Sustainable Cities Program
Foto: Por gelinh. Flickr Creative Commons
Currently half of humanity lives in cities
2030: 60% e 2050: 70% (UN)
Emissions of greenhouse gases: 80% in cities (World Bank)
Latin America
More than 130 million poor people live in cities (Cepal)
In Brazil
The urban population is 85% (IBGE)
Sustainable Cities Program
The Sustainable Cities Program aims to raise awareness,
mobilize people and provide tools to develop Brazilian cities in
an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable
- Tools
- Sustainable Cities Platform, an agenda for the sustainability of
cities which deals with the various areas of public administration
incorporating the social, environmental, economic, political and
cultural dimensions involved;
- indicators associated to the platform; part of the commitments of
the mayor(s);
- National and international success cases for the integrated
improvement of the indicators in the cities.
- Sustainable Cities Platform - Each theme of the Sustainable Cities
Platform has a unique color that is also represented in the Sustainable
Cities Program logo. See below:
- Sustainable Cities Platform, an agenda
Common Natural Resources
- Fully assume our duty to protect, preserve and ensure balanced access to
natural common goods.
- Set targets to reduce nonrenewable energy consumption and to increase the
use of renewable
- Improve the quality of water, save water and use water more efficiently;
- Protect, regenerate and enhance biodiversity, expanding protected natural areas
and urban green spaces;
- Improve soil quality, preserve ecologically productive land and promote
sustainable agriculture and forestry;
- Substantially improve air quality following the norms of the World Health
Organization (WHO-UN).
- Indicators
Common Natural Resources
Green area per inhabitant: Square meters of green area per inhabitant,
considering areas of vegetation with over 900 continuous
square meter;
Public supply of drinking water in the urban area: Percentage of urban
population of the municipality that is served by the public supply of drinking water;
Loss of treated water: Percentage of water loss in the supply system;
Concentrations of PM10* (particulate matter - PM): Annual average daily
concentrations of PM10 (μg/m3). * PM10 is a type of particle that is inhaled, with
diameters smaller than 10 micrometers (μm). They are a factor in air pollution.
- National and international success cases
The City of Tokyo’s Bureau of Waterworks leads the world in the field of
detection and control of water leakage technology. Leakages are
repaired on the same day that they are reported.
Tokyo’s focus on same-day
repair work has helped to
drastically reduce the
leakage rate, from 20% in
1956 to 3.1% in 2008.
Foto: Gustty - Flickr - Creative Commons
- Sustainable Cities Platform, an agenda
Local action for healt
- Protect and promote the health and well-being of our citizens.
- Disseminate information to improve the general level of people’s knowledge
about the essential factors for a healthy life, many of which are outside the
specific health sector;
-Promote urban planning for the healthy development of cities, ensuring
integrated actions to promote public health;
- Ensure equity in access to health care with special attention to the poor, which
requires the regular production of indicators of progress in reducing disparities;
-Promote research on the public health system, participatory management and
social control over the health system;
- Determine that the urban planners should integrate health considerations into
urban planning and design strategies;
- Promote physical activities - individual and collective - that seek to emphasize
the value of a healthy life.
- Indicators
Local action for healt
Hospital beds: Number of public and private hospital beds available per
thousand inhabitants;
Mortality from respiratory diseases: Number of deaths from respiratory
diseases per 10,000 inhabitants;
Maternal mortality: Number of female deaths from maternal causes for
every 10,000 live births;
Infant mortality: Deaths of children less than one year of age for every
1,000 live births.
- National and international success cases
The Clean Vehicles program in Stockholm , started in 1996, intended
to transform all the vehicles of the city in non- polluting.
Under this program, all the
cars must use biofuels or give
less of 120g CO2/km.
Achieved the target 35%
of vehicles cleaned up 2010.
- National and international success cases
- PAVS - Green and Healthy Environments program (São Paulo, Brasil): It is an
initiative which unites promotion of health and care of the environment and people.
- Noise Map of Lisbon (Portugal) was launched in 2000, it represents noise levels
according to indicators established by national legislation. Insertion of noise pollution as a
dimension to be examined in the context of urban planning
- Programme for Sustainable Management of Solid Waste (Carhuaz, Perú): The
organization Ciudad Saludable (CS) saw the issues of pollution that the city of Carhuaz
was facing not as an insurmountable problem, but as an opportunity to build an industry,
community-based, effective systems for solid waste management that generate cleaner
cities and healthy individuals. Currently, more than one hundred local governments have
implemented integrated systems of waste management.
- Copenhagen (Dinamarca) is known today for its culture of cycling. 340 km of bike
paths, the installation of stands of bicycles for all the city. All the days, 55% of residents of
the city go to the work by bike.
- Commitments
Candidate(s) to Mayor can confirm their commitment to
sustainable development by signing the Commitment Letter.
Candidates who are elected should be prepared to promote
the Sustainable Cities Platform in their towns and account for
the actions undertaken and progress made by providing
reports that reveal the evolution of basic indicators in each
Commitment Letter
- Mobilization
- Campaign for the candidate(s) to Mayor to adopt the platform
and assume the commitments of the Program;
- Campaign for the voters to value the candidate(s) to Mayor
who are committed to the Sustainable Cities Program.
Signatories – Brazilian Cities: 245
Signatories – Brazilian Capitals
Indicator System Sustainable Cities Program
The code lines of Iota lies in,
technologies in use are all open source based and free to use.
The database is PostgreSQL 9.1+, but should work in PostgreSQL
8.4+ with some checks on the procedures that uses arrays
Historical series
between cities
Contato Programa Cidades Sustentaveis
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Sustainable Cities Program