O Mapa e o Território
Processando um Mar de Informação
11 de Março de 2014
“O Mapa não é o Território”
Alfred Korzybski, 1931
The information contained herein is the property of inovaworks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the
holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect the
information, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential
information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the holder is granted no rights to use the
information contained. Information is subject to change without notice.
Slide 2
Muitos Dados, Pouco Conhecimento
The information contained herein is the property of inovaworks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the
holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect the
information, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential
information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the holder is granted no rights to use the
information contained. Information is subject to change without notice.
Slide 3
Muitos Dados, Pouco Conhecimento
The information contained herein is the property of inovaworks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the
holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect the
information, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential
information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the holder is granted no rights to use the
information contained. Information is subject to change without notice.
Slide 4
Cada vez mais sensores a olhar o mar
The information contained herein is the property of inovaworks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the
holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect the
information, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential
information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the holder is granted no rights to use the
information contained. Information is subject to change without notice.
Slide 5
De um Mapa pobre para um Mapa Rico?
The information contained herein is the property of inovaworks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the
holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect the
information, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential
information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the holder is granted no rights to use the
information contained. Information is subject to change without notice.
Slide 6
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and
not everything that counts can be counted."
William Bruce Cameron
The information contained herein is the property of inovaworks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the
holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect the
information, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential
information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the holder is granted no rights to use the
information contained. Information is subject to change without notice.
Slide 7
Big Data – a Loura de Vestido Vermelho?
The information contained herein is the property of inovaworks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the
holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect the
information, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential
information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the holder is granted no rights to use the
information contained. Information is subject to change without notice.
Slide 8
Um exemplo menos esotérico
The information contained herein is the property of inovaworks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the
holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect the
information, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential
information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the holder is granted no rights to use the
information contained. Information is subject to change without notice.
Slide 9
How do you eat an elephant?
• Múltiplas aproximações (até complementares):
– Modelação de Eventos
– Motores de Regras
– Definição de Heuristicas
– Análise estatística em massa
The information contained herein is the property of inovaworks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the
holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect the
information, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential
information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the holder is granted no rights to use the
information contained. Information is subject to change without notice.
Slide 10
Que eventos? O que é importante?
• Coisas que conhecemos e procuramos
Atrasos e Desvios
Rotas de Colisão
Mudanças abruptas de comportamento
Transgressões de zonas restritas
…portanto, definidas formalmente à priori…
• Coisas que desconhecemos, mas que podem
ser interessantes, apesar de não ser claro como
The information contained herein is the property of inovaworks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the
holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect the
information, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential
information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the holder is granted no rights to use the
information contained. Information is subject to change without notice.
Slide 11
“You can't manage what you can't measure”
William Thomson, Lord Kelvin
The information contained herein is the property of inovaworks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the
holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect the
information, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential
information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the holder is granted no rights to use the
information contained. Information is subject to change without notice.
Slide 12
“You can't manage what you can't measure”
William Thomson, Lord Kelvin
…or can you?
The information contained herein is the property of inovaworks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the
holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect the
information, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential
information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the holder is granted no rights to use the
information contained. Information is subject to change without notice.
Slide 13
Processamento de Eventos Complexos
• A análise, em tempo real, de um fluxo de
contínuo de dados em busca de formas de
correlação de padrões complexos, gerando do
mesmo novos eventos e significados relevantes
The information contained herein is the property of inovaworks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the
holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect the
information, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential
information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the holder is granted no rights to use the
information contained. Information is subject to change without notice.
Slide 14
Raciocínio baseado em Casos
• Análise do comportamento passado de um
sistema, sem conhecimento à priori das regras
implicitas do mesmo, de forma a responder a
novos casos que lhe são apresentados
The information contained herein is the property of inovaworks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the
holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect the
information, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential
information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the holder is granted no rights to use the
information contained. Information is subject to change without notice.
Slide 15
Muitos Dados, Pouco Conhecimento
The information contained herein is the property of inovaworks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the
holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect the
information, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential
information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the holder is granted no rights to use the
information contained. Information is subject to change without notice.
Slide 16
Apenas o que é relevante?
The information contained herein is the property of inovaworks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the
holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect the
information, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential
information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the holder is granted no rights to use the
information contained. Information is subject to change without notice.
Slide 17
Um Mapa (mais) Rico
Conhecimento de (maior) Valor
The information contained herein is the property of inovaworks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the
holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect the
information, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential
information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the holder is granted no rights to use the
information contained. Information is subject to change without notice.
Slide 18
Um Mapa (mais) Rico
Conhecimento de (maior) Valor
Partilhável. Vivo. Interactivo.
The information contained herein is the property of inovaworks and is strictly confidential. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the
holder shall keep all information contained herein confidential, shall disclose the information only to its employees with a need to know, and shall protect the
information, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to third parties with the same degree of care it uses to protect its own confidential
information, but with no less than reasonable care. Except as expressly authorized in writing by inovaworks, the holder is granted no rights to use the
information contained. Information is subject to change without notice.
Slide 19
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+351 93 725 76 86

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