All Saints Parish
124 Front St. E., Strathroy, Ontario N7G 1Y9
Tel: 519-245-0644 Fax: 519-660-2921
Email: [email protected] Parish Website:
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Pastoral Team/Staff Phone Directory
Fr. John Pirt, Pastor Ext. 22, [email protected]
Judy Vandenberk, Youth Coordinator Ext 24
Olga Ferreira, Office Administration, Dial 0
Anna Garcia, Secretary, Dial 0
Parish Pastoral Council Vice Chairperson:
Lyle Hendrikx 519-247-3623
Finance Chairperson:
Joe Czernai, 205-2935
Cemetery Board:
Dianne Thuss 519-281-6732
Saturday 5:00p.m. English
Sunday 8:30a.m. 10:00a.m. English
11:30a.m. Portuguese
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays 3:45pm to 4:30pm
Sacrament of Baptism
Please call the parish office at 245-0644 to register for
the baptismal class which is held on the 1st Wed of the
month at 7:30pm in St. Angela’s Rm
Sacrament of Marriage
Arrangements to be made 8 months in advance by
appointment with Fr. John Pirt.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
1st Thursday of the month from 8:30am-6:15pm
Jerry Vens, Grand Knight 245-4818
Stephen Cochrane, Financial
Secretary 245-3231 Visit us at
Catholic Women’s League, President
Gwen Waeijen, 519-245-6987
Rose Valenciuk, Memberships
Trudy Thuss, Religious Articles 245-1303
Weekly Mass Schedule
This week of
Tuesday, September 8th to
Friday, September 11th
There will be no Masses.
Registation for Sacraments
Registration forms for the
Sacraments of
1 Reconciliation,
1st Communion and
Confirmation will be in
the narthex from
Sept 12/13 to Oct 3/4.
IMPORTANT: If you have a child
preparing for any of these sacraments,
make sure you pick up a registration
form and return it to the parish office.
Parent Meetings
Parent Meeting for 1st Reconciliation
will be Tuesday, October 13th at
7:30pm in the Church.
Parent Meeting for Confirmation will
be Tuesday, October 27th at 7:30pm
in the Church.
Parent Meeting for 1st Communion
will be Tuesday, March 1st at
7:30pm in the Church.
Save these Dates!!
Mark these dates down on your
calendars/phones/agendas as they are
very important dates and parents
MUST attend these meetings.
DATE (do not change anything here, we’ll put a correct header each week)
From the Desk of Father John
Da mesa do Padre John
1. Escola começa.
School resumes.
Just a reminder that when driving around the church
to be careful, as the students will once again be
coming and going! Also, please be aware of the
parking restrictions along Front St!
Apenas um aviso, que ao conduzir a volta da igreja,
para ter cuidado, pois os alunos estão novamente
indo e vindo! Além disso, esteja concientes das
restrições de estacionamento ao longo da Front
Cemetery Sunday
2. Domingo do Cemitério
This year’s Cemetery Sunday will take place on
September 20th . We will be remembering all those
who have died in the past year and all those burial
at All Saints Cemetery. The Prayer Service will
begin at 2:00 PM
Este ano o Domingo do Cemitério será no dia 20 de
Setembro. Nós lembramos de todos aqueles que
morreram no ano passado e todos aqueles
sepultados no Cemitério de Todos os Santos. O
Serviço de oração terá início às 2:00 horas da tarde.
Pack the Van for Verdun!
3. Embalar o Van para Verdun!
On the weekend of September 26 - 27 you are
invited to bring non-perishable food to Masses and
drop them off at my Van which will be parked
beside the church. I will be leaving after Masses on
Sunday to deliver them to Willibrord’s Parish in
Verdun. Some people have dropped off financial
contributions, which I will also take with me to
Montreal. (make cheques payable to All Saints)
Our Lady of Fatima Feast (Oct. 14 - 18)
Plans are well underway for this coming
year’s Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. You will be
hearing more about this as we get closer to the
No fim de semana de Setembro 26-27 você está
convidado a trazer alimentos não perecíveis e
deixá-los no meu Van que será estacionado ao lado
da igreja. Eu vou estar saindo depois das Missas no
Domingo para entregá-los ao paróquia de São
Willibrord em Verdun, Montreal.. Algumas pessoas
têm deixado contribuições financeiras, que também
levo comigo para Montreal. (podem fazer cheques
pagos a paroquia de Todos os Santos)
4. Nossa Senhora de Fátima ~ 14-18 de Outubro
Os planos estão em andamento para Festa de Nossa
Senhora de Fátima. Você vai ouvir mais detalhes
sobre esta festa nos proximos fims de semana.
I am away this coming week!
5. Estou fora esta semana que vem!
This coming week, I will be in Las Vegas with my
sister and brother-in-law to celebrate the birthday of
long time family friends from England. I am
looking forward to the break, and if I was into
gambling, I am sure that I would be returning a
Have a great week!
Fr John
Na próxima semana, vou estar em Las Vegas com a
minha irmã e cunhado para celebrar o aniversário
de amigos da família da Inglaterra. Estou ansioso
para o intervalo, e se eu estivesse emviciado em
jogos do casino, estou certo que eu voltava um
Tenha uma ótima semana!
John P.
SUNDAY (do not change anything here, we’ll put a correct header each week)
Diocesan Thanksgiving Mass
From Bishop Dabrowski: This year dedicated to
“Consecrated Life” gives us an opportunity for renew-al
in our service among the faithful for thanksgiving for the
abundance of God’s love, made present in our calling as
religious. We would like to invite you to join us for a
special “Thanksgiving Mass”. We have designated three
different locations for your convenience:
Sunday, September 27 - 3:00 p.m. in Windsor
Sunday, October 18, 3:00 p.m. at St. Peter’s
Cathedral, London
Feast of Our Lady of Fatima
Oct 14- 18, 2015
The Feast of Our Lady of Fatima committee has been
meeting and plans are underway for the annual Feast of
Our Lady of Fatima. More information will be
forthcoming in the next bulletin. Donations for the
bazaar can be dropped off at Deolinda Pereira’s
residence, 316 Laughton Cres.
A Comissão para Festa de Nossa Senhora de Fátima
tem se reunido e começando os planos para a festa
anual de Nossa Senhora de Fátima. Haverá mais
informações s no próximo boletim. Entre tanto, se você
gostaria de fazer uma doação para o bazar por favor
deixá-la na residência de Deolinda Pereira, 316
Laughton Cres.
Diocesan Prayer Calendar
May we remember in prayer, the priests, deacons,
religious women and men and seminarians of the
Diocese of London. May they be faithful to the charge
given them by the Lord.
Sept 6 – Rev. James Conlon
Sept 7 – Mr. Michael McPherson, Youth Minister
Sept 8 – Mrs. Leanne Schonberger, Youth Minister
Sept 9 – Rev. Vincent Van Zutphen
Sept 10 – Rev. Denis Grecco
Sept 11 – Rev. John Jasica
Sept 12 – Deacon Frank Chowan
Malassada Sunday
Pick up your malassadas in the
hallway after all Masses on the
weekend of September 19th & 20th.
All proceeds will to be allocated to
the Building Fund. We thank you for your support
Domingo de Malassadas
Haverá malassadas a venda no corridor depois de
todas as Missas no fim de semana de 19 e 20 de
Setembro. Todos os lucros irão para o fundos de
obras da Igreja. Desde jã agradecemos o vosso
There is a promise of marriage between:
Kevin Martins & Michelle Salvador ~
September 12th
David Aris & Melissa Milhomens ~
September 26th
We pray for these couples celebrating the Sacrament of
Meetings at All Saints
Tuesday, September 8
1:30pm Al-anon, St. Angela’s Rm
7:00pm Helping Hands Group, Kitchen
7:30pm CWL Monthly Meeting, Col. Rm.
Wednesday, September 9
1:00pm Prayer Group, St. Patrick’s Rm.
Thursday, September 10
11:00am Pastoral Care Committee, Col. Rm.
6:30pm Senior’s Euchre, Col. Rm
CWL Corner News – Welcome back!
General meeting - Sept. 8th at 7:30pm.
Hope to see you there. New members welcome!!
Vocation Prayer Cross
We are grateful to everyone who has participated in
praying for vocations. If any family or individual would
like the opportunity to say this prayer for vocations for a
two week period, please call me at 519-245-5231 and I
will put you on the list to receive the Vocation Cross.
We are grateful for the continued prayers for vocations.
Helene Diesbourg
All Saints Parish Cemetery Sunday
Sunday, September 20th at 2:00pm
This marks a special time set aside to unite in faith
and in hope of the resurrection as we pray for those
from our parish who have died. In a special way, we
will pray for those who have died during the past
Paróquia de Todos os Santos,
Domingo do Cemitério
20 de Setembro as 2 horas da tarde.
E um tempo especial que nos reunimos na fé e na
esperança da resurreição para rezar por todos os
defuntos da paróquia e de um modo especial
aqueles que faleceram durante o ano passado.

1 - Diocese of London