P&D » Projetos do Ciclo 2002/2003.
Title of the Project
Study of a Generator Group's Influence over the Ichtyofauna
Project Manager
Juarez Neves Cardoso
Executing Entity
Minas Gerais State University
Total Cost
R$ 885.893,00
Year 1 - R$ 322,704.00
Year 2 - R$ 246,776.00
Year 3 - R$ 316,413.00
Functioning of a generator group as synchronous
Hydroelectric Power Plants
Fish Transposition
Ichthyofauna preservation
Objectives of the Project
To define an action zone for the group to perform as a synchronous compensator;
To verify the efficiency of the measurements and case the results are encouraging, the experiments will
be repeated on a little scale in a field experiment.
Expected Results for the Project
The electric power concessionaires in the Country will have at their disposal a study and an equipment
prototype of an equipment that will allow the knowlege about the behavior of a generator group
functioning as a synchronous compensator. The diminishing of the fish deathrate will consequently imply
the diminishing of environmental problems and fines.
Reduction in the aggression to the environment. Improvement in the company's image before society.
Costs on environmental fines avoided. Diminishing in the operational limitations because of
environmental restrictions. Trainings and specialization of personnel.

P&D » Projetos do Ciclo 2002/2003. Title of the Project