Lydia M. Garner
Ph.D. History.
Associate Professor
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1987, in Latin American History.
Dissertation title: “In Pursuit of Order: a Study in Brazilian Centralization, the
Section of Empire of the Council of State, 1842-1889.”
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1982. Thesis title: “The Council of
State in Brazil, 1841-1889: Its Influence During the Reign of Dom Pedro II.”
The University of Texas at Arlington, 1979, in History. Minor in Sociology.
MAJOR TEACHING FIELDS: Brazilian History; Colonial and National Latin American
Comparative History; History of Institutions; World History.
Texas State University
Associate Professor
Fall 1992 to present
University of Delaware
Visiting Professor
1991-1992, Fall 1988
The Johns Hopkins University
Postdoctoral Fellow
Fall 1988
The Johns Hopkins University
Teaching Fellow
1998 - Team Award: Department of History, School of Liberal Arts: For diversity in the
classroom and curricular change.
1998 - Faculty Development Leave, Fall 1998.
1997 - Research Enhancement Grant, SWT.
1997 - School of Liberal Arts Finalist, Department of History Finalist: Presidential Award for
Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities.
1996 - Elected Corresponding Member of the Instituto de Geografia e Historia Militar do Brasil.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
1996 - Research Enhancement Grant, SWT
1993/1994 - School of Liberal Arts Finalist, Department of History Finalist: Presidential Award
for Excellence in Teaching.
1991 - Southwestern Historical Association, First place, Latin American category: The Abolition
of Brazilian Slavery: The Imperial Government’s Perspectives, Plans, and Laws, 1867-1888.
Austin, Texas
1988 - Brittingham Postdoctoral Fellowship, School of Arts and Sciences, The Johns Hopkins
1987 - Isadore Sokolow Memorial Prize, Department of History, The Johns Hopkins University.
1984/1985: Teaching Fellowship, Department of History, The Johns Hopkins University.
1982 - Shell Foundation Fellowship for Latin America.
1982-1983: Fellow, School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University.
1981 - Research Award, Department of History, The Johns Hopkins University.
1981-1983 - Fellowships, Department of History, The Johns Hopkins University.
2002 - Justiça Administrative no Brazil do Segundo Reinado, in Revista de História, n. 147 (2nd
semester, 2002) pp. 159-188, Department of History of the University of São Paulo, Brazil.
2002 - As Guerras do Futuro na Nova Ordem Mundial, in Revista Maritima Brasileira,
(oct/dez 2002) Serviço de Documentação da Marinha, Brazil.
2001 - ‘Os Dois Corpos do Rei’: Introdução ao Estudo dos Vários Corpos de pedro II e a
Consolidação do Estado, in Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, n. 160
(402) (jan/mar 1999) pp. 247-258.
2000 - Isabel of Brazil, in Women in World History: a Biographical Encyclopedia. Anne
Commire, ed. 9 vols. (Waterford: Yorkin Publications. 2000) vol. 7, 703-708.
1999 - Cadernos de Estudos Estratégicos, Special Edition, Rio de Janeiro. A collection of
seven papers delivered in 1996/1998 at the CEBRES, Centro Brasileiro de Estudos Estratégicos,
ECEMAR, Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior da Aeronáutica, ESG, Escola Superior de
Guerra, III National Meeting on Strategic Studies. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
1998 - Organized Labor in Venezuela, 1958-1991 and Oil and Development in Venezuela
During the Twentieth Century, Review Article in, Journal of Third World Studies. Fall 1998.
1998 - Settling the Brazilian Frontier: The Role of Military Colonies, 1849-1889, in Journal of
Borderlands Studies. Spring.
1997 - Soberania Limitada: Modelo Nacional do Século 21?, in A Defesa Nacional, n. 776
(Apr/Jun) pp. 19-46. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
1997 - A Amazonia Brasileira e os Interesses Extrangeiros: Do Segundo Reinado ao Desafio da
Nova Ordem Mundial, in A Defesa Nacional, n. 777 (Jul/Ago) pp. 21-40, Journal of the EMFA,
Escola do Estado Maior das Forças Armadas do Brasil, reprinted the article as recommended
reading for the qualification exams of the School of High Command of the Armed Forces of
Brazil. The article was first published in the Cadernos de Estudos Estratégicos, 1996,
publication of the Centro Brasileiro de Estudos Estratégicos. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
1996 - Latin American Historiography and Subaltern Studies: the Case of Brazil, in Journal of
Third World Studies.
1996 - A Amazonia Brasileira e os Interesses Extrangeiros: do Segundo Reinado ao Desafio da
Nova Ordem Mundial," and "Soberania Limitada: Modelo Nacional do Seculo 21? in
Cadernos, Centro Brasileiro de Estudos Estrategicos.
1995 - House of Braganza; First Empire, 1822-1831; Regency, 1831-1840; Additional Act,
1834; Second Empire, 1840-1889; Liberal Revolution, 1842; Moderative Power; Council of
State; Princess Isabel; Pedro de Araujo Lima, Marques de Olinda, in Encyclopedia of Latin
American History. New York, MacMillan Publishing Co.
1994 - Os Advogados do Conselho de Estado do Segundo Reinado, 1842- 1880, in Revista do
Instituto dos Advogados Brasileiros, n. 81: pp. 26-43.
1994 - The Political Culture of Brazil, Review Essay, in Journal of Third World Studies,
Vol. XI, n. 2, Fall, pp. 599-605.
1994 - Contributor with several entries to the American Historical Association’s Guide to
Historical Literature.
1993 - “O Conselho de Estado de Dom Pedro II,” in Revista do Instituto Histórico e
Geográfico Brasileiro, no. 154, 381 (Out./Dez.) 1993, pp. 213-231.
1993 - Introduction to Journals and Other Documents on the Life and Voyages of Christopher
Columbus, ed.and trans. Samuel Eliot Morison. Norwalk, The Easton Press.
1993 - Recent Studies on Brazilian Development, Review Essay, in Journal of Third World
Studies. Vol. X, no. 2, Fall, pp. 528-536.
1992 - Unresolved Issues in Brazil: Challenges to the Political Leadership in the 1990s, in
Journal of Third World Studies. Vol. IX, no.1, Spring, pp. 59-79.
WORK IN PROGRESS: Completing the translation of a 14 chapter macro history of the
institution of the Council of State of Brazil entitled The Council of State of Brazil, 1842-1889,
Organization of a Latin American State, and a derivative micro history of one of the Sections of
the Council of State entitled Promoting Order, Progress, and Political Organization in Brazil:
The Section of Empire of Council of State, 1842-1889.
BOOK REVIEWS - 1994-1993
Graham, Richard. Patronage and Politics in Nineteenth Century Brazil (Stanford: Stanford
University Press, 1990) in Journal of Third World Studies (Fall 1994).
Needell, Jeffrey D. A Tropical Belle Epoque (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 1987)
in Journal of Third World Studies (Fall 1994).
Review of Several Videos. Latin American Video Database and Directory project of the
International Media Resource Exchange. New York. 1994.
Graham, Richard (ed.) Brazil and the World System (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1991)
in Journal of Third World Studies (Fall 1993).
Eakin, Marshall C. British Enterprise in Brazil (Durham: Duke University Press, 1989) in
Journal of Third World Studies (Fall 1993).
Font, Maurice A. Coffee, Contention, and Change in the Making of Modern Brazil
(Cambridge: Basil Blackwell, Inc., 1990) in Journal of Third World Studies (Fall 1993).
2003 - Institutições Internacionais na Nova Ordem Mundial, at the Superior War College and at
the Centro Brasileiro de Estudos Estratégicos in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (August-2003).
2003 - Topics to Explore: State, Race, and Slavery in the Brazilian Empire, at the LASA XXIV
International Congress in Dallas, March 28.
2003 - A Broader Perspective of the Americas in World History, at the World History
Association of Texas, San Antonio College, San Antonio, April 12.
2002 - As Guerras do Futuro na Nova Ordem Mundial, at: Superior War College, Clube Naval,
Instituto Histórico-Cultural da Aeronáutica, and Centro Brasileiro de Estudos Estratégicos. Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil.
2002 - A Seção de Marinha e Guerra do Conselho de Estado: Seus Membros e suas Funções, at
the Clube Naval, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2001 - NAFTA, MERCOSUL, ALCA: Vantagem e Desvantagem para o Brasil, ESG, Escola
Superior de Guerra, Rio de Janeiro; ECEMAR, Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior da
Aeronáutica, Rio de Janeiro; CEBRES, Centro Brasileiro de Estudos Estratégicos, Rio de
2001 - Latin America in World History Narrative: Not Part of the Americas?, Spring
Conference, World History Association of Texas, Southwest Texas State University, San
Marcos, Texas. March.
2000 - A Questão dos Tratados Tendo a Soberania Nacional, ESG, Escola Superior de Guerra,
Rio de Janeiro; Áreas Não-Tradicionais de Segurança Nacional, ECEMAR, Escola de
Comando e Estado-Maior da Aeronáutica, Rio de Janeiro; idem, CEBRES, Centro Brasileiro de
Estudos Estratégicos, Rio de Janeiro.
1999- A Amazônia, a Cobiça Internacional, e a Soberania Brasileira. ESG, Escola Superior de
Guerra; ECEMAR, Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior da Aeronáutica; CEBRES, Centro
Brasileiro de Estudos Estratégicos, Rio de Janeiro.
1999 - “Integrating the Americas in World History: Possible Models,” Pre-Conference
Roundtable, WHA meeting, Victoria, Canada.
1999 - Europeans in Neo-European Worlds: The Americas in World History. World History
Association of Texas. San Antonio College. San Antonio.
1998 - O Modelo de Low Intensity Conflict e a Militarização da Fronteira Mexico-Estados
Unidos. ECEMAR, Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior da Aeronáutica. Campo dos Affonsos.
Rio de Janeiro.
1998 - A Evolução da Jurisprudência de Soberania Nacional: Da Amazonia à Biotecnologia.
ESG, Escola Superior de Guerra. Rio de Janeiro.
1998 - A Crise na Indonésia: Organograma do Golpe de Estado Internacional no Século XXI.
CEBRES, Centro Brasileiro de Estudos Estratégicos. Rio de Janeiro.
1998 - Problemas nos Novos Modelos Regionais de Cooperação Politica, Econômica e Militar:
a União Européia, a União Européia Ocidental, e a OTAN. CEBRES, Centro Brasileiro de
Estudos Estratégicos. Rio de Janeiro.
1998 - A Americanização da Constituição Brasileira de 1824. IHGB, Instituto Histórico e
Geográfico Brasileiro. Rio de Janeiro.
1998 - European Institutions in Neo-European Worlds: The Adaptation of the French Conséil
d’État Model by the Brazilian Monarchy, 1841-1889. Annual Meeting, World History
Association of Texas. Texas Lutheran University. Seguin.
1998 - The Constitutionalism of the Visconde de Uruguai and the Brazilian Constitution of 1824.
Annual Meeting, Latin American Studies Association. Chicago.
1997 - Integrating the Americas in World History: Problems and Possibilities. Annual Meeting,
World History Association of Texas. Austin.
1997 - An Introduction to the Comparative Study of State Formation in Argentina and Brazil.
Annual Meeting, Southwestern Social Science Association. New Orleans.
1997 - Justiça Administrativa do Brasil do Segundo Reinado, 1842-1889. XX International
Congress, Latin American Studies Association. Guadalajara.
1997 - ‘Os Dois Corpos do Rei’: Os Varios Corpos de Pedro II e a Consolidação do Estado.
Instituto Historico e Geografico Brasileiro. Rio de Janeiro.
1997 - Ethnicidade, Lingua, e Cultura: Componentes Essenciais do Futuro Estado Nacional.
Centro de Estudos Estratégicos Brasileiro. Rio de Janeiro.
1997 - ‘Rogue States’ e o Novo Conceito de Legitimidade de Estados Nacionais. Centro de
Estudos Estratégicos Brasileiro. Rio de Janeiro.
1997 - A Militarização do Combate Contra Narcoticos na America Latina: Transferencia de
Responsabilidade. Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior da Aeronautica. Rio de Janeiro.
1996 - Modelo Historico do Brasil Imperial como Guia para o Século XXI. III National Meeting
on Strategic Studies. Rio de Janeiro.
1996 - A Amazonia e a Evolução da Jurisprudencia de Soberania Nacional: da Lei das Gentes, e
das Nações à Lei Internacional. III National Meeting on Strategic Studies. Rio de Janeiro.
1996 - Princess Isabel of Brazil: Gender Discrimination and Political Power. Annual Meeting,
Southwestern Historical Association. Houston.
1995 - Latin American Historiography and Subaltern Studies: the Case of Brazil. Association of
Third World Studies, Jacksonville.
1995 - Discussant: Panel on Culture and Health in Latin America. Association of Third World
Studies, Jacksonville.
1995 - National Standards for World History: Era 6. The Emergence of the First Global Age,
1450-1770 CE. World History Association of Texas at the University of North Texas
1995 - O Duque de Caxias no Conselho de Estado Pleno, 1870-1880. at the Instituto de
Geografia e Historia Militar do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro.
1995 - Soberania Limitada: Modelo Nacional do Seculo 21?. Centro de Estudos Estrategicos
Brasileiro, Rio de Janeiro.
1995 - World History: Sources and Themes. World History Association of Texas, Baylor
1994 - A Amazonia Brasileira e os Interesses Extrangeiros: Do Segundo Reinado ao Desafio
da Nova Ordem Mundial. Instituto de Geografia Historia Militar do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro.
1993 - O Significado da Organização do Conselho de Estado da Monarquia Brasileira:
Conselho Politico e Conselho Administrativo. Instituto Historico e Geografico Brasileiro. Rio de
1993 - O Conselho de Estado de Dom Pedro II e a Organizacao do Estado Nacional. Arquivo
do Museu Imperial. Petropolis, Brazil.
1993 - Military Colonies and Pathfinders: Expanding the Domestic Frontier in Brazil,
1850-1889. Annual Meeting of the Association o Borderlands Scholars, Corpus Christi
1993 - The Organization and Incorporation of Brazilian Joint Stock Companies, 1860-1882.
Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association, New Orleans.
1992 - Settling the Brazilian Frontier during the Second Empire: A Preliminary Analysis of the
Military Colonies. At the Annual Meeting of the Association of Borderlands Scholars, El Paso.
1992 - The Cultural Aspect of Moral Economy: Economic Development, Entrepreneurship, and
the Role of the State in 19th Century Brazil. Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Historical
Association, Austin.
1991 - Unresolved Issues in Brazil: Challenges to the Political Leadership in the 1990s.
Annual Meeting of the Association of Third World Studies, Philadelphia.
1991 - Discussant: Panel, "Japan's Role In Latin America During the Second War II." Annual
Meeting of the Association of Third World Studies, Philadelphia.
1991 - The Abolition of Brazilian Slavery: The Imperial Government's Perspectives, Plans, and
Laws, 1867-1888. Annual Meeting, Southwestern Historical Association, San Antonio.
1990 - Investment, Class, and Capital in Nineteenth Century Brazil. At the Annual Meeting,
Southwestern Historical Association, Fort Worth.
1988 - A Influencia do Conselho de Estado do Brasil durante o Reinado de Dom Pedro II,
1842-1889. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon.
1983 - O Estudo do Conselho de Estado e a Historiografia Brasileira. Instituto Historico e
Geografico Brasileiro, Rio de Janeiro.
2002 - The State and the Political Philosophy of Race in Latin America, at Philosophy Dialogue
Series, Department of Philosophy. March 28.
2001 - “Meet the Professors” - Participated with Prof. Ted Hinson in interviewing Mr. Cristóbal
R. Orosco, United States Chargê d’Affairs in Brazil and President Bush’s nominated American
Ambassador to Panama, Nov. 30.
1999 - The Time is Right: Gender Discrimination and Political Power in the Brazilian Empire.
Phi Alpha Theta. Southwest Texas State University.
1998 - Iberian Languages in Neo-European Worlds: Acculturation and Divisiveness in Latin
America. Phi Sigma Iota and the Department of Foreign Languages, Annual Foreign Language
Week, SWT.
1997 - On the Methodology of Studying Institutions. Phi Alpha Theta. Department of History. .
1993 - Central American Immigration into the United States. Cultural Diversity Conference at
the Institute of Texan Cultures, San Antonio.
1992 - University of Delaware: Organization for the Advancement of Latin Americans,
"Similarities and Differences Between Brazil and Spanish America." Commentator, screening
of "Maria's Story" at the Women's History Month Film Series
1991 - Functions of the Council of State in Brazil during the Second Empire. Graduate Students
Association, Department of History, The University of Texas at Austin.
1990 - The Role of the Council of State of Brazil under Dom Pedro II. Latin American Seminar,
Texas Christian University, Fort Worth.
1985 - Survey of Brazilian History, 1822-1889. U.S. Government, Department of State,
Seminar for Foreign Officials, Washington, D.C.
1999 - Organized the Pre-Conference Roundtable for the World History Association meeting in
Victoria, Canada.
1999 - Integrating the Americas in World History: Possible Models, Pre-Conference Roundtable,
WHA meeting, Victoria, Canada.
Phi Alpha Theta; American Historical Association; Latin American Studies Association; World
History Association; World History Association of Texas; Southwestern Historical
Association; Association of Third World Studies; SCOLAS.
Professional: Member of the Executive Council of the World History Association; Board of
Editors, Journal of Third World Studies; Past President, World History Association of Texas;
Member of the Membership Committee of the Southwestern Social Science Association; Present
President of the World History Association of Texas.
University: 2003-2004, Member of the Vice-President Committee on the Role of the Chair;
2003-2004, Members of the Liberal Arts Budget Committee; 2003-2004, Member of the Political
Science Department Search Committee; 2000-1999, Member of the Political Science Department
Search Committee; 1998, SACS Undergraduate Program Subcommittee: evaluated the syllabi
from the Schools of Liberal Arts and General Studies; Selected Liberal Arts representative to
serve on the Undergraduate Program Committee of SACS Self-Study Committee
(1997-1998); Alternate, Faculty Senate Academic Policies Committee (1997-1998); 1997,
Advisor, A.T.L.A.S. (Association of Latin American Students); Faculty Senate's Academic
Core Committee (1996-1997); Report: Evaluation of the F.I.R.S.T. Seminar in Costa Rica, 1995;
Member of the Academic Standards Committee (1993-1996); Organized the Fall Meeting
(1993) of the World History Association of Texas at SWT; Judge, TKL Writing Contest
Department: 2002-04, Member of the Graduate Committee; 2003-04, Departmental
Representative in the Liberal Arts Budget Committee; 2002, member of the Search Committee
for the Department Secretary; 2001, Chair, organized the Spring meeting of the World History
Association of Texas sponsored by the History Department; 2001, helped to organized the 2001
Taylor Lecture; 2000, nominated Prof. Joseph K. S. Yick and Dr. Carol L. Bargeron for
Presidential Awards; 2000, began organizing the Spring Meeting of the World History
Association of Texas sponsored by the History Department; 1999, member of the Search
Committee, Mexican/Mexican-American position; 1998, Chair, Committee on the TaylorMurphy and Alton G. Brieger Scholarship; 1997, Chair of the Graduate Committee; 1997,
wrote the proposal for the Mitte Chair submitted by the History Department; 1996, Organized the
Taylor Lecture, Feb. 14; 1996, Library Committee; 1994, Committee to Review the Graduate
Program; 1993: Hiring Committee; Commentator, Phi Alpha Theta, Southeast Texas Regional
Meeting; Phi Alpha Theta, Spring Brown Bag Series, "Exceptionalism in Brazilian
History"; 1992 - Committee to Select the Outstanding Undergraduate Student for the Liberal
Arts Undergraduate Award; Phi Alpha Theta, Panel, "The Encounter of the Two Worlds."
Department - University of Delaware: 1992, Member of the Advisory Committee on Global
Curriculum Development in the Department of History:
2002 - Offered a new course on Latin American History, Development and Underdevelopment ,
The Economic History of Latin America.
2002 - Proposal for the introduction of Portuguese with a fast-track for Spanish.
2001 - Developed a new course on economic history.
2001 - Board of Regents approved a Major and Minor in Latin American Studies.
2000 - Initiated discussion with Prof. Dennis Dunn for the creation of a Major and Minor in Latin
American history under the Center for International Education in order to advance the role of
international education at Texas State.
2002 - Initiated discussions with Prof. Dunn and Prof. Robert Fischer, Chair of the Modern
Languages Department, on a proposal to offer Portuguese in the Extension Program to enhance
the Foreign Language options presently available to our students in International Studies.
1999 - Prepared a Special Topics in World history for the undergraduate studies with two
courses: Slavery and Emancipation in the Americas, 1492-1889, and States and Capitalism: The
Origins of the Modern Global System.
1999 - Proposed two new courses in Latin American history: Modern Brazil, and The Economic
History of Latin America.
1998 - Course 3324, Latin America from Independence to Present. Introduced a new unit to
discuss race and to introduce the several models of race relations in Latin America; Building up
the Library and Video collections on comparative slavery and world environmental history.
1997 -. Courses in World History: Developed an unit on environmental world history for my
courses 2311 and 2312. The unit discusses the spread of diseases, environmental destruction,
natural resources, overpopulation, and the planet Earth in our solar system. Lectures are
complemented with visual instruction, primarily educational videos. Also, introduced visual
learning to illustrate past civilizations and help students to link the problems of the past with
those of the present.
Introduced the following courses from 1993-1996: The Southern Cone of Latin America,
Latin American Revolutions, Militarism in Latin America.
Reader: 1999 - The Long Journey to the Present. Addison Wesley Longman Publishers.
1998 - World History in Brief: Major Patterns of Change and Continuity. Addison
Wesley Longman Publishers.
1998 - Reviewed proposal for A History of the People of Latin America, Addison
Longman Publishers.
Community: 2002-05, President of the World History Association of Texas; 2001, member of
the Prize Committee Latin America/Africa best paper at the Southwestern Historical Association
meeting, Fort Worth; 2001, Judge for the National Essay Contest, Veterans of Foreign Wars;
1995, with Dr. Dennis Dunn, "Possibilities of Exchanges for the University of Costa Rica and
SWTSU"; 1993, Campus Christian Community, "Culture of Violence in Latin America;”
LULAC District Meeting, "Diversity in Latin America"; Kiwanis Club, San Marcos,
Presentation on Latin America.
Colonial Latin America
Modern Latin America, from Independence to Present
Colonial Brazil
The Southern Cone
Latin American Revolutions
Militarism in Latin America
World History - From the End of Pre-History to the End of the 16th Century
World History - 16th Century to Present
Graduate Seminars
Elites in Latin America
Society and Culture in Brazil: The Age of Pedro II
Modern Economic History of Mexico (Reading Seminar)
The Expansion of the Portuguese Maritime Empire (Reading Seminar)
Mexico and Argentina in the First Decades of Independence (Reading Seminar)
Late Spanish and Portuguese Colonial Administration in Latin America (Reading Seminar)
MERCOSUL, NAFTA, European Common Market (Reading Seminar)
Courses at the University of Delaware
The Formation of New Nations in Latin America
A History of Brazil in the Nineteenth Century
Course offered at the Johns Hopkins University
The Formation of New Nations In Latin America
Prof. Lydia M. Garner, Ph.D.
Department of History
Texas State-San Marcos
601 University Drive
San Marcos, TX 78666-4616
Office Phone: (512) 245-3541
Fax: 512-245-3043
e-mail: [email protected]