MAIORES DE 23 ANOS 2014/2015
Docente Vigilante
Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo
Licenciatura em Turismo
Componente Específica de Inglês
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Classificação: __________________
Docente Classificador: ________________
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Prova M23 2014 |15 – Componente Específica de Inglês
Licenciatura em Turismo
Jobs in an age of insecurity
After 20 years at McDonnell Douglas during which Carol Ingram worked up to senior programming analyst,
she received a reduction-in-force notice. She tried going back to school, studying for a degree in business
administration, but has held only one short-lived job in the past year. Meanwhile her marriage has broken
up under the emotional stress of prolonged redundancy – not only for herself but also for her husband, who
was laid off by his factory.
It is no longer unusual for wife and husband to wind up together among America’s long term unemployed.
All sorts of people who never thought they would be on jobless lines – professional and managerial types,
highly skilled technicians and long-seniority office workers – are joining laid-off factory hands in looking for
jobs and nor finding them. However, the situation is not entirely dark for job seekers. Some jobs are still
expanding, though occasionally types that many people are unaware of. But what kind of jobs, and in what
industries? Some experts say that biotechnology will be one of the industries bound to grow. On the other
hand, many analyst regard health care as the high-tech field bound to generate more and better jobs.
For all the uncertainty, though, analysts can just discern the outlines of the future job market and suggest
ways for American workers to prepare for it. They should:
forget the idea of career-long employment with a big company;
be prepared to work for a foreign country;
be prepared to work for a woman;
get as much education as possible (experts agree that the future belongs to the knowledge worker,
master of his PC);
keep upgrading their skills (American workers can expect to change careers three or four times
during their working lives);
be prepared to work in small groups or on their own.
Time (abridged)
A. Say whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.
1. Carol has been working for 20 years at McDonnell.
T / F
2. She lost her job because the firm where she worked went bankrupt.
T / F
3. Her marriage broke up due to her husband’s lay-off.
T / F
4. Despite the persistence of unemployment, job seekers will find a job easily.
T / F
5. Workers should be prepared to change jobs over their lifetime.
T / F
6. Computer skills are of a great importance to find a job in the future.
T / F
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Prova M23 2014 |15 – Componente Específica de Inglês
Licenciatura em Turismo
B. Read the first and second paragraphs and find the equivalents for the following words/phrases.
1. lasting for a short time
2. come to an end
3. made redundant, possibly for a limited time ______________________________________________
4. end up
5. not conscious
C. Answer the following questions, using ideas from the text but in your own words as far as possible.
1. What did Carol Ingram do when she was dismissed?
2. What were the effects of prolonged redundancy on Carol’s family life?
3. What sorts of people face long-term unemployment?
4. Analysts have pretty optimistic views on the job market. Where will a surge of job-creating growth come
5. Think about the job market in Portugal. How difficult is it to find a job? What is the unemployment rate?
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Prova M23 2014 |15 – Componente Específica de Inglês
Licenciatura em Turismo
A. Rewrite the following sentences, starting them as suggested.
1. After 20 years at McDonnell Douglas, she received a reduction-in-force notice.
2. She was not only made redundant, her marriage broke up as well.
Not only____________________________________________________________________________
3. They didn’t find a job and they didn’t buy a new car.
They neither________________________________________nor______________________________
4. Carol received a reduction-in-force notice.
A reduction-in-force notice_____________________________________________________________
5. Carol has been trying to find a job for several months. Her husband is also unemployed.
A. In about 150 words, comment on the following:
Technological developments have caused great changes in the world of work.
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Prova M23 2014 |15 – Componente Específica de Inglês
Licenciatura em Turismo
( _________ words)
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Prova M23 2014 |15 – Componente Específica de Inglês
Licenciatura em Turismo

Inglês Prova Maiores de 23 final 1