SECRETllXl DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE JOINT TASK FORCE 170 GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA ~YTO APO AE 09360 A TTENTK)N OF 27 September2002 JTF 170-CDR MEMORANDUM FORCommander,United StatesSouthernCommand,351 NW 9Ist Avenue,Miami, FL 33172. SUBJECT: TransferRecommendation for GTMO Detainee,Ibrahim Shafir Shen, ISN: US9TX-OO297DP 1. (S) PersonalInformation: Ibrahim Shafir Shenis a Turkishnationalborn on 1 October1981in Van, Turkey. He is in goodhealth. 2. (FOUO) Detention Information: Subject detainee went to Afghanistan in searchof business opportunities and a wife. Detainee spent six months in Kabul and left Kabul after he heard that Kabul was going to fall to the Northern Alliance. Detainee was apprehendedin approximately November or December 2001 after crossing the border into Pakistan, and turned over to the Pakistani police. Detainee was later transferred to u.S. forces and transported to Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba, arriving on 15 February 2002. Detainee was transferred to Guantanamo Bay detention facility because his travel profile matched that of a terrorist recruit. The detaineewas cooperative, but JTF 170 considers the information obtained from and about him as not valuable or tactically exploitable. 3. (S)Assessment:Basedon currentinfonnation, detaineeISN: US9TX-00297DPis assessed as not affiliated with AI Qaida,andasnot being a Taliban leader. Moreover, basedon the detaineefolder, the knowledgeabilitybrief (KB), and subsequent interrogationsby JTF 170,the resultsof which are availableon the JTF 170detainee database,the detaineehasno furtherintelligencevalueto the United States,andwill not be seenfor further intelligencepurposes.Subjectdetaineehasnot expressedthoughts of violence,or madethreatstowardthe U.S. or its allies duringinterrogations,or in the courseof his detention. Basedon all the above,detaineedoesnot posea future threatto the U.S. or U.S. interests. 4. (8) Recommendation: In view of the foregoing, I recommend subject detaineebe considered for release or transfer to the control of another government. DERIVED FROM: Multiple SoUi\:es CLASSIFIEDBY: ENDURING FREEDOMSOO DATE OF SOURCE:28 March 2002 DECLASSIFYON: Xl SECRETllXl