Aid Scheme
Regulatory Framework establishing the eligibility terms of the operations and their promoters for the
granting of a certain type of incentives, as well as their maximum limits (in absolute terms and
intensity) and forms of payment. An aids scheme is different from an individual aid as it is not granted
to a specific company, but instead to an uncertain group of companies, in terms of identity and number.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Form of obtaining financing consisting of a formal request for public financial aid with the purpose of
guarantying the implementation of eligible projects financed within the scope of the OP.
Employees – population made of “employed workers” and “non-employed workers”, the last including
self-employed workers (independent professionals and independent workers).
Unemployed – group of the unemployed population available to work and actively looking for a job.
This requirement will be proven with the registration at the Employment Centers or with a declaration
by the person.
In terms of eligibility, seasonal workers are considered unemployed assets.
Long Duration Unemployed – unemployed population available to work and actively looking for a job,
for over a year. This requirement will be proven with the registration at the Employment Centers or
with a declaration by the person.
Inclusion in this category will not be altered by the attendance of a training or inclusion programme.
Unemployed Looking for a First Job – Individuals available to enter the labor market who have never
carried out a professional activity or, if they did, its duration as a whole does not amount to 12 months
(360 days). This requirement will be proven with a declaration by the person.
Workers that do not carry out their employee activity – group of employed people including employers,
self-employed workers (independent professionals and independent workers) and the active members of
producer’s co-operatives.
Associations of Enterprises
Associations which, not being commercial companies or groups of companies, are de result of a
national cooperation of national inter-company cooperation or collaboration agreement, with or without
time or subject limit, aiming at the development of a certain good or service which is made available to
those or for the fulfillment of a certain activity legally foreseen, as well as the supplementary groups of
companies and commercial consortiums.
The access to financing by these associations means:
Existing evidence of the vocational training in the set of subjects under de cooperation
agreement between the companies;
- In the event that the association of enterprises should not have legal personality, sufficient
proof be made as to all the associated individual companies, of the existence of the legally
established application requirements for the training, employer or other operating entities.
In this case the application must be presented by one of the associates, and all the others should
declare their agreement.
Basic Professional Training
Training aiming at the acquisition of fundamental knowledge, practical skills, attitudes and behaviors
which are the fundamental basis for a profession or group of professions, envisaging further
specialization or the immediate placement in a job position.
Integrates Common Training or Common Alignment (see concept)
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Natural and legal persons of public or private law, responsible for the start up or for the start up and
implementation of the operations, complying with access requirements established in the Decree which
determines the general arrangements for the application of the ESF as well as the requirements defined
by specific regulations, and accessing to financing of the ESF using the defined arrangements.
Catálogo Nacional de Qualificações – CNQ (National Qualifications Catalogue)
A dynamic tool for the strategic management of national qualifications at a non-superior level, for the
regulation of double certification training offer and for the promotion of the efficiency of public
financing which integrate unique qualifications references for the initial and continuous training and for
the competence recognition, validation and certification processes. The CNQ presents, for each
qualification, the associated Professional Profile and Training Benchmark, as well as the necessary
conditions for the implementation of professional skills recognition and validation processes. This
catalogue will include all activity sectors and be permanent and continuously updated. (It is foreseen
for the total coverage of levels II and III qualifications to be between 205-300 qualifications).
Certified Expenses
Amount of expenses validated by the Management Authorities certified to the European Commission
by the Payment Authorities for reimbursement.
Common Training
Training aiming at the acquisition of fundamental knowledge, practical skills, attitudes and behaviors
which are the fundamental basis for a profession or group of professions, envisaging further
specialization or the immediate placement in a job position.
Competences’ Profile
Description of the stabilized set of behaviors, at a cognitive psychomotor or emotional level, which
qualify the individual for the performance of an activity, a function or a specific task.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Compulsory Education
Basic and universal schooling, mandatory and free. Currently includes all people of both genders,
between 6 and 15 years old, according to Law nr. 46/86 of October 14th.
Compulsory education is determined according to the birth date of the individuals, as bellow:
Birth date
Compulsory education
Until December 31st 1966
4 schooling years
Between January 1 1967 and December
31st 1980
6 schooling years
From January 1st 1981
9 schooling years
Continuous Training
Training which includes all institutionalized and organized training processes subsequent to an exit
from the schooling system and after insertion in the labour market, allowing for the individual to
deepen professional and interpersonal competences, for a professional activity, a better adaptation to
technological and organizational changes and to the improvement of his employability.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
De Minimis Aid
Support granted by the government (or resorting to state resources) to a company, in an amount not
superior to 200.000 euros for a period of three years starting at the date of the rating of the first
incentive, independently from its format or purpose. This type of support due to its reduced amount, is
not considered incompatible with the common market, and therefore its not necessary to notify the
European Commission.
Source: Regulation (CE) nr 1998/2006 of December 15th 2006
Distant Training
Training method with little or no presence of the trainer which uses several teaching materials, in
written, audio, video, computer or multimedia support or also a combination of these, aiming not only
to the acquisition of knowledge but also to the trainees progress.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Double Certification
Competence to carry out a professional activity granting a school qualification, with a diploma,
certificate or equivalent.
Compliance as to the regulatory framework of an intervention. Applied to the expenses (nature, legal
character, amount or date), as well as to the projects, to the beneficiaries or to the areas of intervention
(geographical areas, activity sectors).
Eligibility Period
The period to be considered for the control of the eligibility of the performed and paid expenses is that
between the 60 days prior to the date when the request for financing was presented and the date when
the balance was presented, except for the modality of access by public procurement, for which the
eligibility period is determined in the corresponding procedural programme.
Eligible Cost
A cost charged and paid by the beneficiary entities for the implementation of those measures
integrating the application approved by the management authority and for which there is accounting
relevance and factual evidence of the concerned goods and services.
Eligible costs are considered those expenses which may be financed according to the community and
national legislation concerning the ESF and which comply with the principles of economy, efficiency
and efficacy and of cost/benefit proportion. Eligible costs are considered, within the scope of an
application, those expenses which took place in the period between 60 days prior to the date of its
presentation and the date when the balance was presented.
Eligible costs are also the indirect costs declared on a fixed base, in accordance with line b) of nr. 3
article 11 of Regulation (EU) nr. 1081/2006 of the European Parliament and Council of July 5th.
Population made of “employed workers” and “non-employed workers”, the last including selfemployed workers (independent professionals and independent workers).
Employer Entity
Entity of the public, cooperative or private sectors, profit or non-profit, which applied to financing in
order to promote the implementation of measures in favor of its workers.
These entities may also promote measures in favor of the workers of their suppliers or clients,
whenever relevance of such intervention may be demonstrated, as well as integrate in its measures
unemployed people, as long as according to recruitment processes and requirement of contracting a
significant number of those unemployed people.
These entities, whenever part of the General Government may also promote the implementation of
measures in favor of the workers of other entities of the same government with which they have
functional relations.
The employers must previously inform and consult with their workers and representatives as to the
training they want to undertake.
An entity which, independently from its legal form, carries out an economic activity. Considered as
such are namely those entities which carry out a handicraft activity or other individual or family type
activities, partnerships or associations which carry out an economic activity on a regular basis.
SME – independent enterprises employing less than 250 workers, with an annual turnover below 50
million euros and a total annual balance below 43 million euros. As independent enterprises, we
consider those which don’t belong in 25% or more of their capital or voting power to one or several
enterprises which are not included in the definition of SME or small enterprise.
Small Enterprise – independent enterprises employing less than 50 workers, with an annual turnover or
a total annual balance bellow 10 million euros. (For independency criteria see SME).
Micro Enterprise – independent enterprises employing less than 10 workers, with an annual turnover or
a total annual balance bellow 2 million euros. (For independency criteria see SME).
Source: Recommendation by the Commission 2003/361/CE, of May 6th published on J.O nº L 124, of 20.05.2003.
Equal Opportunities
Equal opportunities is a general principle which consecrates two fundamental aspects:
The prohibition of any types of nationality discrimination (current article 12 and former article 6 of the
EC Treaty) and equal payment for men and women (current article 141 and former article 119).
This is a principle to be applied to all areas, namely in the economic, social, cultural and family life.
With the entry into force of the Amsterdam Treaty, a new article 13th was inserted in order to stress the
non-discrimination principle closely related to equal opportunities. This article foresees that the Council
may adopt all necessary measures to fight against all discrimination based in gender, race or ethnic
origin, religions or beliefs, disability, age or sexual preference.
Source: Glossary of the EU Portal (http://europa.eu)
Equal Treatment for Men and Women
The principle of equality between men and women has been consecrated since 1957 by the Treaty
which establishes the European Community, in which article 141 requires equal payment for men and
women for the same work. From 1975 on a whole set of directives extended the principle of equal
treatment to access to employment, training and professional promotion, in order to eliminate any type
of discrimination in the labor world. Later, this principle started also to include matters such as welfare,
legal systems and the professional systems.
Source: Glossary of the EU Portal (http://europa.eu)
European Social Fund
The European Social Fund (ESF) is the main financial tool allowing for the European Union to fulfill
the strategic goals of its employment policy. Instituted by the Rome Treaty, it is the oldest structural
fund (1958), continuing, in cooperation with the member states (MS), an investment strategy for
programmes and policies with the specific purpose of developing competences and improving the
professional perspectives of the European citizens.
Ex-ante Evaluation
Evaluation exercised preceding the implementation of a public intervention. It has the main purpose of
studying the adequacy of the strategy conceived in view of the diagnosis performed, usually including
the relevance analysis and the internal and external coherence of the intervention.
Ex-post Evaluation
Evaluation exercise carried out after the conclusion of a public intervention. It has the main purpose of
studying the effects of the intervention, in terms of the efficiency as to the resources involved and the
efficacy as to the established goals, as well as in terms of its usefulness taking as reference its
contribution to change a certain original social-economic context.
External Staff
Professionals with specific contracts with the purpose of a specific result or service. Also to be
considered are the services provided by professionals in the scope of a specialized service provision
contracts, signed between the entity holding an application and a third entity.
Flat-Rate Scheme
Model for the declaration of eligible costs in which the indirect eligible costs are declared in a fixed
base, with no need for the beneficiary entity to present a justification, within the limits established by
specific regulations and determined in the decision of application approval. The choice for this model is
made at the stage of application presentation and should be part of the acceptance agreement, being
irrevocable. Under this regime, whenever direct costs may be subject to any reductions, the amount
indirect costs will be recalculated accordingly. In the flat-rate scheme the beneficiary entity is excused
from supplying any proof elements as to the declared indirect costs, consequently not having room for
checking by the auditing and control services as to those. The specific regulation will clearly identify
under which situations this type of models may be used.
Follow-up Commission
Body which assures the efficacy and quality of the implementation of the OP´s.
Source: Article 43º approved by D.R. nr. 179 of September 17th
Foreign Language Learning
In those cases where the learning of a foreign language is in itself and exclusively a vocational training
measure, it is eligible within the scope of the ESF as long as such language is instrumental for the
professional skills.
The demonstration of this instrumental characteristic has to do, amongst other aspects, with the
adaptation of the language vocational programme to the specific needs of the profession.
Further Education
Training carried out after initial vocational training aiming at adding knowledge and developing
practical skills, attitudes and behaviors within the scope of the profession.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Global Grant
Support related to an operation, as a group of coherent projects, as to which the managing authority
assigns competences in the scope of the related management and implementation to an intermediate
body. Such assignment does not substitute the financial responsibility of the managing authority and of
the Member State.
Source: Regulation (EC) nr.1083/2006 of the Council, July 31st of 2006
Grand Project
An operation which may be financed by the ERDF or by the CF including a series of works, activities
or services aiming at implementing an undividable measure of precise technical or economical nature,
with clearly defined goals and with a total cost over 25 million euros in the environmental area and
over 50 million euros in other areas.
Source: Article 60 approved by D.R. 179/2007 September 17th
Implementation Rate
Designation intended to translate a relationship between what is actually implemented and the
programme and/or approved, concerning a certain year, period of time or project. It is usually applied to
the physical and financial indicators of the applications.
Inactive Workers
Individuals with the minimum age of 15 years old without paid or any other type of work who have
made no attempt, within the reference period, to find work.
Information and Publicity
Obligation by the Member-States to develop information and publicity measures in order to increase
knowledge and transparency of the activity of the European Union and to disseminate to possible final
beneficiaries, as well as to public in general, the possibilities offered by the Structural Funds. The
implementation of the information and publicity measures is determined by a dispatch of the members
of the government mostly about the Community Funds involved, taking into account the applicable
legal and regulatory provisions.
Unemployed trainees – the entity beneficiary of the supports is forced, by the legal framework part of
Decree-Law nr. 242/88 of July 7th, to celebrate an insurance agreement in terms of personal accidents
which may be innominate or group type.
The existence of insurance agreements for labor accidents applicable to the training context to include
unemployed trainees is irregular.
Employed workers at training measures developed by the employer or by another entity (trainer or
other operators) – the insurance policy for labor accidents includes risks which may occur during and
because of the training activities at the work location, when attending a professional training course or,
outside the work location, when there is a stated permission by the employer to such attendance,
according to Law nr. 100/97 of July 13th.
Training by initiative of the worker himself (possibility for employed workers or independent
professional) – these people are not included in the mandatory character of any insurance regime for
attending professional training measures. Their inclusion in those same group insurance agreements for
personal accidents is a possibility granted by the entity (trainer and other operators).
Intermediate Body
Any entity or public or private service with which the management authority as established a
competence delegation contract which may carry-out duties, on behalf of this authority, as to the
beneficiaries which implement the operations.
Internal Staff
Group of workers who provide permanent activity at the entity holding an application, for a payment
and under its authority and guidance.
In this group is included, therefore, subordinate work by all those who are a counter part in a
employment agreement with the entity and, as well, the workers who, though having an agreement of
different type, are in practice legally submitted to it as they carry-out an activity under its guidance and
authority, at its own location, use its working tools, receive a payment and are submitted to a time table.
Learning Material
All and every means or tools used in teaching and training.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Life-Long Learning
Global system of education/training integrating all types and levels of education – pre-school , school,
extra-curricular and any other types of non-formal education, as part of a long term process which takes
place during your whole life.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Long Duration Unemployed
Long Duration Unemployed – unemployed population available to work and actively looking for a job,
for over a year. This requirement will be proven with the registration at the Employment Centers or
with a declaration by the person.
Inclusion in this category will not be altered by the attendance of a training or inclusion programme.´
Management Authority
A national, regional or local public authority or a public or private body named by the Member-State to
manage the operational programme. The Member-State may nominate one or more intermediate bodies
to carry out a part or the whole of the tasks of the management authority or the certification under the
responsibility of this authority. The management authority is responsible for the management and
implementation of the operational programme according to the principle of sound financial
Modular Training
Training in which the contents are organized by independent training units – modules – and which may
be combined in order to create an adapted training programme/itinerary, namely to the needs of the
individuals, to technical, technological and organizational developments or to the occupational
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Multiannual Course
For financing purposes, a course is considered to be multiannual when prolonged for more than a civil
year, even if the date when the first measure starts and the date of the end of the last measure less than
12 months go by.
Multimedia Learning Material
Means or tools used for professional training in an organized and complementary way, combining two
or more supports (written, audio, video or computer), in order to diversify the forms of expression and
discourses used in training measures, in presence or from the distance
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
National Financing Sources
Origin of the national financial counterpart together with the community financing of an operation. The
financial counterpart is classified as public or private according to the nature of the entity in the budget
of which this contribution is inscribed, whether this is or not the entity promoting the operation,
although those are usually the same. The public resources may come from central, regional, local
administration or other.
Non-Discrimination Principle
The non-discrimination principle has the purpose of ensuring equal treatment amongst all people,
independently from their nationality, gender, race, ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or
sexual preference.
The prohibition of any type of discrimination based on nationality is consigned in article 12th of the
Treaty which institutes the European Community. The Amsterdam Treaty introduced a new article 13th
in the EC Treaty, in order to complete the non-discrimination guarantee foreseen in the Treaties and to
enlarge it to the other above mentioned cases.
Source: Glossary of the EU Portal (http://europa.eu)
Occupational Activity
Temporary occupation of unemployed workers with tasks which satisfy the collective needs which are
not yet organized as work positions, and are not voluntary performance of tasks without payment.
A project or a group of projects which can be included in an Operational Programme, selected by the
management authority, or under its responsibility, according to the selection criteria established by the
follow-up commission, and implemented by one or more beneficiaries, which allow for the reaching of
the goals of the priority axel they refer to.
Practical Training Component
Set of training contents/activities and a curriculum related to a training course with the purpose of
conveying to the trainees the practical competences which allow for them to develop the necessary
skills for a certain job or professional activity. These may be developed as practical simulations, within
the training context or as real practice within the work context.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Professional Internship
Essentially practical training with the purpose of completing the already acquired training, with
professional practice under real working conditions, with the guidance and the follow-up of a qualified
and experienced professional.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Professional Recycling
Training modality for the updating or acquiring of the knowledge, capabilities and attitudes, within the
same profession, namely due to the scientific and technological progresses.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Professional Rehabilitation
Professional training for people with a disability in order to prepare them for a (possibly new)
profession adjusted to their physical aptitudes and capacities.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Professional Requalification
Training modality which is part of continuous professional training aiming at giving a different
qualification from the one already possessed for a new professional activity. May require a basic
professional training, followed by a specialization.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Professional Specialization
Type of training aimed at reinforcing, developing and deepening skills, attitudes and behaviors or
knowledge acquired during the initial professional training, necessary for the better performance of
certain professional tasks.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Professional Training
Training aiming at the acquisition of fundamental skills in order to start a profession. It is the first full
training programme qualifying for the performance of tasks which constitute a function or job.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Public Financing
Its considered as public financing the result of the community contribution plus the national public
contribution, calculated according to the total approved eligible cost, minus the private contribution
defined according to the specific regulations of the Operational Programmes and the own income of the
projects, when existent.
Public Institute
Public legal persons, of the institutional type created to guarantee the execution of certain
administrative functions, belonging to the State.
These may be divided into 3 kinds:
Personalized Services – Services to which the law gives legal personality and administrative and
financial autonomy to work as if they were truly independent institutions.
Public Foundations – Autonomous heritage in which the financial administration and management is
allocated to the pursuing of special public purposes.
Public Establishments – Cultural or social public institutes organized as services open to the public, for
individual benefits to citizens in general who need those.
Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competences
The process allowing for individuals under 18 years of age to recognize, validate and certify the
competences acquired and developed along their lives.
Regular Situation
The concept of “regular situation” includes not only the entities which have no debts to the Exchequer
or to the Social Security, but also those which, when in debt, prove, when required by law, that the
payment of such debt is guaranteed.
Having assured the payment to the State of possible debts and related interest in any of the ways
foreseen in the above mentioned 282nd of the CPT – which means the presentation of the corresponding
certificate – it is considered that the entities holding financing requests have a regular contributory
Rental and Leasing of Movable Properties (equipment – eligibility)
The share of capital redemption (value of the rented asset) is eligible, according to Decree nr. 2/90, of
January 12th, though not being eligible the paid interest, the lessor’s margin, general expenses,
insurance premiums and taxes related to the leasing contract.
The part of the approved total eligible cost made of the set of resources which are the result, namely, of
sales, leases, provision of services, or other equivalent revenues.
Scientific and Technological Training Component
Set of training contents/activities and a curriculum related to a training course with the purpose of
conveying to the trainees with both the scientific basis and the knowledge of the necessary technologies
for a certain job or professional activity, including the practical activities.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Seasonal Activity
Activity which, on a regular basis, at certain times of the year, chose significant variations in terms of
manpower occupation, leading to more or less defined periods of low activity.
Social and Cultural Component
Set of training contents/activities and a curriculum related to a training course with the purpose of the
personal, social and cultural development of the trainees within the framework of their preparation of a
certain job or activity.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Social Inclusion
Priority of the European Union in the framework of the Lisbon agenda, with the purpose of facilitating
the eradication of poverty and social exclusion.
Social Security Taxes
No taxes for Social Security will be charged upon the amount of the training grants or other aids
granted to the unemployed trainees according to the Decree-Law nr. 8/98, of January 15th.
Specific Regulation
Set of standards applicable to an Operational Programme, to a priority axel, or to a type of intervention
to be complied with by the managing authority, by the intermediate bodies and by the beneficiaries and
approved by the corresponding Ministerial Coordination Commission.
Study Visit
Aims at contributing to consolidate the knowledge acquired during the professional training. The costs
incurred with the implementation of study visits are eligible for ESF purposes.
Support Beneficiary Entities
Natural and legal persons of public or private law, responsible for the start up or for the start up and
implementation of the operations, complying with access requirements established in the Decree which
determines the general arrangements for the application of the ESF and other specific requirements
defined by specific regulations, with the possibility of having their own designation, taking into account
their individual characteristics.
Technical Manager
Professional with an average qualification: highly qualified professionals (level 3 EC), to superior,
graduates or baccalaureate (levels 5 and 4 EC), which carry-out according to their qualifications,
among other, the following duties: research, planning, programming, studying, organization,
management, applying methods and processes of technical nature, with autonomy and responsibility.
Technological Specialization
Qualifying post-secondary training, characterized by the promotion of a high level technical training
and including knowledge and skills belonging to a superior level, allowing for the development of
personal and professional competences adequate to the qualified professional activity. The skills and
knowledge acquired with this allow for the undertaking, in a generally autonomous or independent
way, responsibilities in terms of conception and/or administration and/or management.
Any individual attending a professional training measure.
Specific eligibility cases:
Trainee in different measures – as a principle, it is not admissible for the same trainee to attend
simultaneously two professional training measures, and therefore at least one of those may not be
considered a priority for the granting of the pursued support.
The basic principle to take into account is the aptitude which the objective training conveys to the
participating trainee.
Active Portuguese trainees living abroad – Portuguese trainees living abroad and participating in
reduced training measures within national territory promoted an employer with its head office in
Portugal are eligible.
Non-community foreign trainees – national trainees of a non-member state of the European Union are
eligible, as well as their under-age children, as long as the first have a work visa or a residence visa
valid for Portugal or a proof of the initiation of the procedures to obtain a settlement permission or if
they have a residence permit, should a different treatment not be contemplated by the applicable
International Law instruments.
Skilled individual with specific academic and professional qualifications, whose intervention facilitates
to the trainee the acquisition of knowledge and/or de development of skills, attitudes and behaviors.
According to the determinations of Decree nr. 66/94, of November 18th, with the changes inserted by
Decree nr. 26/97, of July 18th, the pedagogical certification of the trainers is mandatory for training
measures included in the labor market.
Specific cases:
Partner – even not having a job contract with the partnership, if it is the holder of an application, the
partner is considered a possible resident trainer, given the existing capital relationship, for which the
costs considered eligible will always be calculated taking into account the assumption of such
relationship. All other rules established for possible resident trainers are applicable.
When contracting the partner there must be a guarantee that no commercial principles and rules were
violated, namely in what concerns the competition rules and social decisions established by the
Commercial Partnership’s Code.
The same criteria are applicable to the directors and managing partners of the limited companies.
Stritu sensu holders of the societies’ statutory bodies (non-profit ideal or economical purpose) – even
not having a work contract with the association, if it is the holder of an application, the holders of the
social bodies are considered possible resident trainers, as these leaders are socially responsible for the
organization and for the functioning of the whole and namely for its cohesion and permanence.
Training Contract
Written agreement signed between a training entity and a trainee, under which the trainee commits to
attend a certain Professional training course and the entity commits to deliver, at its facilities or those of
others, the necessary tools and information for that purpose.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Training Coordinates
Framing of an action in a certain training system and its correlation to other, considering the existing
training offer at the same qualification level and the same training area, and, also, the upstream and
downstream training offer.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Training Course
Set of training measures integrating a course, selected according to a diagnosis evaluation and to the
wanted exit profile.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Training Entity
Entity of the public, cooperative or private sectors, profit or non-profit, which having to be certified, in
the areas in which it is applied to financing, carries out measures in favor of natural or legal persons,
which are external to it.
Training Human Resources
Individuals intervening in the creation, planning, organization, implementation, follow-up, control and
evaluation of training measures. Concept which integrates the Training Manager, the Training
Coordinator, the Tutor, the Trainer, the Training Monitor, the Professional Supervisor, as well as other
training technicians and administrative staff, directly related with the implementation and support of
training measures.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Training Itinerary
Model of curriculum which is a global training course framing an integrated set of training measures,
each of which is relevant in terms of the competences aimed at in the exit profile.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Training Level
Level of the structure of different training levels in relation to which the positioning of a certain
training measure is defined, according to the level of academic and professional qualifications required
upon admission, the conditions and degree of autonomy in the professional activity and the
competences attributed by attendance with good results of such training measure.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Training Material
Human and material means necessary for training activities.
These are considered as human resources, the intervening and necessary population for the fulfillment
of a training practice.
The equipment and teaching materials are material resources.
Training Material Resources
Necessary means for the implementation of a training, such as: facilities, equipment and learning
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Training Methods
Set of technical and pedagogic procedures used to reach the goals defined for a training measure.
(Includes preparation, usage and evaluation of the required training materials).
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Training Modalities
Types of training determined according to the specific characteristics of the measures, namely, the
goals, the target-group, the curriculum, the methodology and the duration.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Training methodology in which learning takes place by analyzing and solving real problems.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Unemployed – group of the unemployed population available to work and actively looking for a job.
This requirement will be proven with the registration at the Employment Centers or with a declaration
by the person.
In terms of eligibility, seasonal workers are considered unemployed assets.
Unemployed Looking for a First Job
Unemployed Looking for a First Job – Individuals available to enter the labor market who have never
carried out a professional activity or, if they did, its duration as a whole does not amount to 12 months
(360 days). This requirement will be proven with a declaration by the person.
The entities holding financing requests for the development of professional training measures
subsidized by the ESF are covered by the final part of nr. 11 article 9 of the VAT Code. So, when the
activity is considered exempt, the subsidies associated to it are assimilated as counterpart of exempted
transaction, having therefore no right to deduction. This situation justifies for the consideration of the
VAT paid as expenditure eligible for the ESF, according to the Rectification of Regulation (EC) nr.
1081/2006 of the Commission, published in OJ L 166, in 06.28.2007. The opposite interpretation must
be made for entities holding financing requests which have renounced that exemption according to
article 12th of the VAT Code.
Vocational Aptitude Certificate
Official document proving an individual’s aptitude for a certain job or professional activity, the
qualification level and, possibly, the equivalents to school qualifications.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Vocational Guidance
Process for the identification of an individual professional project, taking into account the personal
characteristics and the possibilities for teaching, training and employment, after the intervention of a
professional counselor or vocational guide.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Vocational Training Certificate
Document issued by a training entity certifying that the trainee attended and passed a professional
training course and, possibly, containing information as to the qualification level, the preparation for a
professional activity and the equivalence to school qualifications.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001
Work Position
Homogeneous set of operations and tasks which result in the production of goods or services within
working conditions defined by an entity (company), which are the regular job of a worker.
Work-Linked Training
Training process in which training sequences given by training entities are alternated with training
sequences carried out within the work context.
Source: Terminologia de Formação Profissional, Alguns Conceitos Base III – CIME – 2001

A Aid Scheme Regulatory Framework establishing the