Windsor Atlântica Hotel | Copacabana | Rio de Janeiro | Brazil
10:00 - 10:30 Registration
10:30 Opening Ceremony
10:30 - 11:20 Keynote Speaker
- Dr. Annamaria Lusardi (PhD, Academic Director, Global
Financial Literacy Excellence Center – GFLEC, George
Washington University, Washington D.C.)
11:20 - 12:00 Financial Education in Brazilian
Schools (pilot project presentation)
- Moderator: Sueli Teixeira Mello (Basic Education
Secretariat, Ministry of Education)
- Fábio Moraes (Director, FEBRABAN Institute of Education
- INFI, Brazil)
- Roque Mattei (Secretary of Education of Joinville, Brazil)
- Anderson dos Santos (Municipal School Amador Aguiar)
- Carlas Pawluk (Municipal School Prof. Eladir Skibinski)
12:00 - 12:50 Special Session: Childhood and
Youth Interventions
- Moderator: Kathryn Edmundson (Executive Director of
Secretariat, International Forum for Investor Education – IFIE)
Financial Education at the Early Childhood Level:
Recent Findings
- Simon Bailey (Head of Programmes and Research,
Aflatoun International)
State Financial Education Mandates: It's All in the
- Dr. Carly Urban (PhD, Assistant Professor, Montana State
12:50 - 13:20 The Importance of Child & Youth
Financial Education
- Leonardo Gomes Pereira (Chairman, CVM)
- Flore-Anne Messy (Deputy Head of the Financial Affairs
Division of the Directorate for Financial and Enterprise
Affairs, OECD).
13:20 - 14:30 Lunch offered to all participants
14:30 - 16:20 Panel 1: Financial Education in Schools
- Moderator: Flore-Anne Messy (OECD)
- Brazil: Sueli Teixeira Mello (Basic Education Secretariat,
Ministry of Education) and Dr. Caroline Stumpf Buaes
(PhD, Educational Support Group, Ministry of Education)
- Chile: Paula Bustos Muñoz (Head of the Education
Department, National Consumer Service – SERNAC)
- Peru: Cecilia Luz Ramirez Gamarra (General Director for
Basic General Education, Ministry of Education)
- Spain: Gloria Caballero Núñez (Deputy Director for
Financial Education, Spanish Commission for Securities
Markets – CNMV)
16:20 - 16:40 Coffee-break
16:40 - 18:00 Panel 2: FE projects for Children/Youth
- Moderator: Heloisa Padilha (MsC, Director, Linha Mestra
- Argentina: Cristina Carrillo (Director, Addkeen Consulting)
- Costa Rica: Kattia Castro (Instituto Nacional de Seguros)
- United States: Mary S. Head (Deputy Director, Office of
Investor Education and Advocacy, SEC)
- Brazil: Saulo Faria Almeida Barretto (Director, Instituto
de Pesquisas em Tecnologia e Inovação - IPTI)
18:00 Closing Remarks
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