Using the Gold Standard Manual
A guided tour
Jasmine Hyman
Marketing Director
7 December 2006
São Paulo, Brasil
Using the Manual
• Using the Pre-assessment Framework
• Using the Assessment Framework
• The Credits: Validating, registering, verifying and
issuing your CERs/VERs!
Intro: How GS fits into CDM
Project Design (PDD)
Gold Standard Screens
DOE Validation
DOE Validation for GS
CDM EB Registration
GS-TAC Registration
DOE Verification
DOE Verification for GS
CER Issuance
credit-linked label issuance
• Make sure you’re eligible!!
• Real additionality is Crucial
• Consider Sustainable Development
Assessment Framework
• Project type Eligibility Screen
• Additionality Screens
• Sustainable Development Screens
Assessment Framework:
Eligibility Screen
Renewable Energy:
• Solar thermal
• Ecological sound biomass, biogas, and liquid biofuels
• Wind
• Geothermal
• Small low-impact hydro
End Use Energy Efficiency Improvement:
• Industrial and Domestic EE
• EE in transport, agriculture, commercial
Additionality Screens
• Previously announced projects screen
• Additionality Tool
• ODA additionality test
Step O: Preliminary Screening based on start date
Step 1: Identification of Alternatives
Step 2: Investment Analysis
Step 3: Barrier Analysis
Step 4: Common Practice
Step 5: Impact of CDM registration
Project Activity is Additional
Additionality Screens: ODA
• ODA definition
• ODA may be used for PDD development and
new methodologies
• ODA can be used for implementation of wider
• ODA-discounted loans can be used, up to 25%
So, to pass the ODA test
Submit a clear financing plan that shows no ODA
funding was used for the project, not counting:
•PDD development
•Wider project activity
•Discounted loan with a grant value less than 25%
Sustainable Development
• Sustainable Development Matrix
• Public Consultation Procedures
• EIA Requirements
Indicators (example)
Local/regional/global environment
Water quality and quantity
Air quality( emissions other than GHGs)
Other pollutants: (i ncluding, where releva nt, toxicity, ra dioactivity,
POPs, stratospheric ozone layer depleting gases)
Soil condition (quality and q uantity)
Biodiversity (species and habitat conservation)
Sub total
Social sustainability a nd development
Employment (including job quality, f ulfilment of labour standards)
Livelihood of the poor (including poverty alleviation, distributional equity,
and access to essential services)
Access to energy s ervices
Human and institutional capacity (including empowerment, education,
involvement, gender)
Sub total
Economic and technological development
Employment (numbers)
Balance of paym ents (sustainability)
Technological self reliance (including project replicability, hard currency
liability, s kills development, institutional capacity, technology transfer)
Sub total
Score Ğ2 to +2
Stakeholder Consultation
• Invitation list (policy makers, local community, local
• Non technical project summary
• Local language
• comments on projects must be actively invited, fully
documented, and disseminated
Environmental Impact Assessment:
Do I have to do it?
Yes, if:
• DNA or Executive Board requests
• Public consultation requests (coming up!)
• Pre-screen checklist indicates significant
negative impacts (Appendix B in your manual)
Somente projetos de energias renováveis,
eficiência energética e metano-para-energia
Aplicar a ferramenta de adicionalidade
Sustantabilidade e meio ambiente? Aplicar a matriz
Certifição GS
Créditos GS VER serão concedidos pelo GS
Créditos GS MDL serão concedidos pelo
Conselho Executivo e certificados pelo GS
Somente projetos de energias renováveis,
eficiência energética e metano-para-energia
Verificação GS
Pela Entidade Operacional Designada
(Validadora) aplicando os critérios GS
Consulta inicial com os atores locais e/ou
Draft do PDD – em linguagem não-técnica –
para identificar possíveis preocupações dos
atores locais e/ou interessados com o projeto
(Não é necessário para projetos GS VER de
Registro GS
Projetos GS VER diretamente com o GSTAC
Projetos GS MDL precisam anteriormente de
aprovação da Autoridade Nacional Designada
e do Conselho Executivo
Validação pelo GS
Pelas Entidades Operacionais Designadas
(Validadoras) nacionais aplicando os critérios
Consulta principal
Divulgação do PDD e do PDD não-técnico –
ambos na língua local – para garantir que
todas as preocupações dos atores locais e/ou
interessados foram consideradas
GS PDD – aplicando os critérios GS
Baseado em metodologia aprovada pelo
Conselho Executivo do MDL.
Projetos VER podem, além disso, usar
metodologias da UNDP MDG Carbon
In Summary
• Project type eligibility screen
• Additionality screens: ODA, Previous
announcment, and UNFCCC additionality tool
• Sustainable Development screens: matrix,
public consultations, possible EIA
Life after the PDD
• Ask DOE for Gold Standard validation
• Register as Gold Standard (send us DOE report)
• Verify your project with a DOE, send docs to us
Gold Standard credits!
• Send Executive Board for UNFCCC credits to us
(volume, serial numbers)
• Issuance Fee (ten percent of EB’s request, from
one to two cents per CER).
Retroactive registration
• Why? - GS often not reason, priority for starting
project development
• Demonstrate full compliance with GS criteria
• DOE needs to validate your claim
• Be conservative
• Verification process basically identical
Gold Standard Checklist
Use additionality tool in the regular PDD
Submit finance plan for DOE
Sustainable Development Matrix
Write up the stakeholder consultations
Maybe, an EIA
Thank you!
Jasmine Hyman
[email protected]
+41 (0)61 283 09 16
The Gold Standard; 22, Bäumleingasse; 4051 Basel;

Using the Gold Standard Manual A guided tour