Revista Trágica: estudos sobre Nietzsche – 2º semestre de 2012 – Vol. 5 – nº 2
On Causality and Nature in Nietzsche
Rosana Suarez∗
Abstract: This article aims to join the debate about the “naturalism” in Nietzsche by
taking as a starting point for discussion the “deterministic” version of this “naturalism”.
With this purpose, the article builds an approach of the Nietzschean critique of causality
to schematize, then, the concept of “nature” in Nietzsche. Having in mind the
Nietzschean perspectivism, the article shows the tension existing between “life” and
“nature” and points to the “denaturalization” of both of these concepts in Nietzsche’s
Keywords: naturalism; determinism; perspectivism; life and nature; will to power.
Professora da Faculdade de Filosofia do Departamento de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais da Universidade
Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Contato:
[email protected]
Revista Trágica: estudos sobre Nietzsche – 2º semestre de 2012 – Vol. 5 – nº 2

Abstract - Revista Trágica