais e Modos de Vida. Tendências nas Metrópoles da
Europa do Sul, ISCTE-IUL, 18 Abril
April 2013, "Social Housing in a context of austerity: the Portuguese case", Seminar Social
Housing in globalizing urban contexts, Viena, University of Vienna, April 5-6
Setember 2012, “Quality of life in Lisbon Metropolitan Area: representations of a concept”,
Lisbon, IST, 20 Setember
July, 2012, "Building theories based on practices – reflections and learnings about community
interventions in “mixed” cities", Reinventing the City. Participation and Inovation. Summer
School, ISCTE-IUL ( with Vanessa Sousa)
May 2011, "Residential Trajectories and metropolisation: continuities and changes in Lisbon
Metropolitan Area", CRH/LAVUE/CNRS, Paris, 31 May
May 2011, "Mouraria: From the 'typical' and 'popular' neighborhood to the multiethnic
neighborhood. Identity and social and spatial fragmentation", Seminar Memory Studies, Year
2, Université Paris 8, Paris, 26 May
May 2011, "Alfama: from Homogeneity to social diversity. Balance of a social and urban
ongoing transformation process", Séminar Ville, Mémoire, Migration, Université Paris 8, Paris
December 2010, "Alta de Lisboa: coexistence or cohabitation?", Conference: From the City to
Territory - Looking for the lost space, ISCTE-IUL, 15 Decembre, DINAMIA-CET/ISCTE-IUL
Setembre 2010, "Near and far: a case of social mix in Lisbon?", International Conference:
Lisbon, City in Transition, ISCTE-IUL, 17 Setembre, DINAMIA-CET/ISCTE-IUL organisation
October 2010, "Sandwich Families in Portugal", Conference Cycle: An Algarve without Poverty,
Faro, Associação in Loco organisation
February 2010, "Quality of Life and Development: a path concept", Conference Cycle: Caring
for democracy, care for the future. Quality of Life and Social Development, Fundação Cuidar O
Futuro, Lisboa, Centro Nacional de Cultura, 4 February
March 2008, "Center, Periphery and Quality of Life: Reflections and contributions to the
operationalization of the concept of Quality of Life", Seminar Urban Dispersion Occupation,
Aveiro University, 7 March
June 2006, “Public images constitution processes, conflict dynamics and (in)security in public
housing contexts”, 1st Meeting of Traumatic Phenomena of Public Housing Processes,
Alkantara Project/Lusiada University, Lisbon.
Mai 2003, “Images, conflicts and insecurity in five social neighbourhoods of Lisbon
municipality”, 1st Meeting of Municipal Housing, Portuguese Association of Municipal Housing,
Mai 2001, “Urban quality of life, a concept of difficult sociological management”, in: 1st Forum
about The Urban Quality of Life, Porto, The City Hall of Porto.
December 1998, “Grupos sociales, modos de vida, modos de habitar” International Seminar:
Los Retos de la Vivienda ante la Integración Europea, promoted by European Network for
Housing Research (ENHR) and by Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid.
Mai 1998, “L’Aire Metropolitaine de Lisbonne: Croissance et Specificite des Peripheries”,
International Conference: Rencontres Luso-françaises sur la Ville: Croissance, Patrimoine et
Culture de l’Habitat, Instituto Camões, Paris (co-author)
October 1997, “Urban growth and housing policy in Portugal”, meeting promoted by European
Network for Housing Research (ENHR),Working Group Housing Practices in Southern Europe,
October 1996, "Habitat Models, ways of Living: The case of illegal production of habitat", LusoFrench Seminar Dwelling and Population: Social Change and Ways of Living, October 1996,
CET- ISCTE organisation
Other oral presentations
July 2014, Ferreiro, F.; Santos, S.; Costa, P; Pinto, T. C.; Colaço, C., “Socioeconomy of periurban areas: the case of Lisbon Metropolitan Area”, ISCTE-IUL/DINÂMIA-CET, ISA-UL/CEABN,
Peri-Urban 2014, University of Western Sydney, Sidney, 29 Julho
July 2014, Pinto, T.C; Ferreiro, .F; Costa, P.; Santos, S; Bernardo, F. ; Gonçalves, J.; Colaço, C.;
Patriarca, A. Socio-economic typologies of peri-urban áreas. The case of Lisbon Metropolitan
Areas. IALE (International Association of Landscape Ecology) – Europe Thematic Workshop
2014 – “Advances in Spatial Typologies: How to move from concepts to practice?” 4-5 de Julho
2014. ( Instituto Superior Técnico)
July 2014, “News trends in housing dynamics in face of the crisis. The Portuguese case”, ENHR
Conference 2014, Edinburgh, 1- 4 July (co-author with Isabel Guerra)
June 2012, “Housing models and metropolitan dynamics in Lisbon” paper presented to the
ENHR International Research Conference: Housing: Local Welfare and Local Markets in a
Globalised World, Lillehamer, 24-27 June 2012 (with Sandra Marques Pereira)
July 2011, "Patterns of housing demand under uncertainty: a case study in Lisbon",
presentation to the ENHR International Research Conference: ‘Mixité’ : an urban and housing
issue ? Mixing people, housing and activities as the urban challenge of the future, Toulouse,
- July 2010, “Near and Far: a case of social mix in Lisbon?”, presentation to the ENHR
International Research Conference – Urban Dynamics and Housing Change, Istanbul, Faculty of
Arquitecture, Technical University, 4-7 July 2010.
- February 2009, Needs in Portugal: tradition and emergent trends, paper presented at the
Luso-Afro. Brasilien Congress, Braga
- July 2008, “Notions and Perceptions of Quality of Life. What clues to intervene in the city?”,
paper presented in the European Network for Housing Research International Conference/
ENHR: Shrinking Cities, Sprawling Suburbs, Changing Countrysides, Dublin, Ireland.
- June 2008, "Territory(ies) and Quality of Life: representations of a concept", paper presented
in the Congress of the Portuguese Association of Sociology, Lisbon, 2008.
- June 2000, “Residential contexts of social exclusion: images and identities”, International
Conference: Housing in the 21st century: Fragmentation and Reorientation, promoted by
European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) and by Institute for Housing Research,
Uppsala University, Gavle, Sueden.
- August 1999, “The Metropolitan Area of Lisbon: dynamics of growth, diversity of the suburbs
and quality of life”, International Conference: New European Housing and Urban Policies,
promoted by European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) and by Metropolitan Research
Institute of Budapeste, Balatonfured.
- Setembro 1998, “The Metropolitan Area of Lisbon: suburbanization and diversity of
peripheries”, V Congress Luso-afro-brasileiro of Social Sciencies, Maputo.

CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal data Name Maria Teresa Esteves