Corporate Governance Fiscal Council The Brazilian Corporate Law requires the establishment of a permanent or non-permanent Fiscal Council (FC). Braskem’s bylaws provide for the establishment of a permanent FC, composed of five sitting members and five alternates. It is a corporate entity that operates independently from management and the independent auditing companies, whose primary responsibility is to review the activities of Management and the financial statements, as well as render accounts to Braskem’s shareholders. The members of the Fiscal Council are elected by the Shareholders at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting for a one-year term and they may stand for reelection. The mandates expire at the subsequent Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. In accordance with the law, members of the Board of Directors or the Executive Board of the companies cannot participate as members of Fiscal Council. Employees, spouses and relatives of members of the management are also prohibited from participating. The FC regularly meets every three months and in special meetings, when necessary. As is the case with Braskem’s Board of Directors, the Fiscal Council also has an exclusive information channel that can be accessed through the Braskem website ( The composition of the FC, as of April 30, 2011, was as follows: Fiscal Council Sitting Members Alternates Maria Alice Ferreira Deschamps Cavalcanti Carlos Alberto Siqueira Gomes Aluizio da Rocha Coelho Neto Jayme Gomes da Fonseca Júnior Antônio Luiz Vianna de Souza Marcílio José Ribeiro Júnior Ismael Campos de Abreu Afonso Celso Florentino de Oliveira Manoel Mota Fonseca Ana Patrícia Soares Nogueira 2010 Annual and Sustainability Report | 39