Daniel Filipe Cortês Pereira e Sá, Head of Management Board of Instituto Português de Administração de
Marketing do Porto (IPAM), inform you that, for the academic year 2013/2014, the following number of places
will be established:
Establishment of places for the General Regime of the Degree in Marketing Management: 200
II) Establishment of places for Courses changes, Transferences and Special Admission
A) The number of places established for the registration in the 1st year of undergraduate courses
(Licenciatura) is subject to quantitative restrictions. The establishment of the number of places is applied
to the study cycles of Licenciatura, to:
1- Course changes, transferences e reentry in the higher education system
C1 Reenty;
C2 Course change;
C3 Transferency
2- Special Admission and ingress in the higher education system
C4 Holders of degree courses, post-secondary education and average courses, including
holders of a Diploma de Especiallização Tecnológica;
C5 Specially designed tests to assess the ability to attend higher education courses of those
aged over 23
As a whole, the number of places established is 40 places in Licenciatura em Gestão de Marketing,in
accordance with nª 2 and 3 of the clause 5º of the Decree-Law nº 393-B/99, Outubro 2nd, modified by
the Decrees-Laws nº. 64/2006, March 21st, and 88/2006, May 23rd. The places to be established for
the Academic year 2013/2014 to the Licenciatura em Gestão de Marketing will be as follows:
C1 Reentry
C2 Course Change
C3 Transferency
C4 Holders of degree courses, post-secondary education and average
courses, including holders of a Diploma de Especiallização
C5 Specially designed tests to assess the ability to attend higher
education courses of those aged over 23
No quantitative limits
17 places
5 places
3 places
15 places
B) Utilization of places that remain open in other higher education access systems:
- In accordance with nº6 Artº 5º Ordinance 401/2007, April 5th, the places that eventually remain open
(course changes or transference) can be used in other access system
- In accordance with nº 4 Artº 18º Decree-Law n.o 64/2006, March 21st, the places that remain open
from concurso geral de acesso can be filled up to the limit established, with the following precedence:
a) Students from technological specialization courses
b) Students that have passed the specially designed tests to assess the ability to attend higher
education courses of those aged over 23
- In accordance with nº 6 Artº 5º Ordinance 401/2007 April 5th, the places that remain open from
concurso geral de acesso, and which have not been used in accordance with nº 4 Art. 18º Decree-Law
n.o 64/2006 March 21st, can be used for course changes or transferences
III) Establishment of places for Master’s degrees in the Academic year 2013/2014:
- Master’s degree in Marketing Management: 60.
- Master’s degree in Design Management: 15.
IPAM, April 17th, 2013
The Chairman of the Management Board
Daniel Sá, PhD

Agenda de 05 de Janeiro de 1995