Wind Energy
D e c e m b er 2 0 0 7
Since its foundation, the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and
Industrial Management (INEGI) has taken an important role in the study
of non-conventional
non conventional energy sources and in the field of energy
and rational use.
Through the involvement in the study of wind energy and its
applications, INEGI intends to support the development of renewable
energy technologies, contributing to the diversification of energy
sources for electricity production
production and to the environmental preservation.
Since 1991
199 INEGI has a team especially devoted to wind energy. Beyond
the planning and conduction of wind resource assessment campaigns
INEGI offers nowadays several other services related with the topic.
Among others are wind farm productivity calculations and layout
optimisation, technical and economical feasibility studies, support in the
preparation of call for tenders and in the licensing process, evaluation of
tender offers and comparison of solutions, wind turbines performance
evaluation and warranty verifications,
verifications, due diligences, project evaluation
for finance institutions and supporting officials in territory planning
In a first stage restricted to the North and Centre regions of Portugal the
ivities of INEGI in the wind energy domain have been extended to all
the Portuguese territory and, since 1999, to foreign countries.
Taking advantage of the experience gathered in the participation of its
collaborators in international projects, INEGI adopted
and techniques that enable the Institute to offer to its clients high level
services. Being in contact with similar institutes and specialists from
whole Europe, and through the presence in international conferences,
workshops and seminars,
seminars, INEGI wants to be aware about new
developments and updated in technologies and knowledge.
The Institution
INEGI is a non-profit
non profit autonomous organism for innovation and technology
transfer, with the statute of public utility, created by the University of
Porto, Engineering Faculty (FEUP), in 1986.
With its contribution of knowledge and competences, INEGI has established
Its main mission:
mission “to contribute
ontribute to the increase of the competitiveness of
the national industry, through Research and Development, Technology
Transfer and Training, in the fields of engineering design, materials,
production technology, energy and environment and industrial
To achieve the goals included in its mission, INEGI conduct R&D projects,
Innovation and consultancy in five main fields of intervention.
Knowledge and technical development upstream of industrial
Partnership with companies to realize R&D projects co-financed
support programs to the industrial development;
R&D projects, financed by companies to the development of new
products and processes;
Scientific and technological consultancy to companies;
Specialized and “tailor made” training courses and actions;
Wind energy related services
Starting the activity in the wind energy domain by the identification of
potentially interesting sites for the installation of wind farms and by
planning and conducting wind resource assessment actions, the
experience gathered in the participation in several projects enables
INEGI to act presently in a much more diversified manner.
The services related with the topic that are presently offered by the
Institute are:
Selection of potentially interesting sites for the installation of wind
Planning and conduction of wind measuring campaigns.
Assessment of the wind energy potential for electricity production.
Numerical simulation of the atmospheric flow in areas of complex
topography. (in partnership with CEsA – Centro de Estudos de
Energia Eólica e Escoamentos Atmosféricos, from FEUP)
Participation in planning actions.
Productivity calculations and optimization of wind farm layout.
Elaboration of technical and economical feasibility studies for wind
farm projects.
Preparation of call for tenders (wind data, performance and
180º 159º
Azimuths excluded from
the procedure at turbine 12
Support in the evaluation of proposals, comparison of solutions and
Azimuths excluded from
the procedure at turbine 8
r = 2 x 169 [m]
Evaluation of the performance of wind turbines (power curve
r = 2 x 155 [m]
Slope [º]
9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36
warranty requirements, etc.) for the construction of wind farms.
Whole Wind Farm Warranty verification.
Due-diligences and participation in the evaluation of wind farms
Measuring Stations and Wind Data Base
The operation of the wider grid of meteorological stations established in
Portugal with the specific target of studying the wind characteristics,
looking for wind as a source of energy, enabled INEGI to gather a
remarkable experience and valuable information in the identification of
sites with favourable characteristics as well as in the assessment of wind
The dimension of the data base that INEGI is trustee is illustrated by the
following figures, revealing the volume of information collected and of
the work developed since 1991:
More than 460 stations were installed since 1991. Beside those, more
then 30 measuring stations have been operated in Brasil.
INEGI operates presently about 180 measuring stations, under its
direct responsibility.
The measuring stations network operated by INEGI covers the entire
Portuguese Continental Territory, several stations in Madeira and
one in Azores.
Beyond the stations operated directly, INEGI participated, by
processing the data or using it in the elaboration of different
studies, in measurements performed in more than 70 other places.
Recently, in partnership with the internationalization of the
activities of some of our clients, INEGI extended its activity to
countries as Spain, Italy, Bulgaria and Hungary.
Since the very beginning, with measurements performed at 10 meters above
ground, INEGI has evolved with the development of the high of the wind
turbines, using nowadays support towers till 100 meters above ground. To
perform these measurements, INEGI uses lattice towers, lightening protected
to support the two or tree levels of measurement. In most cases instruments
used are calibrated anemometers, direction, temperature and humidity
sensors, according Measuring Network of Wind Energy Institutes (MEASNET)
recommendations. Almost all stations used nowadays uses GSM technology
to acquire data.
INEGI has developed a fruitful relationship with a wide range of
customers operating in the wind energy market and whose results have
allowed an interesting contribution of the Institute for the development
of wind power in Portugal. INEGI’s involvement has different shapes and
forms and helped to develop the majority of projects implemented in
Portugal until December 2007. Referring the installed capacity, about
70% of the connected power has been developed with INEGI’s assistance
Instaled capacity
Instaled capacity with INEGI's assistance
Capacity [MW]
In the 1500 MW of installed power in Portugal where the Institute was
involved, about 60% were the subject of wind resource studies and 54%
were object of measuring campaigns; supporting manufacturers in calls
for tenders and verification of guarantees covered 56% of that power
and 28% where the intervention had the form of due-diligences.
Instaled capacity
Measuring campaigns
Capacity [MW]
Wind resource studies
Supporting manufacturers in calls for tenders and
warranties verification
Research and Development Projects (R&D)
INEGI and the Wind Energy team members have, for the last 12 years,
participated in several research and development projects related with
wind energy, mainly concerning resource assessment, being the
following the more important::
Project EPREV, “Previsão da Produção Eléctrica de Base Eólica”.
Contrato com agrupamento complementar de empresas EPREV
Project “NESE – Networking Education on Sustainable Energy”.
Contract ERK5-CT-1999-80001.
Coordination of the project “Estudo de Caracterização do Potencial
Eólico na Região Norte de Portugal para Fins Energéticos",
programme PRONORTE of the CCRN (Coordination Commission of
the North Region).
Project EURE, “European Utility Wind Farm Project”,
conducting a
wind resource assessment study with the goal of analysing the
feasibility of the installation of a 100 MW wind farm, using large
size turbines.
Project “Regional Master Plan for the Utilisation
tion of Wind as a
Resource of Renewable Energy in
n the Area of the Agrupamento de
Municípios do Alto Tâmega e Barroso", ALTENER XVII/4.1030/A/94XVII/4.1030/A/94
Project “Improving Techniques for Statistical and Physical Modelling
of Wind Resource in Complex Terrain”, project
roject JOU2-CT93-0370
Project STRDA/C/ENR/143/92
3/92 da JNICT, in the scope of the STRIDE
programme, “Desenvolvimento de Técnicas de Modelação do Vento
Sobre Terreno Complexo”.
Project JOUR-0067-C,
C, in the scope of the JOULE programme, “Wind
Measurement and Modelling
delling in Complex Terrain”.
Project PMCT/C/ENR/665/87
/C/ENR/665/87 da JNICT, "Desenvolvimento de Métodos
de Avaliação do Regime de Ventos num Local e Quantificação da
Energia Eólica Disponível".
From the publications of the team members the following are
ar related to
the wind energy topic:
“Review Of The Wind Energy Potential In Portugal”, Bruno Silva, Miguel
Marques, Nuno Cardoso, José Matos, Álvaro Rodrigues; 2007 European
Wind Energy Conference, Milão, Itália
“EPREV - A Wind Power Forecasting Tool For Portugal”, Álvaro
Rodrigues, João Lopes, Pedro Miranda, José Palma, Cláudio Monteiro,
João Sousa, Carlos Rodrigues, José Matos; 2007 European Wind Energy
Conference, Milão, Itália
“Whole Wind Farm Warranty Verification Procedure". José Matos, Paulo
Fernandes, Nuno Cardoso, Álvaro Rodrigues; 2006 European Wind
Energy Conference, Atenas, Grécia.
“Wind Prediction Deviations in Complex Terrain”. Paulo Pinto, Ricardo
Guedes, Miguel Ferreira, Álvaro Rodrigues; 2004 European Wind Energy
Conference, Londres, Reino Unido.
"Variations on Gumbel’s methodology towards the determination of
extreme wind velocities". Paulo Fernandes, José Matos, Álvaro Rodrigues,
José Palma; 2004 European Wind Energy Conference, Londres, Reino
“Prediction of Wind Conditions in Complex
plex Terrain at High Altitudes
in Madeira Island: Meso and Small-scale
scale Modelling”. PMA. Miranda,
A Rodrigues, J Ferreira, MA Valente, JMLMPalma, FA Castro and JCL
Costa; 2003 European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition,
Madrid, Espanha.
“Wind Farm Performance
rmance Evaluation in Complex Terrain”. Paulo Pinto,
Ricardo Guedes, Álvaro Rodrigues and Miguel Ferreira;
Ferreira 2003
European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, Madrid, Espanha.
“An Approach to the Expected Wind Energy Production Variability in
Portugal”. Ricardo
cardo Guedes, Paulo Fernandes, Álvaro Rodrigues and
Miguel Ferreira; 2003 European Wind Energy Conference and
Exhibition, Madrid, Espanha.
“Implementation of a methodology to define the optimum capacity of a
wind farm”. Paulo Pinto, Miguel Ferreira, Álvaro Rodrigues; International
Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Quality, Vigo, Espanha,
“Simulação do Potencial Eólico em Terreno Complexo Utilizando
Modelos de Mesoscala”. PMA. Miranda, A Rodrigues, J Ferreira, MA
Valente, JMLMPalma, FA Castro and
nd JCL Costa, APMG Congress,
Aveiro, Portugal, 2003.
“Wind Energy in Portugal: from demonstration to a developed market”.
A. Rodrigues e M. Ferreira; 2002 World Wind Energy Conference, Paris.
“Estimating the Feasible Wind Energy Potential of Portugal”. M. Ferreira,
A. Rodrigues, F. Junça e T. Monteiro; 2001 European Wind Energy
Conference, Copenhagen.
“Defining the Optimum Capacity of a Wind Farm According to Grid
Limitations”. P. Pinto, A. Rodrigues, M. Ferreira e A. Castro; 2001
European Wind Energy Conference,
rence, Copenhagen.
“Evaluation of the influence of the installation of a wind turbine over the
results of a nearby measuring station”. M. Ferreira, A. Rodrigues and L.
Ribeiro; 1999 European Wind Energy Conference, Nice, France.
“The use of sonic anemometry
ry as a complementary tool to characterize
the wind flow over complex terrain”. L. Ribeiro, J. M. L. M. Palma, A.
Rodrigues and M. Ferreira; 1999 European Wind Energy Conference,
Nice, France.
“Wind Energy in Portugal – Present Evaluation and Perspectives”.
Perspectives” Álvaro
Rodrigues, Miguel Ferreira; 1997 European Wind Energy Conference and
Exhibition, Dublin.
“A Energia Eólica: Estado da Arte e Perspectivas de Desenvolvimento”,
Thematic introduction. Álvaro Rodrigues; VIII Solar Energy Iberian
Congress, Porto, Portugal, 1997.
“Estudo do Potencial Eólico em Seis Locais das Serras do Marão e do
Alvão”. Manuel Cordeiro, Álvaro Rodrigues; VIII Solar Energy Iberian
Congress, Porto, Portugal, 1997.
“Utilização da Energia Eólica para a Produção de Electricidade. Estado
actual da tecnologia - perspectivas de desenvolvimento”. Álvaro H.
Rodrigues; Energia Solar, Revista de Energias Renováveis & Ambiente, nº
41, Jul/Dez 96.
“Regional Master Plan for the Utilisation of Wind as a Resource of
Renewable Energy in the Area of AMATB”.
B”. Rodrigues, A. H.; The
ALTENER Programme Conference, Sitges, Barcelona, November 1996.
“Improving Techniques for Statistical and Physical Modelling of Wind
Resource in Complex Terrain”. Rodrigues et al;; 1996 European Union
Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition,
hibition, Göteborg, Sweden.
“Wind Resource Estimations in the Northern Mountains of Portugal”. A.
Rodrigues; 1994 European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition,
Thessaloniki, Greece.
“Avaliação do Potencial Eólico na Região Norte de Portugal”. Álvaro H.
odrigues; Congresso da Ordem dos Engenheiros, Lisboa, 1994.
“Avaliação do Potencial Eólico em Zonas Montanhosas da Região Norte
de Portugal”. Restivo, A., Rodrigues, A. H.; VI Iberian Solar Energy
Congress, 1993.
“Estudo Experimental de uma Turbina Eólica de Pequena Potência para
Aplicações Autónomas, com Regulação por Descolamento”. Rodrigues,
A. H., Restivo, A.; Porto, Revista Engenharia, Outubro de 1990.
“Computer Controlled Test Bench for Axial Turbines and Propellers”.
Rodrigues, A. H., Restivo, A.; 13th International Congress on Aerospace
Simulation Facilities, Gottingen, R.F.A., 1989.
“Wind Tunnel Study of the Conversion Efficiency of a Wind Turbine”.
Rodrigues, A. H., Restivo, A.; 1989 European Wind Energy Conference
and Exhibition, Glasgow, U. K..
Wind Tunnel Testing of Low Reynolds Number Airfoils for Wind Turbine
Blades”. Rodrigues, A. H., Pinho, F. T., Restivo, A.; 1988 European Wind
Energy Conference and Exhibition, Herning, Danmark.
ABB, New Ventues GmbH
Alexandre Cardoso II - Gestão e Investimentos S.A.
Alto de Espinho-Energia Eólica, Unip.,Lda
AREAM - Agência Regional da Energia e Ambiente da R. A. da Madeira
ARENA - Agência Regional de Energia da Região Autónoma dos Açores
Associação de Municípios do Vale do Minho
ATBERG - Eólicas do Alto Tâmega e Barroso, Lda.
Câmara Municipal de Sesimbra - Divisão de Logística
Catavento, Produção de Energia Eólica, Lda
CENER - Centro Nacional de Energias Renovables
CFS - Holding, S.G.P.S., S.A.
Cicave Nova Energia 2010
Cinergy Renovables Ibérica
Companhia da Lezírias, S.A.
Covelas Energia
Desarollos Eólicos, S.A.
EDIA, Empresa de Desenvolvimento e Infra-estruturas do Alqueva, S.A.
EDP - Electricidade de Portugal, S.A.
EDP Produção EM - Engenharia e MAnutenção, S.A.
dst Wind, S.A.
EHATB,S.A.-Empreendimentos Hidroelectricos do Alto Tamega e
Empreendimentos Eólicos do Vale do Minho, S.A.
Enerbaça - Energias Renováveis de Portugal, Lda
Enercon GmbH
ENEREEM, Energias Renováveis, Lda. (Electricidade da Madeira)
Energelec - Direcção de Obras, Lda
Energetus-Instalações Industriais, Lda
Energia XXI / MADE
Energías Ambientales, S. A. / EYRA
Energiekontor Portugal, Energia Eólica, Lda.
Enernova - Novas Energias, S.A.
Enerplus - Produção de Energia Eléctrica, Lda
ENERSIS, Energia e Sistemas, S.A.
Enerval - Energias Renováveis e Eólicas, Lda
ENERVENTO - Energias Renováveis S.A.
Enviroil - Resíduos e Energia, Lda
Eólica da Plaina do Viso, Lda
Eólica de Atilhó, Lda
Eólica do Torrão, Lda
Euroventos, S.A.
FINERGE, Gestão de Projecto Energéticos, S.A.
Finertec, Energia e Tecnologia,S.G.P.S.A.
Finuger,Operação e Manutenção de Energias Renováveis, Lda
Freita Eólica - Energia Eólica, Lda
Galpower, S.G.P.S., S.A.
Gamesa Energia (Portugal), S.A.
Gamesa Energias Renovables, S.A.
Gamesa Eólica, S.A.
Gellweiller, Sociedade de Equipamentos Marítimos e Industriais S.A.
Generg - Gestão e Projectos de Energia, S.A.
Hidroeléctrica do Cavalum
Hidroerg, Projectos Energéticos Lda.
Hidrorecursos, Produção de Energia Eléctrica, Lda.
Jayme da Costa, Mecânica e Electricidade S.A.
Maepa - Empreendimentos Mineiros e Participações, Lda
Megavento, Produção de Electricidade, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.
Millennium bcp investimento
Monte Alegre, Parque de Energia Eólica, S.A.
Mota-Engil, Engenharia e Construção,S.A.
NORDEX Energy Ibérica S.A.
Parque Eólico da Serra da Capucha, S.A.
Pedro Vilas Boas, Lda.
Protermia, Lda
REN, Rede Eléctrica Nacional, S.A.
Renergys GmbH Germany
REpower España S.A.
REpower Portugal - Sistemas Eólicos, S.A
REpower Systems AG
SEA - Produção de Energia, Lda
Seealte - Serviços de Engenharia para Energias Alternativas, Lda
Sere - Sociedade Exploradora de Recursos Eléctricos, Lda
Siemens, S.A.
SIIF Énergies
SIIF Énergies do Brasil
Sister, Sistemas e Tecnologia de Energias Renováveis, Lda
Tegael - Telecomunicações Gás e Electricidade, S.A.
Teixeira & Lima, Lda
TP - Sociedade Térmica Portuguesa, S.A.
Valorsul - Valorização e Tratamento de Resíduos Sólidos da Área
Metropolitana de Lisboa
The Team
The team that, at INEGI, is working in the Wind Energy field is presently
constituted by 19 elements, 16 exclusively devoted to Wind Energy.
Technical and scientific coordination is ensured by a teacher/researcher
at the University of Porto
Abílio Carvalho
Graduated in Environmental Sciences - Logistics Responsible
Álvaro Rodrigues
PhD in Mechanical Engineering – Scientific coordinator
Andreas Schmitz
Mechanical Engineer - Technician
Bruno Silva
Mechanical Engineer - Consulting Responsible
Catarina Ribeiro
Environmental Engineer - Technician
Elisabete Mota
Graduated in Mathematics - Technician
Filipa Magalhães
Master in Environmental Engineer - Technician
Francisco Mota Torres
Mechanical Engineer – Environment and Energy Unit Director
Hugo Rodrigues
Auxiliary technician
Joana Pinto
Graduated in Environmental Sciences – Management support
José Carlos Matos
Mechanical Engineer – Wind Energy Responsible
Luís Mendes
Auxiliary technician
Márcio Ribeiro
Auxiliary technician
Miguel Marques
Mestre Eng Mecânica/Eng Ambiente - Responsible Laboratory
Nuno Cardoso
Engenheiro Mecânico – Técnico Superior
Pedro Pinho
Auxiliary technician
Ricardo Pinho
Bacharel Engenharia Electrotécnica – Técnico Superior
Ricardo Barbosa
Auxiliary technician
Susana Valente
In the field of numerical simulation of atmospheric flows INEGI has the
collaboration of Professor José Palma team (FEUP).
INEGI – Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica e Gestão Industrial
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias,
4200 - 465 Porto
(351) 229 579 518 / 229 578 710
(351) 229 579 519
e-mail (F. Mota Torres): [email protected]

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