Clean and polish, neat and tidy...
Pillow, pillow, pillow, pillow...
Sofa! Sofa, sofa, sofa, sofa...
Oh table! Table, table, table, table...
Shelf! Shelves, shelves, shelves...
Mirror mirror on the wall...
Who's the fairest of them all?
Ehi! It's the new girl!
Hello, I'm Elena.
Come in, come in!
So good to see you, Elena.
I'm Agatha, Agatha Johnson.
Pleased to meed you, Mrs Johnson.
Welcome to the Johnson family!
I come from Madrid.
NO, no: welcome to the Johnson family.
My family is in Spain.
Yes, yes, I know.
You must be tired after your
long journey!
Sorry, I don't understand.
My English is not very good.
You must be tired after your journey!
Yes, very tired... very long journey.
Yes! Well now, let's sit down
Thank you.
Is everything all right?
Everything is all right Mrs Johnson.
No! You call me Agatha.
Alright, thank you, Agatha.
You're part of the family now.
Part of the family?
Yes, my family... my brother, me...
I have four brothers!
Four brothers! Wow, well, that's nice!
They're big boys.
Really? What about sisters?
I also have three sisters.
Oh dear! That's too many!
My family is very big... many people.
Yes Elena, that's nice! You have a
big family,
I have a small family.
Now an extra person, me!
Yes Elena, you're one of the family now.
Thank you Agatha. That's nice.
Well, now it's teatime.
Oh good... one cup of tea,
two cups of tea.
Yes, that's right!
I'll take your bags to room, them
go into the kitchen.
What... what heavy bags!
Yes, many bags.
No, no I said "heavy" heavy bags!
Oh yes, heavy, very heavy bags.
Ok, I'll be right back.
All right.

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