Goiânia, ____ de ___________ de 2014
Série: 3º ano
Turma: _____
Disciplina: Inglês  Professor: Sergio  e-mail: [email protected]
Texto 1
Social media impacts real relationships
Many couples have met through social media, which can be a
great way to meet friends. There can be a downside, though,
since chatting with friends on social media can pose risks to
marriages and other relationships.
Out of 50 couples married in the U.S. in 2011, at least one met
through a social networking site, according to The Wedding
Report. Social media sites are diversified in their functions, and
starting intimate connections, whether marital or not, is just one
of them. However, four of five U.S. divorce attorneys say they
have seen a rise in cases with social networking involved,
according to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.
One consequence is the danger some relationships end up in
due to networking on social media sites. The word Facebook
was included in more than a third of divorce filings last year,
according to a survey done by Divorce Online and reported on
by the Wall Street Journal.
"When we look at social media, I see it as changing
relationships in a couple of key ways," said Rachna Jain, a
psychologist by training with clinical specialization in couple
and marital therapy. "It is definitely another distraction from
primary relationships. You see that when people are talking on
Facebook, not to their partner, with them right there in the
room. There is the possibility to go back in time. Facebook
makes that really easy."
<>. Acesso em: 7
out. 2013. (Adaptado).
Questão 1
De acordo com o texto, os sites de redes sociais
a) possuem funções diversas, sendo uma delas o início de
relacionamentos, afetivos ou não.
b) reduzem as possibilidades de socialização em ambientes
reais de relacionamentos.
c) foram a causa direta ou indireta de quatro em cada cinco
divórcios nos Estados Unidos, em 2011.
d) são responsáveis, atualmente, pela maioria dos
relacionamentos afetivos que resultam em casamentos.
Questão 2
O texto informa que
a) social media has changed habits and nowadays virtual
relationships are more common than real ones.
b) people who chat on social media are more likely to make
friends and find partners to get married.
c) divorce rate has increased in the United States as people get
more access to social media sites.
d) social media sites networking can represent a danger to some
relationships such as marriages.
c) na voz ativa, a senteça The word Facebook was included in
more than a third of divorce filings last year seria: “More than
a third of divorce filings last year had included the word
d) na sequência Many couples have met through social media,
which can be a great way to meet friends o pronome relativo
which refere-se, nesse contexto, à expressão Many couples.
Texto 2
Questão 4
Considerando-se os aspectos verbais e não-verbais do texto,
tem-se o seguinte:
a) O anúncio chama a atenção dos motoristas para o perigo de
subirem muito lentamente ou descerem rapidamente nas
estradas, devido à presença de ciclistas.
b) A imagem e a recomendação no canto superior esquerdo
orientam motoristas e ciclistas a terem cuidado com pedestres
que possam encontrar fazendo trilhas nas estradas.
c) As recomendações do cartaz têm o objetivo de orientar
motoristas e ciclistas a utilizarem estradas de região
montanhosa com cuidado para não correrem riscos ou
provocarem acidentes.
d) Os ciclistas são alertados para o risco das estradas, em
função das belas paisagens que podem distrair sua atenção e
pela falta de acostamentos para se desviarem de carros.
Questão 3
Considerando os aspectos estruturais do texto, observa-se que
a) na sequência However, four of five U.S. divorce attorneys
say they have seen a rise in cases with social networking
involved o termo em destaque indica adição e complementação.
b) no discurso indireto, “I see it as changing relationships in a
couple of key ways,” said Rachna Jain seria: Rachna Jain said
that she sees it as changing relationships in a couple of key
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