SCHEME 2015/16
Institutes of Technology Ireland
As bolsas foram elaboradas para dar a
oportunidade a estudantes brasileiros, que
já estiveram na Irlanda sob o programa
Ciência sem Fronteiras, de retornar ao país
e fazer um Mestrado em um dos institutos
de tecnologia membros do IOTI. Um total
de dez bolsas serão concedidas pelas
instituições acolhedoras para estudantes
iniciando o ano acadêmico em 2015/2016
ou 2016/2017. Os valores vão de €10.000 e
€12.500 para os custos acadêmicos e uma
contribuição significativa para os custos de
vida do bolsistas no valor de €5.000.
Institutes of Technology Ireland invites Brazilian
students who have studied in Ireland under
Ciência Sem Fronteiras, the opportunity to return
to Ireland to undertake a Master’s programme
(taught or research) at one of the participating
Institutes of Technology.
Ten full fee waivers, including tuition and
registration fees, valued at 10,000 to 12,500
Euro each will be awarded by the receiving
Institutes. In addition there will be a contribution
towards living expenses of 5,000 Euro, for
commencement of study in the 2015/16 or
2016/17 academic years.
Students can apply to study in any
discipline area.
How can students
apply for the scheme?
Each participating Institute will contact its
former CSF students inviting them to apply
for the scholarships. Only students who have
demonstrated a high level of achievement during
their studies in Ireland will be considered.
Institutes will issue invitations to their former CSF
students in March/April 2015.
The closing date for applications
is Friday 8th May 2015.
For further information see
Para mais informações, acesse:
The Minister for Education and Skills, Jan
O’Sullivan on a recent visit to Brazil said
“I know from contacts with the institutes of
technology that the Brazilian students that
have come here to study have not only had a
wonderful educational and cultural experience
with us, but they have also enriched our
campuses. They have formed friendships with
fellow students that will endure and they have
been an absolute credit to their families and
their country.”
