HEALTHCARE CONFERENCE PROGRAM -‐ June 13th Hans Dohmann* Carlos Gadelha* Augusto Raupp* Paulo Gadelha* Secretário Saúde Município RJ Secretario Ciência e Tenologia Min. da Saúde Subsecretário Estado RJ Presidente Fiocruz 9:30 AM 10:00 AM OPENING SESSION Remarks from key stakeholders Time Sector Key Discussions Themes Keynotes Speakers Company 10:00 AM 10:50 AM PHARMA • What is the regulatory agenda set for the second half ? • What will be the model of the pharmaceutical industry in the coming years ? • What are the main alternatives to accelerate the process of innovation in the pharmaceutical sector ? 1. Patentes 2. Acesso a Medicamentos 3. Ambiente Regulatório 4. Preços 1. Nelson Mussolini* 2. Ivo Bucaresky* 3. Fernando Gross* 4. Telma Salles* Presidente Sindusfarma Diretor de Gestão Institucional da Anvisa Presidente Gross e VP Firjan Presidente Pró Genéricos Moderator Celso Braga * Presidente Executivo Sinfar 10:50 AM 11:40 AM BIOTECHNOLOGY • How is it possible to capture the pharmaceutical growth and build a chain of biotechnology products and services in our country ? • What are the main barriers? Technology, capital, market access, regulatory ? Others ? • What is the importance of PDP´s within this context ? • How can we think beyond biosimilar products ? 1. Biofarmacos 2. Biosimilares PPP 3. Ambiente Regulatório 4. Pesquisa Clinica 5. Dificuldade de instalacao de Empresas no Brasil 1. Artur Couto* 2. Odinir Finotti* 3. Pedro Bernardo* 4. Carlos Gadelha* Diretor Bio-‐Manguinhos Presidente Bionovis Diretor Interfarma Secretario Ciência e Tenologia Min. da Saúde Moderator Pedro Palmeira * Chefe Dept. Produtos para Saúde -‐ BNDES 11:40 AM 12:10 PM COFFEE BREAK 1. Euben Monteiro Junior* 2. Daurio Speranzini* 3. João Pantoja* 4. Cláudia Cohn* VP Estratégia e Desenv de Neg e Inovação VP LatAm GE Healthcare Diretor Corporativo Rede D'or Presidente ABRAMED e Dir Atendimento DASA 12:10 PM 01:00 PM MEDICAL DEVICES • Em que àreas estão as grandes oportunidades de crescimento no mercado de medical devices ? Como potencializá-‐las ? • De que forma o Governo, ANS e Empresas Privadas podem estruturar e incentivar a política de financiamento para aquisição de equipamentos e leitos hospitalares, seja para o mercado público ou mercado privado ? • Como aumentar o acesso a tratamentos mais avançados, com preços acessíveis e ainda estimular a inovação ? • Quais as barreiras para expansão do acesso a saúde para todos : uma questão de recursos, gestão ou ambos ? • Quais as barreiras regulatórias que entravam o crescimento na àrea de medical devices ? Moderator Hans Dohman* Secretário de Saúde Município RJ 1. Aumento demanda saude complementar (classe C, pacientes crônicos, envelhecimento) 2. Financiamento p/compradores 3. Reembolsos do sistema saude 4. Ambiente Regulatorio 5. Telemedicina TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE PROGRAM -‐ Monday June 16th Paulo Bernardo* Virgilio Almeida* Eduardo Paes* João Batista de Rezende* Communications Ministry Executive Secretary -‐ Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry Mayor -‐ Rio de Janeiro President -‐ ANATEL 9:30 AM 10:10 AM OPENING SESSION Remarks from key stakeholders Time Sector Key Discussions Themes Keynotes Speakers Company 10:10 AM 11:00 AM ANALYTICS / BIG DATA 1. Focus shift: Long-‐term versus short term returns 2. The 5 "dont's" of Data Integration 3. Is Brazil ready for the specific talent demand? 1. Data as Corporation Assets 2. Data Integration Challenges 3. Talent Demand 1. Carlos Cunha* 2. Mariano De Beer* 3. Fernando Lemos* 4. Fernando Martins* 1. President -‐ EMC Brasil 2. President -‐ Microsoft 3. VP LA, Technology -‐ Oracle 4. President -‐ Intel Brasil Moderator Marcelo Haddad* Upperwest Data Analysis 11:00 AM 11:50 AM SOCIAL & MOBILITY -‐ ICT as "consultant" and not as "owner" -‐ How to spot disruptive technologies that will impact the business? -‐ Will the “digital crumbles” be used against the individual? Moderator Cezar Taurion* IT Evangelist 11:50 AM 12:20 PM President -‐ Rio Negócios 1. The new role of ICT in the organization 2. Telecommunications Infrastructure 3. Privacy 1. Jeff Buckwalter* 2. Patrícia Ellen* 3. Andy Tsao* 4. Gustavo Silbert* 1. SVP LATAM Virgin Mobile 2. Senior Partner -‐ McKinsey 3. Executive Director -‐ Silicon Valley Bank 4. Executive Director Business and Satelliles -‐ Embratel ITC Evangelist COFFEE BREAK 12:20 AM 1:10 PM CLOUD & SECURITY -‐ What really changes with the Cloud paradigm? -‐ Still at birth, how are national and international 1. Paradigms of Security in Cloud norms and regulatios? 2. Framework of Standards and Regulations -‐ How the cloud enables the other pillars: 3. Maturity of the Market Analytics, Social & Mobility? Moderator Paulo Pagliusi* IT Evangelist 1:10 PM 2:40 PM NETWORKING LUNCHEON 1. Jose Nilo Martins* 2. Gil Torquato 3. Eduardo Carvalho* 4. Virgilio Almeida* 1. General Manager -‐ Amazon Web Services 2. President -‐ UOL 3. President -‐ ALOG 4. Executive Secretary -‐ Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry Executive Director -‐ Cloud Security Alliance / Brazil Chapter INFRASTRUCTURE CONFERENCE PROGRAM -‐ June 24th 09:30 AM 10:10 AM BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Remarks from key stakeholders Moderator Marcelo Haddad* Key Discussions Time Sector Key Discussions 10:10 AM 10:50 AM SANITATION CONCESSIONS 1. Focus shift: Long-‐term versus short term returns 2. The 5 "dont's" of Data Integration Potencial de projetos no Brasil 3. Is Brazil ready for the specific talent demand? Moderator Guilherme Albuquerque* Upperwest Data Analysis 10:50 PM 11:20 AM PALESTRA -‐ ICT as "consultant" and not as "owner" -‐ How to spot disruptive technologies that will impact the business? -‐ Will the “digital crumbles” be used against the individual? Oportunidades para expansão de projetos de grande impacto econômico e social 11:00 AM 11:20 AM NETWORKING BREAK IT Evangelist Gerente do Departamento de Saneamento do BNDES 11:40 AM 12:20 PM Moderator Marcelo Haddad* Presidente Agência Rio Negócios Key Discussions Keynotes Speakers Company Themes Keynotes Speakers Company 1. Alexis Langlois* 2. Sidney Breyer* 3. Mauro Dias* 4. Mauro Viegas* 1. Presidente Lafarge do Brasil 2. Presidente Conselho Brasil Brokers 3. Presidente GLP -‐ Global Logistic Properties 4. Presidente do Conselho de Infraestrutura da Firjan 1. Marcelo Saintive 2. Armando Goes de Araújo Neto* 3. Edson Mendonça* 1. Presidente EBP -‐ Estruturadora Brasileira de Projetos 2. Consórcio Odebrecht e Saneamento Ambiental Águas do Brasil 3. Diretor de Saneamento da Fundação Rio Águas URBAN MOBILITY Luciano Coutinho* Presidente BNDES Luiz Claudio Campos* -‐ Sócio líder Brasil-‐ Finanças Corporativas & Assessoria em Infraestrutura da Ernest & Young 2. Gustavo Rocha 3. Paulo Sério Passos* 4. Vicente Loureiro* 1. Presidente da INVEPAR 3. Presidente EPL -‐ Empresa de Planejamento e Logística 4. Subsecretario Estadual de Urbanismo Regional e Metropolitano 12:20 PM 01:00 PM AIRPORTS Moderator Henrique Costa Pinto* 01:00 PM 02:30 PM NETWORKING LUNCHEON Presidente Agência Rio Negócios -‐ What really changes with the Cloud paradigm? -‐ Still at birth, how are national and international Desafios do investimento em Mobilidade norms and regulatios? Urbana -‐ How the cloud enables the other pillars: Analytics, Social & Mobility? IT Evangelist 1. Luiz Teive Rocha* 2. Marcelo Pacheco dos Discussão do caso de sucesso e próximos passos Guaranys* 3. Antonoaldo Neves 1. Presidente do Consórcio do Aeroporto do Galeão 2. ANAC -‐ Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil 3. Presidente da AZUL Cia Aérea AUDIOVISUAL CONFERENCE PROGRAM -‐ June 27th 9:30 AM 10:15 AM OPENING SESSION Remarks from the stakeholder Sergio Sá Leitão* Sergio Valente Secretário de Cultura Rio, Presidente Rio Filme Diretor da Central Globo de Comunicação Time Sector Key Discussions Keynotes Speakers Company 1. Allain Fonseca* 2. Andrés Lieben* 3. Silvia Rabello* 4. Luciano Pantuso* 1. FIRJAN 2. 2DLAB 3. SICAV 4. Venerdi Investments 1. Pedro Buarque de Holanda* 2. Christian de Castro* 3. Marco Altberg* 4. Simone Lahorgue* 1. Presidente Conselho Conspiração Filmes 2. ABVCAP 3. Presidente ABPITV 4. Levy & Salomão Advogados 10:15 AM 11:05 AM INFRASTRUTURE Looking for low costs Moderator Luciane Gorgulho* Chefe do Departamento de Cultura, Turismo e Entretenimento do BNDES 11:10 AM 12:00 AM PRODUCERS Seeking partners to leverage business Moderator Steve Solot* Presidente da Rio Film Commission 12:00 AM 12:20 PM COFFEE BREAK 12:20 PM 01:10 PM MEDIA Where´s the future of sports media? 1. Marcelo Campos Pinto* 2. Juca Silveira* 3. Edgar Diniz* 1. Diretor Executivo Rede Globo 2. Rede Bandeirantes 3. Presidente do Esporte Interativo Moderator Walter de Mattos Júnior* Presidente Jornal Lance 01:10 PM 02:40 PM NETWORKING LUNCHEON OIL & GAS CONFERENCE PROGRAM -‐ July 3rd Magda Chambriard* Júlio Bueno* President ANP (National Agency of Petroleum) Secretary for Economic Development Energy Industry and Services -‐ Rio State President -‐ World Petroleum Council Director E&P -‐ Petrobras 9:30 AM 10:00 AM OPENING SESSION Time Sector Key Discussions Keynotes Speakers Company 10:00 AM 10:50 AM SUBSEA (EQUIPMENT & SERVICES) 1. How to improve reliability of the local installed base? 2. How to better distribute value added among the Subsea companies in local market? 3. Competitiviness 1. José Mauro Ferreira * 2. Marcelo Mafra* 3. Carlos Assis* 4. Luca Cattedri 1. Commercial Director FMC 2. Superint. for Environment and Operational Security -‐ ANP 3. O&G Partner -‐ EY Consulting 4. President/CEO -‐ Saipem do Brasil Moderator Roberto Paraíso Ramos * President Odebrecht Oil & Gas and AMCHAM 1. Daniel Moczydlower * 2. Paulo Moretti * 3. Celso Silva* 4. Pablo Fava* 1. CEO -‐ Embraer Sistemas 2. Director Industrial Automation -‐ Braskem 3. Director O&G -‐ Promon 4. Director Industrial Automation -‐ Siemens Remarks from key stakeholders Renato Bertani * Jose Formigli* 10:50 AM 11:40 PM INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION 1. What are the short, mid and long term frontiers of Industrial Automation to improve the effectiveness? Moderator Bruno Gomes* Innovation Director of FIRJAN 11:40 AM 12:10 PM COFFEE BREAK 12:10 PM 01:00 PM SHIPBUILDING 1. How to improve local delivery capability at the volumes required by the market? 2. Local Content -‐ Challenges and Opportunities Moderator Priscila Branquinho das Dores * O&G Department Chief of BNDES 01:00 PM 02:30 PM NETWORKING LUNCHEON 1. Fernando Barbosa* 2. Luis de Mattos* 3. Antônio Müller* 4. Paulo Alonso* 1. CEO -‐ Enseada Shipyard 2. Vice President -‐ Sobena 3. President -‐ Abemi / President -‐ Tridimensional 4. President Advisor -‐ Petrobras GLOBAL SUMMIT PROGRAM -‐ July 11th OPENING SESSION Global leaders invited to uncover... 1. Segment Trends 2. Business Expansion Opportunities 3. Main barriers and challenges 4. Brazil´s role Luiz Fernando Pezão Eduardo Paes Luciano Coutinho Eduardo Gouveia Vieira Mauricio Borges Governador do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Prefeito do Rio de Janeiro Presidente BNDES Presidente FIRJAN Presidente APEX