1ª Issuer: Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril
Public Notice
1 - In accordance with the Polytechnic Higher Education Staff Career Statutes – (Estatuto da
Carreira do Pessoal Docente do Ensino Superior Politécnico – ECPDESP), approved by Law
Decree No. 185/81, of July 1st, and amended by Decree-Law No. 69/88, of March 3rd,
republished as an annex to the Law Decree No. 207/2009, of August 31st, and the Law 7/2010,
may 13th it becomes public that by dispatch of the President of the Escola Superior de Hotelaria
e Turismo do Estoril (ESHTE), is open for a period of thirty working days from the date of
publication of this notice in the Diário da República, tending the occupation of 1 (one) work
station on a map of staff at ESHTE, in the career of teaching staff of Polytechnic higher
education, in the category of Professor Adjunto, area of Application Technics and Technologies
disciplinary area of nature and adventure tourism, in the form of work contract with indefinite
2 — Applicable law — Polytechnic Higher Education Staff Career Statutes (ECPDESP), approved
by Decree-Law No. 185/81 of 1/07, amended by Decree-Law No. 207/2009 of August 31st and
by law No. 7/2010 of may 3th; and other complementary legislation applicable to workers who
carry out public functions.
3- Place of Work – the place of work is Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril
4 — Number of jobs to be occupied — 1.
5 — Legal relationship of employment — work contract with indefinite tenure
6 — Characterization of functional content — To a Professor Adjunto competes to act as
described in paragraph 4 of article 3 of Decree-Law No. 185/81 July, as amended by DecreeLaw No. 207/2009, of August 31st and by Law No 7/2010 of may 13th, and the provided
remuneration of teaching staff of higher education chart.
7 –Aim of recruitment—Are cumulative requirements for admission to the competition:
a) To hold the general requirements foreseen in paragraph 1 b)and e) of article 8 of Law
No 12-A/2008, of February 27th(LVCR);
b) To hold a PhD or specialist title in the field or related area for which is the competition
open to.
8 — Period of validity of the call
8.1 — The present application process is solely in respect of the above-mentioned vacancy, it
will expire once this has been filled or by absence or insufficiency of candidates.
8.2 — The call may still be stopped by reasoned Act of the ESHTE’s President, in respected to
the general principles of administrative activity as well as the legal limits, regulations and
9 — Formal application:
9.1 — The application must be submitted through requirement aimed to the ESHTE’s
Presidente, in Portuguese language, in person, against receipt, or by post, by registered mail
with acknowledgement of reception, to the following postal address: Escola Superior de
Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, Avenida Condes de Barcelona, 510-2769 Estoril, within the time
frame defined for the applications submission, attending, in the last case, the date of the mail
9.1.1 —E-mail appliances are not allowed.
9.2- The application requirement must compulsory contain the updated elements:
a) Identification of the application, public notice number, mentioning the public notice
date on the Diário da República;
b) Identification of the candidate (name, date of birth, gender, nationality, id card/citizen
card, tax identification number, mailing address, postal code, email and phone
c) Identification of the category and the institution where teaching service is provided,
when applicable, and currently hold position;
d) Academic Degree and Title;
e) Signed statement in which the candidate declares to hold the general requirements
referred to in the a) paragraph of the nº 7, a) of the present public notice
9.3 — The application is accompanied by the following documentation:
a) Six paper copies of the detailed curriculum vitae;
b) Six copies of the selected works mentioned on the Curriculum vitae, which must be in
digital form;
c) Documents (original or authenticated) authenticating that the candidate fulfills the
requirements referred to in the b) paragraph of the nº7 of the present notice.
9.4 - The candidates who exercise functions in ESHTE are exempted from submission of
documents that already exist in the respective individual processes, it must be expressly stated
in the requirements.
9.5 - The lack of presentation or the presentation out of time of the documents referred to in
this public notice, determine the exclusion of the application.
9.6 The lack of presentation of the documents referred in the Curriculum by the candidate,
implies the non- admittance of the elements aiming to state.
10- Selection Method:
10.1 - The method of selection is the curricular review
11 - Evaluation parameters and rate – the evaluation and rate criteria and the respective
weights are as follows:
1 — Technical- scientific and professional Performance (35%):
PhD paragraph area or similar (2)
Specialist Title area or similar (1.5)
Publication of articles in national and international magazines (1);
Author of books or chapters of books in the area of the competition or similar (1);
technical or professional certifications or accreditations in the field of competition or
similar (1);
f) Communications in technical or scientific events (0.5);
g) Coordination of technical or research projects in the area of the competition or similar
h) Orientation and co-orientations of thesis or dissertations aiming academic degree
i) Participation in juries of academic nature evidence (0.5);
j) Involvement in the organization or coordination of technical or scientific events (0.5);
k) Professional activity in addition to teaching, in the area of the competition or
l) Other relevant formations on the area of the contest or related (0.5)
2- Pedagogical performance (40%)
a) Relevant Experience of teaching in higher education in the area in which the contest is
open (2);
b) Experience in teachers training in the area in which the contest is opened or similar
c) Teaching experience in other teaching degrees (0.5);
d) Experience as trainer and coordinator of training and assessment process, in
professional or technical areas to other target groups, in the area in which the contest
is opened (0.5);
e) Pedagogical training (2);
f) Diversity of curriculum units taught in higher education-courses and education (0.5);
g) Coordination and participation in the development of curriculum of courses related to
the area of contest (1);
h) Pedagogical coordination and evaluation of courses in the area in which the contest is
opened (1);
i) Coordination, participation and promotion of educational projects-new courses and
programs of study, evaluation of courses (0.5);
j) Development of teaching material, published or made available to course units in the
area in which the contest is open (1)
3- Other relevant activities for the mission of the Higher Education Institution (25%)
a) Participation in the councils and activities of the institution's management (2);
b) The activity developed in the context of studies or technical and scientific advice (1);
c) Participation in committees, juries, institutional work groups, actions to promote the
institution (1.5);
d) Coordination or participation in the organization of events of scientific or technical
character of the institution (1.5);
e) Organization of congresses or scientific conferences, national or international (2);
f) Participation or organization of inter-institutional partnerships (1);
g) Activities within the framework of social or environmental responsibility with the
community or surroundings (1).
12- Public Hearings:
12.1 — The jury will decide, at its first meeting, on the need to proceed to the public hearing,
which must take place no later than 20 days after the date of the applications assessment
12.2 — The schedule and the script of the public hearings are communicated to applicants
within, at least, 5 working days before the date of its completion.
13. – Assessment and final rate
13.1 -The assessment system and final rate of the candidates are exposed on the official jury
14. – The jury reports are available for the candidate under request
15 – The candidate presented documents are destroyed within one year after the closure of
the process if not requested its refund
16. - false statement will be punished under the law
17 —Jury composition
17.1 – The jury is composed by the following elements:
President: Fernando João de Matos Moreira, Professor Adjunto and President of the Escola
Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril (ESHTE);
Efective vowels:
Luis Alberto Dias Carvalhinho, Professor Coordenador from Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio
Maior do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém;
Ronaldo Eugénio Calcada Dias Gabriel, Professor Adjunto from Universidade de Trás-os-Montes
e Alto Douro;
Fernando Manuel da Cruz Duarte Pereira, Professor Auxiliar from Faculdade de Motricidade
Humana da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa;
Luís Manuel Gomes Boavida Portugal, Professor Coordenador sem Agregação from Escola
Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril.
Alternate vowels:
José Manuel Simões, Professor Catedrático from Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do
Território da Universidade de Lisboa;
Jorge Manuel Rodrigues Umbelino, Professor Auxiliar from Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e
Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
18. – Pursuant to paragraph h) of article 9 of the Constitution, the Portuguese State, as
employer, actively promotes a policy of equal opportunities among men and women in access
to employment and career development , and takes scrupulous measures to avoid any form of
19.- Publication of the notice:
19.1- the present notice will be published:
a. On the 2nd Serie of the Diário da República
b. — On public employment web site, www.bep.gov.pt, on the first day after
thepublication on the Diário da República;
c. On the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, i. p. website, em
www.eracareers.pt , in Portuguese and English;
d. On the ESHTE website, www.eshte.pt, in Portuguese and English.

1ª Issuer