Physics of Life Reviews 8 (2011) 200–201
Global warming and socioeconomic conditions
Comment on “Modeling the impact of global warming on
vector-borne infections” by Eduardo Massad,
Francisco Antonio Bezerra Coutinho, Luiz Fernandes Lopez and
Daniel Rodrigues da Silva
Hyun Mo Yang
UNICAMP – IMECC, Departamento de Matemática Aplicada, Praça Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 651, CEP 13083-859, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Received 22 February 2011; accepted 25 February 2011
Available online 1 March 2011
Communicated by J. Fontanari
The review by Massad et al. dealt with global warming and vector-borne infections [1], in which they did not only
present a mathematical model, but explained step by step all terms that appeared in the equations. The non-autonomous
model was applied to malaria and dengue infections, obtaining the time dependent threshold for transmission R(t),
which was studied by the sensitivity analysis. The authors have made numerous important contributions in this area.
Two features of the model deserve some comments. The model considered a time-delay only in the passage from
susceptible to infectious mosquitoes. The extrinsic incubation period depends strongly on temperature [2], as well
as the transition time from egg up to adult mosquito [3], while the intrinsic incubation period (negligible compared
to long life of humans) apparently does not depend on temperature. Neither the incubation period (humans are lead
directly from susceptible to infectious stage) nor the transition time of aquatic phase were considered in the model,
but the authors privileged extrinsic incubation period in their model through the time-delay. This choice can be understood as aiming to retrieve the formulae proposed by Macdonald for R0 [4]. With respect to the seasonal variation,
this effect was allowed only to ‘mosquitoes production from eggs’. The authors considered a constant fraction per
time ps describing the surviving on aquatic phase and becoming adult. The introduction of seasonality in the model
is not clearly justified, because this is not related to any entomological parameters, as well as the step function θ
seems artificial. Instead of interpreting the forcing parameters c and d as describing the durations of summer and
winter seasons, the forcing term should be linked with the temperature dependent transition rate from eggs to adult
(redefining ps ). Allowing to the temperature be dependent on time, T (t), the parameters c and d can be fitted from a
time-series data [5], e.g., T (t) = c + d sin( 365
t + φ), and the function θ arises naturally through the lower and upper
bounds of temperature at which transition from aquatic phase to adult can occur [3]. Therefore, all entomological parameters used by the authors can be set depending on the function T (t) (in some extent they did it in the last model):
rM , τI and μM , which are, respectively, intrinsic oviposition rate, extrinsic incubation period and mortality rate of
DOI of original article: 10.1016/j.plrev.2011.01.001.
E-mail address: [email protected].
1571-0645/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H.M. Yang / Physics of Life Reviews 8 (2011) 200–201
The authors obtained several valuable epidemiological results from the model. One of the results stated that endemic malaria transmission is established when the temperature is above a threshold value. They estimated the
threshold temperature as 26.5 ◦ C, and below this temperature epidemic malaria can occur. A study considering dengue
transmission, however, showed that the optimal range of dengue transmission is situated on the interval 27–30 ◦ C,
with the highest risk at around 28 ◦ C [6]. The authors assessed the effect of global warming applying the sensitivity
analysis. However, as important as the increase in the temperature is the social and economic conditions [7–9]. The
global distribution of per-capita gross domestic product shows a striking correlation between malaria and poverty,
and malaria-endemic countries also have lower rates of economic growth [10]. In some situations, a worsening in
the socioeconomic conditions contributed more significantly to increase the prevalence of malaria than the increase in
temperature (global warming), which was assessed by performing the sensitivity analysis taking into account scenarios
regarding to the risk of malaria transmission [11,12].
[1] Massad E, Coutinho FAB, Lopez LF, da Silva DR. Modeling the impact of global warming on vector-borne infections. Phys Life Rev
2011;8(2):169–99 [in this issue].
[2] Lindsay SW, Birley MH. Climate change and malaria transmission. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 1996;90:573–88.
[3] Yang HM, Macoris MLG, Galvani KC, Andrighetti MTM, Wanderely DMV. Assessing the effects of temperature on the population of Aedes
aegypti, the vector of dengue. Epidemiol Infect 2009;137(8):1188–202.
[4] Macdonald G. The analysis of equilibrium in malaria. Trop Dis Bull 1952;49:813–28.
[5] CIIAGRO. [accessed in February 10, 2011].
[6] Yang HM, Macoris MLG, Galvani KC, Andrighetti MTM, Wanderely DMV. Assessing the effects of temperature on dengue transmission.
Epidemiol Infect 2009;137(8):1179–87.
[7] Gething PW, Smith DL, Patil AP, Tatem AJ, Snow RW, Hay SI. Climate change and the global malaria recession. Nature 2010;465(20):342–5.
[8] Gubler DJ, Reiter P, Ebi KL, Yap W, Nasci R, Patz JA. Climate variability and change in the United States: Potential impacts on vector- and
rodent-borne diseases. Environ Health Persp 2001;109(suppl 2):223–33.
[9] Niringiye A, Douglason OG. Environmental and socio-economic determinants of malaria prevalence in Uganda. Res J Environ Earth Sci
[10] Sachs J, Malaney P. The economic and social burden of malaria. Nature 2002;415:680–5.
[11] Yang HM, Ferreira MU. Assessing the effects of global warming and local social and economic conditions on the malaria transmission. Rev
Saúde Pública 2000;34(3):214–22.
[12] Yang HM. A mathematical model for malaria transmission relating global warming and local socioeconomic conditions. Rev Saúde Pública

Global warming and socioeconomic conditions.Comment